IBM 3174-11R Controller

3174-11R IBM Establishment Controller Model 11R
The IBM 3174 is an Establishment Controller that provides a broad range of connectivity options, workstation and host attachment possibilities, network asset management capabilities, and expandability features. In addition to options that allow host connections via both local channel and remote communication link connections, the 3174 can connect to the IBM Token-Ring Network or Ethernet LAN Networks (IEEE 802.3 and Ethernet DIX Version 2). The 3174 can connect to an ASCII host, an AS/400, APPN as well as provide the 3270 display controller function. The IBM 3174 ISDN Basic Rate Interface Adapter is available to enable attachment to ISDNs.
Model Abstract 3174-11R
The 3174 Model 11R is a floor-standing remote controller that supports the EIA 232D/CCITT V.24/V.28 or CCITT V.35 interfaces for SDLC, BSC, or X.25 remote link attachment. The Model 11R supports up to sixty-four 3270 devices and twenty-four ASCII devices.
Configuration Support-C Release 6 Enhancements
- APPN enhancements include:
- Support for up to eight T2.1 ESCON channel connections
- Safe store of the APPN topology data base if a hardfile is available
- Frame Relay Communications feature enhancements include:
- Multiport bridging that connects two or more bridge ports with a combination of Token-Ring, frame relay, or Peer Communication support
- Remote source-route bridging that uses frame relay to enable the 3174 bridge to attach Token-Ring and Peer segments to remote Token-Ring and Peer segments
- TCP/IP enhancements include the following:
- IP routing of datagrams through the 3174
- TN3270 support to provide access to 3270 applications using TCP/IP as the transport
- Printer support to allow TCP/IP hosts to send print output 3174 attached printers
- An SNMP extension to support MIB-II variables for RFCs 1213, 1231, and 1398
- Record/Play
- Recording up to 24 separate keystroke sequences and playback on any attached CUT or ASCII terminal
- Extended Language Support
- ASCII Emulation Adapter support for nine additional Eastern European languages for AEA terminals
- Configuration Support-C Release 5 Enhancements
APPN extension:
- APPN routing is provided for Dependent LUs for 3270 terminal and printer applications. This Dependent LU Requester function is used in conjunction with the Dependent LU Server function.
- Management Services of the 3174 APPN NN has been extended to communicate with a Network Management Focal Point using an LU6.2 session and Multiple Domain Support for transport.
- The APPN NN support has been extended to provide T2.1 link connectivity across an X.25 network. As a DTE, the 3174 provides APPN networking services and routing to VTAM/NCP hosts, APPN Network Nodes, APPN End Nodes, or LEN End Nodes in an X.25 network.
- The APPN NN support has been extended to provide T2.1 link connectivity across a Frame Relay Network with up to 225 PVCs.This is in conjunction with Frame Relay Communications feature.
- The requirement for LAN adapter for APPN feature is removed.
- The 3174 NN interoperates with other APPN functions such as Border Nodes of AS400 and VTAM and Central Directory in VTAM.
Frame Relay Communications feature with CS-C Release 5:
- Supporting Frame Relay communications for the 3174 over the primary communications link using RFC 1490 for multiplexing multiple protocols over a single PVC.
- Supporting 802.2 standard for SNA and APPN communications and communications with NCP Frame Relay TE and other products.
- Support for higher speed WAN communications, up to 256Kbps, for the primary communication link for X.21 and V.35 Frame Relay communication.
3174 Configuration Support-C Release 5 enhancements:
- Support for higher speed communications (up to 256 Kbps) for X.21 and V.35 for SDLC communications.
- Enhancements of the 5250 Emulation support.
- MLT support for 3174 coax attached printers to support up to 5 host sessions.
- Extended AEA attached device support to support access to hosts that are attached via the Concurrent Communication Adapter or via the 3174 Single Link Multihost support.
- Concurrent multiple CECP language support.
- Printer sharing among multiple PS/55 multistations without host intervention.
- Configuration Support-C Release 4 Enhancements
Configuration Support-C Release 4.0 is applicable only to 3174s with Ethernet capability (example: a 3174 with feature code 3045). The latest Configuration Support-C functions for non-Ethernet 3174s is provided by Configuration Support-C Release 3.0.
- Configuration Support-C Release 3 Enhancements
APPN Enhancements:
- 3174 Network Node (NN) compatibility in environments where the host is a LEN (Low Entry Networking) node, APPN EN (End Node), APPN NN, Migration Data Host (MDH), or an Interchange Node (IN).
- Support for multiple links into a LEN subarea from an APPN network comprised of 3174s or other APPN nodes.
- Support for the transfer of 3270 and APPN data streams across a single SDLC link between a 3174 and an AS/400.
TCP/IP Support:
- TCP/IP Telnet Support provides Telnet client function for the IBM 3174 Establishment Controller. This support allows interactive access to remote TCP/IP hosts/servers from dependent 3174 attached terminals. Control Unit Terminal (CUT), ASCII, and Distributed Function Terminal-Extended (DFT-E) terminals can communicate directly with TCP/IP hosts/servers. This function was previously provided via RPQ 8Q0935.
Concurrent Communication Adapter Support for Port Expansion Feature:
- Configuration Support-C Release 3 makes it possible for devices attached to the 3174 via the Port Expansion Feature (FC 3100) to access a secondary host via the Concurrent Communication Adapter. In the past, devices attached to ports 32 to 63 could not access applications running on a secondary host link through the Concurrent Communication Adapter, while devices attached to ports 0 to 31 could access applications running on either the primary, secondary, or both host links. With Configuration Support-C Release 3, devices attached to ports 32 to 63 have the same host link access capabilities as devices attached to ports 0 to 31. A maximum of 160 sessions can be customized for each Concurrent Communication Adapter. This function was previously provided via RPQ 8Q0931 for Configuration Support-B only.
HAP Printer Support:
- Configuration Support-C Release 3 also makes it possible to assign a HAP printer (Host Addressable Printer) to a host other than 1A in a Single Link Multihost (SLMH) environment. The HAP printer may be assigned to any host (1A through 1H) that is accessible via the 3174's primary host link.
Configuration Support-C Release 3 also adds 3270 terminal support for Eastern European languages, keyboard IDs, code pages and character sets.
General Characteristics
- Attachment to the IBM Token-Ring Network.
- Attachment to Ethernet DIX Version 2 and IEEE 802.3 LAN Networks.
- Supports up to 250 Down Stream PUs (DSPUs) T2.0 when configured as a Gateway or supports up to 32 ISDN only connected PU T2.0s when configured as an ISDN Gateway.
- An optional Type 1 and Type 2 Concurrent Communication Adapter allowing additional IBM host connection(s) with Configuration Support-B or Configuration Support-C.
- Single Link Multihost Support in Configuration Support-B or C, allowing a 3174 via its primary communication interface (TRN, X.25, or ESCON (SNA only)) to connect to multiple IBM hosts.
- An Asynchronous Emulation Adapter feature that provides: 3270 terminal emulation for ASCII terminals for communication to IBM hosts, ASCII terminal emulation for communication between select 3270 devices or IBM PCs operating in CUT mode and ASCII hosts.
- Host-to-3174 communication link speeds up to 64K bps.
- Cabling to devices via direct attachment to IBM Cabling System media. (Type 1, 2 and 3) No Balum cable assembly required.
- Accommodation for up to 10 Licensed Internal Code RPQs per control unit.
- A 5.25-inch diskette drive, and capacity for an optional second diskette drive or an optional 20MB Fixed Disk Drive feature.
- Network Management functions such as: Response Time Monitor, Network Asset Management, Central Site 3174 Customization Utility and Library, electronic delivery of 3174 customization parameters/microcode, and Central Site invocation of 3174 Online tests (including 3174 IML and 3174 Error Log viewing).
- Varying levels of Multiple Logical Terminal support (memory dependent) allowing 3270 Control Unit Terminals (CUT) and ASCII devices multiple logical connections to both IBM and ASCII hosts.
- A Control Unit Terminal (CUT) or Distributed Function Terminal (DFT) operating in CUT mode attached to port 0 is required for local customization of subsystem Licensed Internal Code or to run offline diagnostics from a display.
- A CUT or DFT terminal operating in CUT mode attached to any port is required to perform online tests.
- With LIC levels prior to Configuration Support-B, Release 3, a CUT or DFT terminal operating in CUT mode attached to any port is required to initiate X.25 communication. After session establishment, all terminals, CUT and DFT, can use the established session.
- 3299 Terminal Multiplexers and/or 3174 Terminal Multiplexer Adapter features are required for maximum terminal attachment capability.
- Configuration Support-A Release 5, Configuration Support-S Release 5, Configuration Support-B, or Configuration Support-C Licensed Internal Code.
Basic Configuration
The following items are part of the standard product configuration and are not required to be specified when ordering a 3174 with these characteristics.
- Power:
1-phase, 3-wire, 60HZ
- 100V - 127V (11R)
- Power Cord:
- 4.3m (14 ft)
- Nonlocking plug
- Communication Cable:
- EIA-232-D V.24/V.28 cable 6m (20ft) (11R)
- Nomenclature:
The following language is shipped:
- English
Terminal Attachment
The 3174 Establishment Controllers offer a wide variety of terminal attachments. They can be configured to connect terminals directly, via 3299 Terminal Multiplexers, via optional Terminal Multiplexer Adapters (#3103) and via optional Telephone Twisted Pair Terminal Multiplexer Adapters (#3105), or by a combination of these attachments.
The 3174 has an integrated four-port terminal adapter which permits up to four terminals to be directly attached, or by using one of the following, up to a maximum of 32 terminals can be attached:
- One to four 3299 Terminal Multiplexers
- One to four Terminal Multiplexer Adapter optional features (#3103)
- Any combination of up to four 3299 Terminal Multiplexers and Terminal Multiplexer Adapter optional features.
- One Telephone Twisted Pair Terminal Multiplexer Adapter (#3105)
The 3174 can be expanded to support up to sixty-four 3270 Category-A devices with the 3270 Port Expansion Feature hardware and Configuration Support-B Release 4 or later or Configuration Support-C. Sixty-four ports are attached by the following combination of terminal multiplexers for Model 11L, 11R, 12L, 12R, 13R, and 14R.
- Any combination of up to eight 8 port multiplexers (3299 Model 002 and 003) and Terminal Multiplexer Adapter optional features (#3103).
- One 32 port multiplexer (3299-032, 3299-32T, or feature #3105) and any combination of up to four 8 port multiplexer (3299 Model 002 and 003) and Terminal Multiplexer Adapter optional feature (#3103)s.
- Any combination of up to two 32 port multiplexers (3299-032, 3299-32T, or feature #3105).
All models support attachment to an IBM 5209 Link Protocol Converter, which allows 3270 devices to be attached to a S/36, S/38, or AS/400 either locally or remotely (via the 5294 or 5394 Remote Control Unit) and concurrently to a S/370 host through a 3174.
All 3174 Models use the same terminal attachment interface architectures; they are the same as used by the 3274. Documentation describing the interface between 3X74 control units and their attached terminals is available.
The displays, printers, PS/2s, 3270-PCs, and IBM PCs (and associated emulation software) supported for attachment to the 3174 are listed below. Products and software not specifically listed should be tested by the customer to verify correct operation. Continued improvements in the 3174 and attaching terminals may require Licensed Internal Code or hardware updates to the attaching products. Refer to RETAIN for information on product compatibility.
Either RG-62A/U coaxial cable, IBM Cabling System media or specified telephone twisted-pair wire (IBM Cabling System Type 3 media) can be used for connections to the 3174. Depending on the type of wire used, the distance between the 3174 and its attached terminals can be up to 1,500m (4,920 ft); when a 3299 is used, the maximum distance can be up to 3,000m (9,840 ft). The 3174 ports have Dual Purpose Connectors (DPC), which do not require a BALUNs to connect IBM Cabling System Types 1, 2, or 9 media, however some terminals may require a BALUN for IBM Cabling System attachment. (Refer to the appropriate terminal pages.) Using a BALUN reduces the maximum allowable wire lengths as shown below.
3174 Terminal Attachment Maximum Wire Lengths
| |RG-62A/U | MEDIA |
| |Coaxial |---------------------|
|Number| Cable |Types 1 & 2| Type 9 |
| of |-------------------------------|
|Baluns| m | ft | m | ft | m | ft |
| 0 |1500|4920| 1500| 4920|1000|3280|
| 1 |N/A |N/A | 1000| 3280| 667|2186|
IBM Cabling System Type 3 Media (specified telephone twisted-pair wire) can also be used for connections to the 3174. Connection to the telephone twisted-pair can be via the IBM 3270 Dual Purpose Connector to Twisted-Pair Adapter (DPC-T3) or equivalent. When devices are attached to the 3174 using telephone twisted-pair wiring, the maximum wire length is 275m (900 ft) and the minimum is 30.5m (100ft).
ASCII Attachment
The AEA adapter card provides 8 asynchronous serial communication ports. An asynchronous ASCII device or host may be attached to each of the 8 ports using direct connection, or a communication link (switched or nonswitched) facility. The AEA asynchronous functions provided are:
- ASCII Terminal Emulation: Select 3270 displays can emulate a 3101 or DEC VT100 display, and 3270 Printers can emulate an ASCII printer for connection to a ASCII host(s) or public data network.
- 3270 Terminal Emulation: ASCII displays can emulate a 3178 Model C2 or 3279 Model 2A (4-color display), and ASCII printers can emulate a 3287 Model 2 for connection to an IBM host.
- ASCII Pass-Through: ASCII displays and printers can connect to ASCII hosts and public data networks through the adapter.
System Attachment
| PROCESSOR---------*--------*-------------*---------*---------*---*
| | 11L | 12L | 11R | 12R | 13R |14R|
| (Others -----*--------*-------*----*---------*--------------*---*
| supported|Non-|SNA|Non-|SNA|BSC|SNA/|SNA/|SNA/|SNA/| SNA |SNA|
| via RPQ) |SNA | |SNA | | |SDLC|X.25|SDLC|X.25|----*----| |
| | | | | | | | | | | 4Mb|16Mb| |
| 308X | X | X | - | - | X | X | X | X | X | @ | @ | * |
| ES/3090 | X | X | - | - | X | X | X | X | X | @ | @ | * |
| ES/9000 | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | @ | * |
| 4361 | X | X | - | - | X | X | X | X | X | @ | @ | * |
| 4381 | X | X | - | - | X | X | X | X | X | @ | @ | * |
| 8100/DPPX| - | - | - | - | - | X | X | X | X | - | - | - |
| ES/9370 | X | X | - | - | X | X | X | X | X | X,@| X,@| * |
| AS/400 | - | - | - | - | - | X | X | X | X | X | X | * |
| S/1 | - | - | - | - | X | X | - | X | - | X | X | * |
| S/36 | - | - | - | - | - | X | X | X | X | - | - | - |
| S/38 | - | - | - | - | - | X | X | X | X | - | - | - |
| S/88 | - | - | - | - | X | X | - | X1 | - | - | - | - |
* -- Is supported when attached through a SNA Ethernet Gateway
X -- Is supported
@ -- Is supported when attached through a Token-Ring Gateway
Other system/processor attachments may be supported by RPQ, as appropriate. Use the HONE/INFO RPQ application to review for any additional supported systems. Use a search argument of "3174".
Remote Link Attachment
3174 Model 11R and 12R can attach to a 308X, 3090, 4361/4381, ES/9000, or 9370 via a 3720, 3725, or 3745 Communications Controller. Attachment to S/1, S/36, S/38, AS/400, S/88 and 8100 (DPPX only) is via communications features in those products. Refer to their "Machines" pages. Attachment to the 4361 and 937X may also be via its Communications Adapter or to the 9370 Telecommunication Subsystem Controller. A modem or other Data Circuit-Terminating Equipment (DCE) is required, unless the host processor or system provides a method of direct-connection attachment, without the need for a DCE.
With Configuration Support-C Release 5 LIC,
Communication speeds up to 256kb are supported on the 3174 primary
communications CCITT V.35 and CCITT X.21 interfaces. Actual performance
will depend on what other functions the 3174 is supporting.
The Model 11R can also attach via
the 5821 or the 3710 Network Controller.
For SNA 3270, LAN Gateway, and APPN, the 3174 Frame Relay uses IEEE 802.2 Logical Link Control. With this interface, the 3174 interconnects with other products such as 3745, RouteXpander/2, AS/400, and other 3174s. The 3174, or a downstream PU using 3174 LAN gateway support, uses Frame Relay Boundary Node function in NCP V7R1. The 3174 APPN Network Node can interface to other APPN nodes, such as RouteXpander/2, 3174, AS/400, and VTAM/NCP.
TCP/IP on the 3174 can use a frame relay network to a TCP/IP host or IP router, such as the 6611 or a 3745 using the Frame Relay Frame Handler support in NCP.
3174 Model 11R has a base CCITT V.35 communication link. 3174 Model 12R has a base CCITT X.21 communication interface. 3174 Models 13R and 14R requires the Teleprocessing Adapter (feature #3041 or #3043). For the CCITT X.21 interface, leased X.21 lines with 4 wire support are required. 3174 Models 01R, 02R, 03R, 51R, and 53R are not supported.
IBM ISDN Attachment
Using the IBM ISDN Basic Rate Interface Adapter (#3055), the 3174 Model 11R provides downstream communication through an ISDN Network to an ISDN-capable PU T2.0 device. Each ISDN Adapter contains four incoming ports. Each port on the ISDN Adapter represents an ISDN Basic Rate Interface. Each interface consists of one signal channel and two data transmission channels. The signal channel operates at 16 Kbps. The data transmission channel (or B-channels) operate at 64 Kbps, and each channel can support a logical end-to-end connection with a downstream workstation.
The network attachments supported by the ISDN Adapter are:
- U.S. AT&T 5ESS/5E4, 5E5, 5E6
- U.S. Northern Telecom DMS 100/BSC 29 & BSC 31
- Japan NTT INSNET-64
- U.K. BTNR-191
- France VN2
- Germany 1TR6
Communications Facilities
3174 Models 11R, 12R, 21R, 61R, 62R, 90R, 91R, and 92R
operate in data half-duplex point-to-point or
multipoint modes on duplex or half-duplex nonswitched facilities, and
half-duplex point-to-point mode on switched facilities as listed below.
Operation on switched network facilities is supported only through SNA/SDLC for non-APPN, non-Token-Ring Gateway 3174 configurations. See the 2700 pages for specific country networks that are supported.
3174 MODEL 11R/21R/61R/90R/91R:
|INTERFACE |Pages) |PROTOCOL |(bps)|
|EIA |D,G | BSC @ |19.2K|
| EIA232-D/ |----------|---------|-----|
| V.24/28 |----------|---------|-----|
| (External | | SNA/SDLC|19.2K|
| clocking | |(X.21bis)| |
|required) |K,M | | |
| |----------|---------|-----|
| |P | X.25 @ |19.2K|
| | |(X.21bis)| |
|CCITT V.35 |D,G | BSC @ |19.2K|
| |----------|---------|-----|
|(External |D,E,G | SNA/SDLC|64K |
|clocking |----------|---------|-----|
|required) |M | SNA/SDLC|256K |
| | |(X.21bis)| |
| |----------|---------|-----|
| |P | X.25 @ |64K |
| | |(X.21bis)| |
@ = Not available on Model 90R.3174 MODEL 12R/(EMEA 22R)/62R/92R *--------------------------------------* |CCITT X.21 |L | SNA/SDLC|64K | | |----------|---------|-----| | |N | SNA/SDLC|256K | | |----------|---------|-----| | |Q | X.25 |64K | *--------------------------------------*
| Modems | Line |Mode| Lines | CNM |
| | Speeds | | |LPDA |
|3834 Mdl 1 |4800/2400 |Sync|Nonsw voice grade | 1 |
|3864 Mdl 2 |4800/2400 |Sync|Sw or Nonsw voice grade | 1 |
|5811 Mdl 20 |2400 to 19200 |Sync|Nonsw limited distance | no |
| |45.5 to 19200 |Asyn|Nonsw limited distance | no |
| Mdl 28 | | |Rack version of model 20| no |
|5812 Mdl 10 |2400 to 19200 |Sync|Nonsw limited distance | 1 |
| |45.5 to 19200 |Asyn|Nonsw limited distance | no |
| Mdl 18 | | |Rack version of model 10 | 1 |
|5865 Mdl 2/3|9600/7200/4800|Sync|Nonsw voice grade | 1,2 |
|5868 Mdl 52 | |Sync|Rack version of 5865 Mdl 2 | 1,2 |
|5866 Mdl 2/3|14400/9600 |Sync|Nonsw voice grade | 1,2 |
|5868 Mdl 62 | |Sync|Rack version of 5866 Mdl 2 | 1,2 |
|7861 Mdl 14 |4800/2400 |Sync|Nonsw voice grade 1 port | 1,2 |
|7861 Mdl 15 |9600/7200/4800|Sync|Nonsw voice grade 1 port | 1,2 |
|7861 Mdl 16 |14400/12000 |Sync|Nonsw voice grade 1 port | 1,2 |
|7861 Mdl 24 |4800/2400 |Sync|Nonsw voice grade 2 ports | 1,2 |
|7868 Mdl 24 | | |Rack version of 7861 Mdl 24| 1,2 |
|7861 Mdl 25 |9600/7200/4800|Sync|Nonsw voice grade 2 ports | 1,2 |
|7868 Mdl 25 | | |Rack version of 7861 Mdl 25| 1,2 |
|7861 Mdl 26 |14400/12000 |Sync|Nonsw voice grade 2 ports | 1,2 |
|7868 Mdl 26 | | |Rack version of 7861 Mdl 26| 1,2 |
|7861 Mdl 45 |9600/7200/4800|Sync|Nonsw voice grade 4 ports | 1,2 |
|7868 Mdl 45 | | |Rack version of 7861 Mdl 45| 1,2 |
|7861 Mdl 46 |14400/12000 |Sync|Nonsw voice grade 4 ports | 1,2 |
|7868 Mdl 46 | | |Rack version of 7861 Mdl 46| 1,2 |
|7861 Mdl 47 |19200/16800 |Sync|Nonsw voice grade 4 ports | 1,2 |
|7868 Mdl 47 | | |Rack version of 7861 Mdl 47| 1,2 |
|7820 Mdl 01 |up to 64000 |Sync|ISDN Terminal adapter | 2 |
------------------------------------------------------------------| |5822 Mdl 10 |2400 to 56000 |Sync|Dataphone Digital Service | 2 | | |+ 19200 |Sync|Nonsw limited distance | 2 | | Mdl 18 | | |Rack version of Mdl 10 | 2 | |5821 Mdl 10 |2400 to 56000 |Sync|Dataphone Digital Service | no | | |+ 19200 |Sync|Nonsw limited distance | no | |5841 |75 to 1200 | |Sw or Nonsw Sw voice grade | no | |5853 |1200/2400 |Sync|Sw or Nonsw Sw voice grade | no | | |45.5 to 2400 |Asyn|Sw or Nonsw Sw voice grade | no | ------------------------------------------------------------------Note A: For CNM LPDA column, 1 = LPDA-1 support and 2 = LPDA-2 support.
Appropriate levels of software required.
Note B: 4-wire Switched Network Backup is available on 586X and 786X
modems with feature #7953 installed.
2-Wire Switched Network Backup is available on 586X and 786X
modems with feature #7952 installed.
See your TCM branch/TP coordinator for country limitations.
Note C: For further details on specific modems, see CFMODEM HONE
configurator or the Sales Manual Pages under the modem machine
Note D: Asynchronous modems may be attached to the 786X model 2X and 4X
Non-IBM DCEs complying with EIA 232-D, CCITT Recommendations V.24/V.28, V.35, or X.21 may be attached to Models 11R, 12R, 21R, (EMEA 22R), 61R, 62R, 91R, and 92R under provisions of the IBM Multiple Supplier Systems Bulletin. The same provisions apply to Model 90R with the exception of X.21.
Prior to Configuration Support-C Release 5 Licensed Internal Code, data transmission speeds up to 64,000 bits per second are supported for V.35 and X.21 links. With Configuration Support-C Release 5 Licensed Internal Code and above, data transmission speeds up to 256,000 bits per second are supported for V.35 and X.21 links. External clocking from the DCE is required.
Public Data Networks
Models 12R, (EMEA 22R), 62R, and 92R attach to X.21 switched, X.21 nonswitched, and X.25 Public Data Networks as listed in Charts K, L, M, N, P, and Q of the 2700 pages. Keyboard labels are provided to facilitate X.21 switched network and X.25 session setup and termination. Extra labels are available; see "SUPPLIES".
Models 11R, 21R, 61R, and 91R attach to X.25 Public Data Networks via an X.21bis interface.
Prior to Configuration Support-C Release 5 Licensed Internal Code, data transmission speeds up to 64,000 bits per second are supported for X.21 links. With Configuration Support-C Release 5 Licensed Internal Code and above, data transmission speeds up to 256,000 bits per second are supported for X.21 links. External clocking from the DCE is required.
5821 Channel Service Unit (CSU) and Data Service Unit (DSU)
The 3174 Models 11R, 21R, 61R, 90R, and 91R can communicate on
carrier-provided Digital Data Service (DDS) point-to-point or
facilities via a 5821 at speeds of 2.4, 4.8, 9.6, and 56K bps. The
Models 11R, 21R, 61R, 90R, and 91R can also communicate on privately
owned 4-wire,
twisted-pair, point-to-point facilities at 2.4, 4.8, 9.6, 19.2, and
56K bps via a 5821 operating as a Limited Distance Modem (LDM).
3710 Network Controller
The 3174 Models 11R, 21R, 61R, 90R, and 91R can attach to the 3710 Network Controller as indicated in the chart below. The maximum total cable length permitted between the 3174 and the 3710 is 15m (50 ft).
| | B | S | 3174 Model |
| SPEED | S | D | 11R/21R/61R|
| (K bps) | C | L | 90R/91R |
| | | C | INTERFACE |
|3710 FEATURE #7001 | | |
|2.4/3.6/4.8/ | X | X | EIA232-D |
|7.2/9.6/ | | | (V.24/28) |
| | | | |
| 14.4/19.2 | | | |
|3710 FEATURE #7005 | | | |
| 2.4/3.6/4.8 | X | X | CCITT V.35 |
| 7.2/9.6/ | | | |
| 14.4/19.2/ | | | |
|-------------------|---|---| |
| 48/56/64 | - | X | |
Direct-Connection Attachment
3174 Models 11R, 12R, 21R, (EMEA 22R), 61R, 62R, 90R, 91R, and 92R can communicate with IBM hosts without the need for modems or other data circuit-terminating equipment. This method of 'direct-connection' attachment is made through the 3174 EIA 232-D (CCITT V.24/V.28), CCITT X.21, or CCITT V.35 interface, via appropriate connecting cables, to the direct-connection product's interface. The direct-connection product must provide bit clocking to the 3174.
Products that support direct-connection attachment of the 3174 are listed in the following table. Only the interface features needed by the direct-connection products are listed; they may have prerequisites, therefore the "Machines" pages for those products should be reviewed.
The maximum, total cable length allowed between the 3174 interface and the host product interface is 122m (400 ft), unless the host product imposes a shorter limit. The physical planning manuals for those products can provide cabling data and other information necessary for direct-connection attachment.
|HOST |HOST |SPEED |B|S|3174 |
|PRO- |PRODUCT|(K bps) |S|D|MODEL/ |
| |NUMBER | | |C|FACE |
|-------------------------------------- |
|3720/|#4911 |2.4/4.8/9.6/|X|X|11R/21R/61R|
|3721 |(LIC-1)|19.2 | | |90R/91R |
| | | | | |V.24 |
| |-------|------------|-|-|-----------|
| |#4931 |2.4/4.8/9.6/|X|X|11R/21R/61R|
| |(LIC-3)|19.2 | | |90R/91R |
| | |------------|-|-| |
| | |38.4/56/245 |-|X|V.35 |
| |-------|------------|-|-|-----------|
| |#4941 |2.4/4.8/9.6 |-|X|12R/62R/92R|
| |LIC-4A | | | |(EMEA 22R) |
| | | | | |X.21 |
| |-------|------------|-|-|-----------|
| |#4942 |2.4/4.8/9.6/|-|X|12R/62R/92R|
| |LIC-4B |9.6/19.2/56/| | |(EMEA 22R) |
| | |245 | | |X.21 |
|3725/|#4911 |2.4/4.8/9.6/|X|X|11R/21R/61R|
|3726 |(LIC-1)|19.2 | | |90R/91R |
| | | | | |V.24 |
| |-------|------------|-|-|-----------|
| |#4931 |2.4/4.8/9.6/|X|X|11R/21R/61R|
| |(LIC-3)|19.2 | | |90R/91R |
| | |------------|-|-|V.35 |
| | |56/245 |-|X| |
| |-------|------------|-|-|-----------|
| |#4941 |2.4/4.8/9.6 |-|X|12R/62R/92R|
| |LIC-4A | | | |(EMEA 22R) |
| | | | | |X.21 |
| |-------|------------|-|-|-----------|
| |#4942 |2.4/4.8/ |-|X|12R/62R/92R|
| |LIC-4B |9.6/19.2/56 | | |(EMEA 22R) |
| | |245 | | |X.21 |
|3745/|#4911 |2.4/4.8/9.6/|X|X|11R/21R/61R|
|3746 |(LIC-1)|19.2 | | |90R/91R |
| | | | | |V.24 |
| |-------|------------|-|-|-----------|
| |#4931 |2.4/4.8/9.6/|X|X|11R/21R/61R|
| |(LIC-3)|19.2 | | |90R/91R |
| | |------------|-|-|V.35 |
| | |56/245 |-|X| |
| |-------|------------|-|-|-----------|
| |#4941 |2.4/4.8/9.6 |-|X|12R/62R/92R|
| |LIC-4A | | | |(EMEA 22R) |
| | | | | |X.21 |
| |-------|------------|-|-|-----------|
| |#4942 |2.4/4.8/ |-|X|12R/62R/92R|
| |LIC-4B |9.6/19.2/56 | | |(EMEA 22R) |
| | |245 | | |X.21 |
| |-------|------------|-|-|-----------|
| |#5210 |2.4/4.8/9.6/|-|X|11R/21R/61R|
| |LIC-11 |19.2/38.4 | | |90R/91R |
| | |56/64/256 | | |V.35 |
| | | |-|X|12R/62R/92R|
| | | | | |(EMEA 22R) |
| | | | | |X.21 |
|4361 |#4801 |2.4/4.8/9.6 |X|X|11R/21R/61R|
| | | | | |90R/91R |
| | | | | |V.24 |
|8101,|#3701 |2.4/4.8/9.6 |-|X|11R/21R/61R|
|8130,|(FACs | | | |90R/91R |
|8140-|15-16) | | | |V.24 |
|Mod- |-------|------------|-|-|-----------|
|els |#1550 |2.4/4.8/ |-|X|11R/21R/61R|
|A & B|(FACs |9.6/56 | | |90R/91R |
| |24-26) | | | |V.35 |
|8140-|#1621 |4.8 |-|X|11R/21R/61R|
| | | | | |90R/91R |
|Model| | | | |V.24 |
|C |-------|------------|-|-|-----------|
| |#1614 |56 |-|X|11R/21R/61R|
| | | | | |90R/91R |
| | | | | |V.35 |
|8150 |#1733 |4.8/9.6 |-|X|11R/21R/61R|
| |or#1734| | | |90R/91R |
| | | | | |V.24 |
| |-------|------------|-|-|-----------|
| |#1742 |56 |-|X|11R/21R/61R|
| |or#1745| | | |90R/91R |
| | | | | |V.35 |
|9370 |#6031 |2.4/4.8/9.6 |X|X|11R/21R/61R|
| | | | | |90R/91R |
| | | | | |V.24 |
|ES/ |#6031 |2.4/4.8/9.6 |X|X|11R/21R/61R|
|XXXX | | | | |90R/91R |
| | | | | |V.24 |
Model Description 3174-11R
The 3174 Establishment Controller Model 11R supports up to eighty-eight attaching devices (up to sixty-four 3270 devices and twenty-four ASCII devices).
Note: 3174 Model 11R has four base 3270 coax ports.
To attach greater than four 3270 devices requires Terminal Multiplexer Adapters or 3299 Terminal Multiplexers. To attach greater than nine 3270 devices requires a 3299 Terminal Multiplexer. To attach greater than four 3270 devices requires a 3299 Terminal Multiplexer.
Note: The 3270 Port Expansion Feature must be installed to support sixty-four 3270 devices. Licensed Internal Code Configuration Support-B, Release 4 or later or Configuration Support-C is required to support sixty-four 3270 devices.
Model Summary Matrix
FEATURES | | | | | | |
BASE STORAGE..............................| 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
STORAGE EXPANSION SLOTS...................| 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
Maximum STORAGE(MB)......................| 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 |
STORAGE-1MB (#1012) ............| Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
STORAGE-2MB (#1014) ............| Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
BASE DASD, DISKETTE DRIVE (MB)............|2.4|2.4|2.4|2.4|2.4|2.4|
DASD, ADDITIONAL ATTACHMENTS..............| 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 |
2ND DISKETTE DRIVE (#1048)...............| Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
20MB FIXED DISK DRIVE (#1056)............| 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
BASE 3270 TERMINAL ATTACHMENT PORTS.......| 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
3270 TERMINAL ATTACHMENT PORTS (BASE).....|32 |32 |32 |32 |32 |32 |
3270 TERMINAL ATTACHMENT PORTS (MAX) .....|64 |64 |64 |64 |64 |64 |
TMA, 8 PORTS EACH (#3103) ...............|1-8|1-8|1-8|1-8|1-8|1-8|
3299, 8 PORTS EACH ......................|1-8|1-8|1-8|1-8|1-8|1-8|
3299, 32 PORTS EACH .....................|1-2|1-2|1-2|1-2|1-2|1-2|
S/370 CHANNEL (SNA/NON-SNA)..............| Y | - | - | - | - | - |
ESCON S/390 CHANNEL (SNA/NON-SNA)........| - | - | Y | - | - | - |
EIA-232D /V.24/V.28/V.35.................| - | Y | - | - | - | - |
X.21.....................................| - | - | - | Y | - | - |
TOKEN-RING (16/4M Bps)...................| - | - | - | - | Y | - |
ETHERNET LAN Attachment..................| - | - | - | - | - | Y |
4-WIRE SNBU..............................| N | Y | N | N | N | N |
EIA-232D/V.24/V.28 (#3040)...............| Y | N | N | Y | Y | Y |
V.35(#3041)..............................| Y | N | N | Y | Y | Y |
For France only
V.35 (#3042).............................| Y | N | N | Y | Y | Y |
X.21 (#3043).............................| Y | N | N | Y | Y | Y |
TOKEN-RING 16/4MBps(#3044)...............| Y | Y | Y | Y | N | Y |
Ethernet LAN (#3045).....................| Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | N |
| | | | | | |
(CS-B OR CS-C REQ'D): | | | | | | |
MAX NUMBER OF CCA FEATURES...............| 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
EIA-232D/V.24/V.28 (#3050)...............| Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
V.35(#3051)..............................| Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
For France only
V.35 (#3052).............................| Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
X.21 (#3053).............................| Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
| | | | | | |
ASCII: | | | | | | |
Maximum ASCII PORTS......................| 24| 24| 24| 24| 24| 24|
AEA-8 PORT (#3020).......................|1-3|1-3|1-3|1-3|1-3|1-3|
| | | | | | |
TOKEN-RING: | | | | | | |
TOKEN-RING GTWY (#3026)................| Y | Y | Y | N | N | N |
TOKEN-RING GTWY(CS-B/#3044)..............| Y | Y | Y | Y | N | N |
| | | | | | |
ETHERNET: | | | | | | |
ETHERNET SUPPORT (#3045).................| Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | N |
| | | | | | |
ISDN BRI ADAPTER (#3055)..................| Y | Y | Y | Y | N | N |
ENCRYPT/DECRYPT ADAPTER...................| N | N | N | N | N | N |
| | | | | | |
CONFIG SUPPORT-A5 (#9010)................| Y | Y | Y | N | Y | Y |
CONFIG SUPPORT-S5 (#3026)................| Y | Y | Y | N | N | N |
CONFIG SUPPORT-B (#5010) ...............| Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
CONFIG SUPPORT-C (#6010)................| Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
CONFIG SUPPORT-C (#6015)................| Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
APPN ................| Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
PEER COMMUNICATION ................| Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
FRAME RELAY (#7020)................| N | Y | N | Y | Y | Y |
This section is not applicable to the 3174.
Customer Setup (CSU)
All models, model conversions, and features ordered via MES after the machine is shipped from IBM are designated as Customer Setup. See Customer Responsibilities for details.)
Customer Responsibilities
The customer is responsible for:
- Adequate site, system, and other vendor preparation.
- Price quotations, installation, and costs (initial and recurring) of common carrier equipment and service.
- Receipt at the customer's receiving dock, unpacking, and placement of the unit.
- Procuring and attaching appropriate cables for
connections between the Asynchronous Emulation Adapter and
- Physical setup, connection of cables to communication lines/modems and IBM CSU devices, setting switches, and check out.
- Performing customization in accordance with IBM-supplied
- For initial setup.
- When made necessary by changes in configuration.
- For updating control unit diskettes (at customer option).
- When initializing and updating the keyboard tables using the Keyboard Definition facility of the customization procedure.
- Contacting IBM
to make 3174 cable connections to non-CSU IBM units.
- Setup of Model conversions and features ordered after the unit is shipped from IBM.
- Using the problem determination procedures provided with the unit prior to calling IBM for service.
- Following instructions provided by IBM regarding relocation.
- When using CECP, ensure their IBM and non-IBM applications are compatible with CECP support.
Devices Supported
Display and Printer Attachment
The following displays and printers are supported for attachment to the 3174. (See Note 1.) Some units may not be available in all countries.
- 2390-001 Personal Printer Series II
- 2391-001 Personal Printer Series II
- *3178-C10, C20, C30, C40 Display Station
- *3179-1 Color Display Station
- 3179-G1, G2 Color Display Station
- *3180-1 Display Station
- *3191-A1X, B1X, D1X, D2X, E1X, E2X, L1X, L2X A2X, A3X, A4X, B2X, B3X, B4X, D3X, E3X, L3X Display Station
- *3192-C1X, C2X, F1X, F2X, L1X, L2X, C3X, F3X, L3X Color Display Station
- *3192-D1X, D2X, D3X, W1X, W2X Display Station
- 3192-G1X, G2X, G3X, G4X, G2X, G3X, G4X Color Graphics Display Station
- 3193-1, 2 (Note 2) Display Station
- *3194-C10, C20, D10, D20, H10, H20, C30, D30, H30, H50 Display Terminal
- 3262-3, 13 Line Printer
- 3268-2 Printer
- 3268-2C Color Printer
- *3278-2, 3, 4, 5 Display Station
- *3279-S2A, S2B, S3G, 2X, 3X Color Display Station
- 3287-1, 2 (#8331) Printer
- 3287-1C, 2C Printer
- 3290-001, 220, 230, T30 Information Panel
- 3471 Model B - BA1, B61, BA3, B63
- *3471-EAX, EGX Display Station
- *3472-FGX, FAX, FCX, FDX Display Station
- 3472-GCX Color Graphics Display Station
- *3472-HGX, HCX, HDX, CA0, CB0, CC0, DA0, DB0, DC0, EA0, WA0, WB0, WC0 Infowindow
- *3472-MC1, MC3, GA0, GB0, GC0 InfoWindow
- 3481-BAX, BGX Display Station
- 3482-HAX, HCX, HGX Display Station
- 3812-2 (#3190) Pageprinter
- 3814-A1, A2, A3, A4 (#1440) Switching Management System
- 3816-01S, 01D (#7653) Page Printer
- 3912 Page Printer Models NS0, NS1
- 3916-NS0, NS1 Page Printer
- 3930-02S, 02D (#9476) Page Printer
- 4028 Model NS1 LaserPrinter
- 4214-1 Printer
- 4224-201, 202, 2E2, 2E3, 2C2 Printer
- 4230 Matrix Printer, Models 201, 2I2, 2S2, 202, 53S, and 5I3
- 4247 Serial Matrix Printer Model 001
- 4247 Serial Matrix Printer Model 002
- 4226-302 Printer
- 4234-1, 7 and 11 Dot Band Printer
- 4245-D12, D20 (Note 2) Line Printer
- 4250-1 (Notes 2, 3) Printer
- 4250-2 (Notes 2, 3) 4250 II ElectroCompositor
- 5210-G1, G2 Printer
- 5227-11 Printer
- 5578 (Note 5) Japanese Workstation
- 6182-031 (6182 RPQ 8K1723)
- 6252 D Model Impactwriter Printers
- 6262-D12, D14 (Note 2) Line Printer
- 6400 Line Matrix Printer All models
- 6408-CT0, CTA Line Matrix Printer
- 6412-CT0, CTA Line Matrix Printer
- OEM Devices & Subsystems (Note 4) Serial OEM Interface
*Control unit terminal (CUT) or terminal that can operate in CUT mode and be used for customization, running 3174 offline diagnostics, performing RAS tests, and/or establishing X.21/X.25 sessions.
- 3278 Model 1 displays (960-character buffer) and the "960-Character Print Operation" option that is available on some printers are not supported.
- The high data volumes possible with this device may not be realized when attached to Models 11R via TP links. It is strongly recommended that the Performance Guidelines on HONE be consulted to determine what performance may be expected.
- Attachment to Model 11R requires 4250 RPQ 7B0980.
Personal System/2s and Personal Computer Attachment
The following IBM PS/2s and PCs are supported for attachment to the 3174 when emulating the functions of a 3278 Display Station Model 2 or a 3279 Color Display Station Model 2A or S2A through the software listed below. IBM PS/2s and PCs operating in CUT mode (AP only except for the 5550 family) can be used for customization, running 3174 offline diagnostics, performing RAS tests, and/or establishing X.21/X.25 sessions. The Type/Model(s) /Prerequisite/ (Names) are:
- 8525 All /#5050/ (Personal System/2 Model 25)
- 8530 All /#5050/ (Personal System/2 Model 30)
- 8535-040, 043, 24X (Personal System/2 Models 35SX, 35LS)
- 8540-040, 043, 045 (Personal System/2 Model 40SX)
- 8550-021 /#2000/ (Personal System/2 Model 50)
- 8550-031, 061 /#2000/ (Personal System/2 Model 50Z)
- 8555SX-031, 061 /#2000/ (Personal System/2 Model 55)
- 8555-041, 081 (Personal System/2 Model 55SX)
- 8557-045, 049 (Personal System/2 Model 57SX)
- 8560-041, 071 /#2000/ (Personal System/2 Model 60)
- 8565SX-061, 121 , 321 /#2000/ (Personal System/2 Model 65)
- 8570-A21, E61, 121 /#2000/ (Personal System/2 Model 70)
- 8570-081, 161, A81, A16 (Personal System/2 Model 70-386)
- 8573-031, 161, 401 (Personal System/2 Model 70)
- 8580-041, 071, 081, 111, 121, 161, A16, A21, A31, 311, 321 /#2000/ (Personal System/2 Model 80)
- 8590-0J5, 0JD, 0KD, 0G5, 0G9 (Personal System/2 Model 90)
- 8595-0J9, 0JD, 0KD, 0JF, 0KF, 0G9, 0GF (Personal System/2 Model 90)
- 5150 All /#5050/ (Personal Computer)
- 5160-068, 078, 086, 087, 088, 089, 267, 268, 277, 278 /#2507 or #5050/ (Personal Computer XT)
- 5170-068, 099, 239, 319, 339 /#2507 or #5050/ (Personal Computer AT)
- 5170-599, 739, 919, 939 (Personal Computer AT/370)
- 5531 /#5050/ (Industrial Computer
- 6150-20, 25, A25 (RT Personal Computer)
- 6151-10 (RT Personal Computer)
- 7531-111 /#5050/ (Industrial Computer)
- 7532-111 /#5050/ (Industrial Computer)
- 7552-040,140,540 /#5050/ (Industrial Computer)
- 9370 (Processor Console)
The 3270-PCs supported for attachment to the 3174 are listed below. Current host communications programs that support a 3270-PC attached to a 3274 will work unchanged with a 3270-PC attached to a 3174. Any 3270-PC operating in CUT mode can be used for customization, running 3174 offline diagnostics, performing RAS tests, and/or establishing X.21/X.25 sessions. The Type/Model(s) (Names) are:
- 5271 All (3270-PC)
- 5273 All (3270-PC AT)
- 5371 All (3270-PC/G, GX)
- 5373 All (3270-PC AT/G, AT/GX)
PC 3278/79 Emulation and File Transfer Software
The IBM PCs listed above are supported for attachment to the 3174 when configured to operate with:
- OS/2 Extended Edition V1.0
- OS/2 Extended Edition V1.1
- OS/2 Extended Edition V1.2
- OS/2 Extended Edition V1.3
- Personal Computer 3278/79 Emulation Control Program Version 2 (P/N 8665780)
- IBM PC 3270 Emulation Program, Entry-Level (P/N 59X9904)
- IBM PC 3270 Emulation Program Entry-Level Version 1.1 (P/N 75X1037)
- IBM PC 3270 Emulation Program Entry-Level Version 1.2 (P/N 75X1085)
- IBM PC 3270 Emulation Program Entry-Level Version 2.0
- IBM PC 3270 Emulation Program Version 3 (P/N 59X9969)
- IBM Personal Communications/3270 Version 1 (P/N 15F7121)
- IBM Personal Communications/3270 Version 2
- 3270 Workstation Program Version 1.0 (P/N 74X9921) and Version 1.1 (P/N 75X1088)
- RT Personal Computer 3278/79 Emulation Program (PP 5669-052)
- IBM Virtual Machine/Personal Computer Release 2 (P/N 6467040)
- Personal Services/PC Release 1.04 (P/N 6403826) or higher
- VM Bond Release 2 (P/N 6467022)
- VM Bond Release 2.1 (P/N 6476128)
- AIX/RT Workstation Host Interface Program (5601-189)
- DrawMaster Workstation Support (5601-100)
IBM PC Host File Transfer Software
The 3174 supports the following host file transfer programs that allow the IBM PCs listed above to perform file transfers. Refer to the appropriate product documentation for details on the supported configurations.
- PC Bond (PP 5664-298)
- Virtual Machine/Personal Computer Release 2 (PP 5664-319)
- MVS/TSO (PP 5665-311)
- VM/SP (PP 5664-281)
- DISOSS - for MVS (PP 5665-290)
- DISOSS - for VSE (PP 5666-270)
- PROFS Version 2 (PP 5664-309) (Personal Computer Connection Extended)
Asynchronous Emulation Adapter Terminal Attachment
ASCII Terminal Emulation for display terminals: 3270 CUT mode displays with a 1920 byte or larger buffer and 3270 PCs operating in CUT mode are supported for 3101, DEC VT100** display emulation, DEC VT220 display emulation, and a Data General** Dasher D210.
3270 Terminal Emulation for displays terminals: The following ASCII displays are supported for 3270 Terminal Emulation (3278 Model 2 emulation): 3101, 3151 as a 3161 or 3162 depending on the Model, 3161, 3162, and 3163, DEC VT52, VT100, VT200 and VT220 (emulating a VT100), ROLM** Cypress, Cedar, Juniper, WYSE** 50/60, Tektronix** 4205, TeleVideo** 912 and 970, Lear Siegler ADM** 3A, ADM 5, ADM 11, ADM 12 and 1178, ADDS Viewpoint** A-2 and Viewpoint 78, Esprit-Hazeltine** 1500, and Esprit** 78, Hewlett Packard** 2621 and Minitel 1B. The 3164 is supported for 3279 Model 2A emulation (four colors). The DEC VT241 operates in two colors only.
ASCII Terminal Emulation for printers: The 3287 Models 1 and 2, 3262 Models 3 and 13, 3268 Model 2, 4224 Models 201 and 202 and the 5204 Quickwriter* Printer (emulating a 3287) are supported for ASCII printer emulation.
3270 Terminal Emulation for printers: The 4201 Proprinter, 4201 Proprinter II, 4201 Proprinter III, 4202 Proprinter XL, 4202 Proprinter II XL, 4202 Proprinter III XL, 4207 Proprinter X24 and X24E, and 4208 Proprinter XL24 and XL24E, and 4212-001 24P and are supported for 3270 Terminal Emulation. The serial interface feature is required in order to attach to the Asynchronous Emulation Adapter.
Model Conversions
Model conversions are available as indicated below. Alternate Configurations are also supported. For example, an 11L with a Type-1 Communications Adapter can be configured as an 11R. Both Model conversions and alternate configurations are set up by the customer with instructions supplied by IBM.
Conversion to Model 11R
(Applicable to Models 12R and 13R.) Provides a Type 1 communications adapter and a Model 11R nameplate. A 6m (20 ft) EIA 232-D/CCITT V.24 communications cable is shipped, unless a CCITT V.35 communications cable is specified.
- Specify #9000 for CCITT V.35 Communications Cable.
Conversion to Model 12R
(Applicable to Models 11R and 13R) Provides a Type 2 communications adapter, a Model 12R nameplate, and a 6m (20 ft) communications cable.
Conversion to Model 13R
(Applicable to Models 11R and 13R) Provides a Type 3A Dual Speed (16/4) Communications Adapter, a Model 13R nameplate, and a 2.4m (8 ft) communications cable.
National Language Support
The following keyboard languages are supported:
- US English (1) (6)
- US English ASCII-7 (2)
- Austrian/German (6)
- Belgian
- Brazilian
- Danish (6)
- Finnish (6)
- International
- Italian (6)
- Japanese English
- Japanese Katakana
- Spanish (6)
- Spanish-Speaking (6)
- English (U.K.) (6)
- Norwegian (6)
- Swedish (6)
- EBCDIC World Trade
- Portuguese (6)
- Canadian Bilingual (1) (6)
- French (6)
- English (U.S.) ASCII-International (3)
- English (U.S.) ASCII-8 (4)
- Cyrillic
- Greek
- ROECE (5) Latin
- Turkish
- Yugoslavic
- Swiss-French (New) (6)
- Swiss-German (New) (6)
- Belgian (New) (6)
- Thai
- Netherlands (6)
- Greek (New)
- Turkish (New)
- Polish
- Hungarian
- Romanian
- Czech
- Slovak
- Cyrillic (Russian)
- Cyrillic (Macedonian/Serbian)
- Croation/Serbian/Slovenian
- Cyrillic (Bulgarian)
- Alternate Keyboard Selection (132) is valid only with these languages.
- Available on remote models only. Does not support Extended Data Stream.
- Available on BSC, local SNA, and local non-SNA only.
- Available on SDLC and X.25 only.
- Regional Office for Eastern and Central Europe.
- These languages can be used for communication to ASCII devices.
The following languages are supported on modifiable keyboards:
- US English
- US English ASCII-7 (1)
- Austrian/German
- Belgian
- Danish
- Finnish
- Italian
- Japanese Katakana
- Spanish
- Spanish-Speaking
- UK English
- Norwegian
- Swedish
- Portuguese
- Canadian Bilingual
- French
- US English ASCII-International (2)
- US English ASCII-8 (3)
- Cyrillic
- Icelandic
- Greek
- ROECE (4) Latin
- Turkish
- Yugoslavic
- Swiss-French (New)
- Swiss-German (New)
- Belgian (New)
- Thai
- Netherlands
- Greek (New)
- Turkish (New)
- Polish
- Hungarian
- Romanian
- Czech
- Slovak
- Cyrillic (Russian)
- Cyrillic (Macedonian/Serbian)
- Croation/Serbian/Slovenian
- Cyrillic (Bulgarian)
- Available on remote models only. Does not support Extended Data Stream.
- Available on BSC, Local SNA, and Local Non-SNA only.
- Available on SDLC and X.25 only.
- Regional Office for Eastern and Central Europe.
The following CECP Languages are supported:
- US English
- Swedish
- Austrian/German
- Portuguese
- Danish
- Canadian Bilingual
- Finnish
- French
- Italian
- Icelandic
- Swiss-French (New)
- Spanish
- Swiss-German (New)
- Spanish-Speaking
- Belgian (New)
- UK English
- Netherlands
- Norwegian
Additional National Language Support
National Language Support changes include:
The positions of the period and comma key on numeric keyboards have been reversed for Cyrillic IBM Enhanced and IBM Converged keyboards to ease data entry.
The 3174 now supports Keyboard ID 171 for Spanish-speaking countries for all keyboards except IBM Data Entry and IBM Data Entry Keypunch providing additional accent characters. End-users have productivity improvements with a keyboard that matches the written language.
Functional Enhancements in Configuration Support-B Release 4
Configuration Support-B Release 4.1 provides additional keyboard, character set, and code page support for New Greek and Brazilian languages.
Technical Description
Physical Specifications
Unit Functional Clearances
- These dimensions are minimum requirements for functional operation of the machine. These dimensions allow sufficient airflow to provide cooling.
- If the unit is installed with minimum clearance, service access must be provided.
- The 3174 has a pedestal base which provides sufficient space for cables to exit on all sides.
- Removing the corner thumbscrew allows the support wedge to swing out for ease of channel cable installation. Service clearance must be provided.
- The rear service clearance can be reduced to 0 mm (0 in.) without the Asynchronous Emulation Adapter.
MM (IN.)
Front 152 (6)
Rear 0 (0)
Right 51 (2)
Left 0 (0)
Top 0 (0)
MM (IN.)
Front 698 (27.5)
Side 483 (19)
Height 641 (25.25)
MM (IN.)
Front 953 (37.5)
Rear 953 (37.5)
Right 152 (6)
Left 152 (6)
Top 0 (0)
WEIGHT: 50 kg (110 lb)
OUTPUT: 168 watts (575 BTU/Hr)
EXCHANGE AIRFLOW: 2.4 m(3)/min (85 cfm) forced air
POWER CORD: Detachable, 3-conductor
POWER CORD LENGTH: The standard length for the power cord is 4.3 m
(14 ft). An optional length of 1.8 m (6 ft) is available in the U.S.
Phases 1
Voltage See Table 1 below.
|Table 1. Nominal Operating Voltages for Models 11L, 11R, 12R, 12L, 13R|
| | 14R |
| | 100 TO 127 V | 200 TO 240 V |
| | 50 OR 60 HZ | 50 OR 60 HZ |
| +---------+--------+---------+--------+
| United States and Canada | X | X | X | |
| Americas/Far East | X | X | X | X |
| Europe/Middle East/Africa | | | X | X |
| Saudi Arabia, ARAMCO, Bahrain | X | X | | |
| Liberia | | | | |
Operating Environment
General hardware environmental limits for temperature and humidity are shown in the table below. When subjected to extreme environmental conditions, all terminals of the 3174 subsystem should be allowed to stabilize in the operating environment for a reasonable period of time before being turned on.
Some terminals and recording media require special consideration and may have restrictive requirements. Refer to the machine specifications for each terminal for individual requirements.
| Table 1. Temperature and Humidity Requirements for the 3174 |
| |
| Temperature 10.0(deg) to 40.0(deg)C (1) (50(deg) to 104(deg)F) |
| Rel Humidity 8% to 80% (2) |
| Max Wet Bulb 27.0(deg)C (3) (80.6(deg)F) |
| |
| Temperature 10.0(deg) to 52.0(deg)C (1) (50(deg) to 125.6(deg)F)|
| Rel Humidity 8% to 80% |
| Max Wet Bulb 27.0(deg)C (3) (80.6(deg)F) |
| |
| Temperature 1.0(deg) to 60.0(deg)C (33.8(deg) to 140(deg)F) |
| Rel Humidity 5% to 80% |
| Max Wet Bulb 29.0(deg)C (84.2(deg)F) |
| |
| Temperature -40.0(deg) to 60.0(deg)C (-40(deg) to 140(deg)F) |
| Rel Humidity 5% to 100% (including condensation, excluding rain)|
| Max Wet Bulb 29.0(deg)C (84.2(deg)F) |
(1) The upper limit of dry bulb temperature should be reduced by
1.0(deg)C for every 137 m (449.5 ft) of elevation above
914 m (3002.1 ft).
(2) The lower limit of relative humidity for paper-handling is 20%.
(3) The upper limit of wet-bulb temperature should be reduced by
1.0(deg)C per 274 m (899 ft) of elevation above 305 m
(1000 ft).
This section is not applicable to the 3174.
Hardware Requirements
- A Control Unit Terminal (CUT) or Distributed Function Terminal (DFT) operating in CUT mode attached to port 0 is required for local customization of subsystem Licensed Internal Code or to run offline diagnostics from a display.
- A CUT or DFT terminal operating in CUT mode attached to any port is required to perform online tests.
- 3299 Terminal Multiplexers and/or 3174 Terminal Multiplexer Adapter features are required for maximum terminal attachment capability.
- Configuration Support-A Release 5, Configuration Support-S Release 5, Configuration Support-B, or Configuration Support-C Licensed Internal Code.
Software Requirements
Current versions of IBM access methods, operating systems, application subsystems, and 3270 applications that support and conform to the appropriate attachment and data stream architectures (SNA, BSC, 3270DS, SDLC, and X.25) support the 3174 Licensed Internal Code.
Electronic Customer Support
Use the HONE configurator (CFSYSTEM) to assist in configuring the 3174 before entering an order.
Performance Information
There are two 3174 performance aids on HONE. One is a document with tables for a wide variety of environments. To access this, do the following from the HONE main menu:
- Select Technical Support (4).
- Select Techbulletin (6).
- Search on CAG7.
This gives you the 3174 performance guide document, which is in several files.
The second is a simulation model, FIVE3174. This has the potential to reproduce a particular situation but requires work to set up inputs and to interpret results. To get to FIVE3174, just enter its name on the command line of the HONE main menu. The model does have extensive help and an interactive front-end to help build the required inputs.
See "KWIC Index", G320-1621, or applicable system bibliography.
- 3270 - GA23-0058
- 4300 - GC20-0001
- 8100 - GC20-8100
Features -- Specify/Special/Exchange
No Charge Specify Codes
The following items may be specified on the 3174 order to provide specific product requirements.
Power Supply
Power Supply (11L) 100V - 127V (#0802)
Power Supply (14R) 200V - 240V (#0801)
Power Supply (12L)
200V - 240V (#0801)
100V - 127V (#0802)
CCITT V.35 Communication Cable (#9000) 6m (20ft)
Model 11R.
This code on initial order, causes the CCITT V.35 Communication Cable to be shipped instead of the EIA-232-D V.24/V.28 Communication Cable. (After initial order, order as a 3174 accessory).
Licensed Internal Code (LIC) Management
To aid a user in controlling 3174 customization and LIC changes in their 3174 network, several 3174 network management specify codes are provided. These 3174 specify codes allow the identification of a 3174 as the Central Site management location and provide a means to block automatic 3174 LIC shipments and prevent customization at user designated 3174s, allowing the user to better manage changes in the 3174 network. Users that do not specify any LIC management specify codes will continue to receive the normal notifications for LIC EC updates. Via these notifications, the user can indicate what actions are appropriate for each EC update.
Inhibit LIC Shipment (#9005)
Models 11L, 11R, 12L, 12R, 13R, 14R.
This specify code blocks shipment of Licensed Internal Code diskettes (Control and Full Function Utility) and related documentation to the 3174 location. When this specify code is ordered, a Limited Function Diskette is initially shipped with a 3174 providing diagnostic and utility capabilities, but does not allow customizing or revision of a 3174 configuration. After initial shipment, the user must distribute any update of this Utility/Diagnostic code from their central site management location to allow proper diagnostic capability at the managed 3174 location. This specify feature is a PLANT ONLY feature. After initial shipment, a "Records Purpose Only" (RPO) MES may be processed to add or remove this feature to/from the machine history.
Central Site Diskette Distribution Aid (#9006)
Models 11L, 11R, 12R, 13R.
This specify code identifies the Central Site 3174 and is provided to enable the Central Site customer to order all combinations of 3174 configuration support Licensed Internal Code, RPQs, and Downstream Load device Code for the central site 3174. One set of Code (in any combination ordered by the customer) through the AAS system is shipped to the 3174 with #9006. This specify code also provides automatic shipment of LIC update ECs from IBM. This specify code cannot be ordered on 3174s that have the Inhibit LIC Shipment specify code (#9005). This specify feature is a PLANT ONLY feature. After initial shipment, a "Records Purpose Only" MES may be processed to add or remove this feature to/from the machine history.
Configuration Support-S Central Site Licensed Internal Code Shipment (#9007)
Models 11L, 11R, 12R, 13R.
This specify code (#9007) provides the 3174 Central Site user with Configuration Support S Licensed Internal Code on the Central Site 3174 for customizing purposes only. This Specify code is to be used in conjunction with specify code #9006, which identifies the Central Site 3174. This specify code also provides automatic shipment of LIC update ECs from IBM. This specify code cannot be ordered on 3174s that have the inhibit Licensed Internal Code (#9005) or on 3174s that are not designated Central Site 3174, with (#9006).
Central Site Distribution Aid (#9008)
Model 14R.
When Model 14R is the Central Site 3174, only Configuration Support-C Release 4 and future releases apply. Therefore, all the 3174s in the distribution network must operate at lease the configuration support level of the Central Site 3174. It enables a Central Site customer to order the Licensed Internal Code, RPQs, and Downstream Load Device Code for the central site 3174. One set of code ordered through AAS is shipped to the 3174 with #9008. This specify code cannot be ordered on 3174s that have the Inhibit LIC Shipment specify code (#9005). This specify code also provides automatic shipment of LIC update ECs from IBM. This specify feature is a PLANT ONLY feature. After initial 3174 shipment, a "Records Purpose Only" MES may be processed to add or remove this feature to/from the machine history.
Central Site Distribution Aid (#9009)
Model 12L.
This specify code identifies the Model 12L as the Central Site 3174. When the Model 12L is the Central Site 3174, only Configuration Support-B Release 3 or later releases apply. Therefore, all the 3174s in the distribution network must operate at Configuration Support-B Release 3 or beyond. It enables a Central Site customer to order the Licensed Internal Code, RPQs, and Downstream Load Device Code for the central site 3174. One set of code ordered through AAS is shipped to the 3174 with #9009. This specify code also provides automatic shipment of LIC update ECs from IBM. This specify code cannot be ordered on 3174s that have the Inhibit LIC Shipment specify code (#9005). This specify feature is a PLANT ONLY feature. After initial shipment, a "Records Purpose Only" MES may be processed to add or remove this feature to/from the machine history.
Configuration Support-A Release 5 (#9010)
Models 11L, 11R, 12R, 13R.
Configuration Support-A must be ordered as the base Licensed Internal Code. This feature code provides the latest level of Configuration Support-A Licensed Internal Code.
Configuration Support-B License for Configuration Support-C (#9011)
Models 11L, 11R, 12L, 12R, 13R, 14R.
This specify code will provide the Configuration Support-C licensed 3174s the ability to receive a Configuration Support-B license free of charge. Configuration Support-C (F/C #6010, #6060) or the 3174 Value Package (F/C #4730, #4710) is required to order #9011. Configuration Support-B diskettes and publications are shipped. Specify code #9005 can be used in conjunction with S/C #9011 to block the shipment of the LIC diskettes and publications. Specify code #9006, #9008, or #9009 can used in conjunction with #9011 for a Central Site 3174.
Configuration Support-N Diskette Shipment (#9014)
Not applicable to 3174 Models 90R, 91R, 92R, and 95R. This specify code is provided to enable the Central Site customer to order the Configuration Support-N diskette for the Central Site machine. Electronic distribution is support on Central Site Controllers with Configuration Support-C. Manual distribution from a Central Site Controller is supported on any Central Site Controller.
Asynchronous Emulation Adapter Diskette Shipment (#9015)
Models 11L, 11R, 12L, 12R, 13R, 14R.
This specify code is provided to enable the Central Site customer to order the Asynchronous Emulation Adapter diskette for the Central Site Library and customization purposes only. This specify code is to be used in conjunction with specify codes #9006, #9008, and #9009, which identifies the Central Site 3174.
As a convenience to our customers, with Release 5 and future releases of Configuration Support-C, you will no longer receive a separate diskette and have to do a DSL merge of a feature diskette. The AEA Licensed Internal Code has been premerged onto the Control Extension Diskette.
Auxiliary Diskettes (#9016, #9017, #9021, and #9025 -- Japan only)
Models 11L, 11R, 12L, 12R, 13R, 14R.
Provides a diskette containing the operational Code for each of the Distributed Function Terminals (DFTs) listed below. The diskette must be placed in the second diskette drive or loaded on the optional 20MB Fixed Disk Drive and be available at all times during 3174 operation to provide downstream load services for DFT devices. A merge procedure is provided to combine multiple auxiliary diskettes onto one downstream load diskette. For Configuration Support-C, the DSL merge is onto the extensions diskette. Auxiliary diskettes are available via MES.
- 3179-G/3192-G/3472G Color Graphics Display Station Downstream Load Diskette (#9016).
- 3193 Display Station Downstream Load Diskette (#9017).
- 3290 Information Panel Downstream Load Diskette (#9021).
Auxiliary Diskettes (#9022)
Provides a diskette containing the operation code for the Distributed Function Terminals (DFTs) listed below. The diskette must be in the second diskette drive or loaded on the optional 20MB Fixed disk drive and be available at all times during 3174 operation to provide downstream load services for DFT devices. For Configuration Support-C, the DSL diskette must be merged onto the Control Extension Diskette. Auxiliary diskettes are available via MES and as a plant install feature.
- 3179-G/3192-G/3472G Color Graphics Display Station DSL Diskette (#9022)
- 3193 Display Station DSL Diskette (#9022)
- 3290 Information Panel DSL Diskette (#9022)
Other Specify Code
Water Proof Plug (#9801)
Model 11L.
Cannot be installed with 100V - 127V Power Supply (#0802)
Locking Plug (#9890)
Models 11L, 11R, 12L, 12R, 13R, 14R.
Hospital Grade Plug (#9896)
Available for 100V - 127V Power Supply with Model 11L.
Power Cord (#9986)
1.8m (6 ft)
Special Feature Codes -- Chargeable
Optional features ordered before a machine is shipped are installed by IBM. Optional features ordered after a machine is shipped are set up in the field by the customer. Instructions are provided for each feature.
Storage Expansion
3174 storage expansion features are available to provide additional 3174 control storage increment(s) for features, RPQs, functions and combinations of functions requiring more storage than is available in a base 3174. (See "Configuration Support-A, S, B or C Storage Requirements" for storage requirements for each level of LIC.) Minimum 3174 storage levels are: CS-A (1 MB), CS-S (1.5 MB), CS-B (2 MB) or CS-C (3 MB).
When a storage expansion feature is ordered for a Model 11L, 11R, 12L, 12R, 13R, or 14R, an adapter card is shipped.
1.0MB Storage Expansion (#1012)
Models 11L, 11R, 12L, 12R, 13R, 14R.
Provides an additional 1,024KB of control storage. When this feature is ordered for a Models 11L, 11R, 12L, 12R, 13R, or 14R, an adapter card is shipped.
Maximum: Two adapters (11L, 11R, 12L, 12R, 13R, 14R), Limitations: Two card slots are provided for Models 11L, 11R, 12L, 12R, 13R, and 14R. See "Feature Usage for Models 11L, 11R, 12L, 12R, 13R, 14R" for further information about these card slots.
The 2.0MB Storage Expansion feature (#1014) should be considered in lieu of this feature to accommodate future functional growth and for the most efficient use of the available card slots.
2.0MB Storage Expansion (#1014)
Models 11L, 11R, 12L, 12R, 13R, 14R.
Provides an additional 2,048KB of control storage. When this feature is ordered for Models 11L, 11R, 12L, 12R, 13R, or 14R, an adapter card is shipped. Maximum: Two adapters (11L, 11R, 12L, 12R, 13R, 14R). Limitations: Two card slots are provided for Models 11L, 11R, 12L, 12R, 13R, and 14R. See "Feature Slot Usage for Models 11L, 11R, 12L, 12R, 13R, 14R" for further information about these card slots.
DASD Storage Features
Second Diskette Drive (#1048)
Models 11L, 11R, 12L, 12R, 13R, 14R.
Provides 2.4MB diskette storage via a second diskette drive for high-capacity diskettes.
Prior to December 1, 1990, 3174 Models 11L, 11R, 12L, 12R, and 13R that specified Configuration Support-A (#9010) or IBM 16/4 Bps Token-Ring Network Gateway (#3026) shipped with 1.2MB diskette drives as defined in the following table.
Diskette Drive
Configuration Capacity
Support-A or S Base Optional
Model Feature (#1048)
11L, 11R, 12R, 13R #9010, #3026 1.2MB 1.2MB
If Configuration Support-B LIC or Configuration Support-C LIC is subsequently shipped for the above machines as a Miscellaneous Equipment Specification (MES), sufficient 2.4MB diskette drive(s) will be shipped, along with the LIC, to replace the 1.2MB Diskette Drive(s). These drive(s) are shipped at no additional charge beyond that of Configuration Support-B or Configuration Support-C.
3174 Models 11L, 11R, 12L, 12R, and 13R that specified Configuration Support-B shipped with 2.4MB Diskette Drive(s).
Currently all 3174 Models are shipped with 2.4MB diskette drive(s).
This feature or the 20MB Fixed Disk Drive feature (#1056) is a prerequisite to support the following features and functions of the 3174 subsystem: Asynchronous Emulation Adapter feature (#3020), Configuration Support-C, attachment of any terminal that requires downstream load of Licensed Internal Code from the control unit (e.g., 3179-G), use of the Central Site Customization procedure, use of the Merge Downstream Load procedure, and use of the Full Copy or Modify and Copy facilities of the Copy Files procedure Configuration Support-A or Configuration Support-S. This feature is not required to support other procedures, but can enhance the usability and reduce the time required to execute many of them due to the reduction or elimination of diskette swapping on a single-drive control unit. Maximum: One. See "Supplies" section for additional diskettes. Limitations: None.
20MB Fixed Disk Drive (#1056)
Models 11L, 11R, 12L, 12R, 13R, 14R.
Provides 20MB of file storage. It supports all the functions provided by the Diskette Drive, including control unit Licensed Internal Code IML, Licensed Internal Code downstream load to terminals and features that require it, and full support of all utility procedures. This feature is not a prerequisite for the Central Site Customizing Utility or Central Site Change Management, but their usability is significantly improved when it is used. Maximum: Two (11L, 11R, 12L, 12R, 13R, 14R) Limitations: None.
Communication Adapters
Asynchronous Emulation Adapter (#3020)
Models 11L, 11R, 12L, 12R, 13R, 14R.
The AEA adapter card provides 8 asynchronous serial communication ports. An asynchronous ASCII device or host may be attached to each of the 8 ports using direct connection, or a communication link (switched or nonswitched) facility. The AEA asynchronous functions provided are:
- ASCII Terminal Emulation: Select 3270 displays can emulate a 3101 or DEC VT100 display, and 3270 Printers can emulate an ASCII printer for connection to a ASCII host(s) or public data network.
- 3270 Terminal Emulation: ASCII displays can emulate a 3178 Model C2 or 3279 Model 2A (4-color display), and ASCII printers can emulate a 3287 Model 2 for connection to an IBM host.
- ASCII Pass-Through: ASCII displays and printers can connect to ASCII hosts and public data networks through the adapter.
This feature code provides an AEA adapter with a microprocessor, storage and control logic, an I/O panel with eight EIA 232-D 25 pin connectors and a diskette containing the AEA Licensed Internal Code for the AEA adapters for 3174 Models 11L, 11R, 12L, 12R, 13R, 14R. When AEA Licensed Internal Code is required at a Central Site 3174 for central site 3174 network management, and the Central Site 3174 does not have FC (#3020), 3174 specify code (#9015) should be used.
As a convenience to our customers, with Release 5 and future releases of Configuration Support-C, you will no longer receive a separate diskette and have to do a DSL merge of a feature diskette. The AEA Licensed Internal Code has been premerged onto the Control Extension Diskette.
Maximum: Three AEA adapters.
Prerequisites/Corequisites: (1) A second diskette drive or 20 MB Fixed Disk optional feature. (2) Licensed Internal Code DSL Diskette released in conjunction with this feature. (3) A user provided, appropriately wired, cable from the AEA port to an ASCII device or DCE is required. (4) Requires Configuration Support-B, Release 2 or later or Configuration Support-C. Limitations: (1) When non-SNA protocols are used to communicate with an IBM host, the maximum number of terminals supported for concurrent communications to the primary host is 32. This limitation includes both IBM 3270 terminals and ASCII terminals emulating 3270 terminals. (2) The adapter for Models 11L, 11R, 12L, 12R, 13R, and 14R will not operate in Models 21H, 21L, 21R, 22L, 22R (EMEA), 23R, and 24R. (3) The adapter for Models 21H, 21L, 21R, 22L, 22R (EMEA), 23R, and 24R will not operate in Models 11L, 11R, 12L, 12R, 13R, and 14R.
Performance Considerations: Response times when this feature is used, will depend on many variables including the number and type of terminals attached, the transaction rates and contents, and system parameters such as RU lengths, pacing, etc. The 3174 Performance Guideline on HONE includes Asynchronous Emulation Adapter performance information.
IBM 16/4M Bps Token-Ring Network Gateway (#3026)
Models 11L, 11R, 12R.
Note: An alternative to this feature is Configuration Support-B or Configuration Support-C with the Type 3A adapter (#3044). This feature should not be ordered when Configuration Support-B or Configuration Support-C is ordered to provide the gateway support.
This feature provides the capability of up to 140 Token-Ring attached devices, as PU 2.0 devices (i.e. DSPUs), to communicate with an IBM host. It includes a Type 3A Dual Speed (16/4) Communication Adapter which operates at 16 or 4 Mbits per second (Mbps), a 2.4m (8 ft) communication cable, and Configuration Support-S, Release 5 Licensed Internal Code. Any combination of the following downstream Token-Ring attached PU T2.0 devices are supported by this feature:
- 3174 Model 13R
- System/36 with the LAN Attachment Feature, and using 3270 emulation or APPC (as a PU 2.0 node) (A)
- IBM PS/2 or PC using IBM Operating System/2 Extended Edition Version 1.1 (or later).
- IBM PS/2, PC or 3270 PC using 3270 Workstation Program Version 1.1 with maintenance release 1.1.2 or later
- IBM PS/2 or PC using IBM 3270 Emulation Version 3 with maintenance release 3.04 or later
- IBM PS/2 or PC using APPC/PC (as a PU 2.0 node) (Supported at 4M Bps only)
- IBM 9370 using DPPX/370 (as a PU 2.0 node)
- AS/400 3270 DE Mode or APPC (as a PU 2.0 node)
The number of SNA logical units supported by each PU and the protocols used by these PU Type 2.0 LUs are transparent to this feature. Using the Model 11L, each PU Type 2.0 attached to the Token-Ring appears to the host as a channel-attached 3270 SNA control unit having its own subchannel address. On a Model 11R, 12R, 61R, or 62R, these PU Type 2.0s on the Token-Ring appear as SDLC multidropped 3270 SNA control units. This capability is available on Models 11R or 12R using SNA/SDLC protocol in data half-duplex point-to-point or multipoint modes on duplex or half-duplex nonswitched facilities.
The remote 3174 Token-Ring gateway can attach to a 308X, 3090, 4361, or 9370 via a 3270, 3725, or 3745 Communications Controller. It can also attach to the 4361 via its Communication Adapter or to the 9370 via the Telecommunications Subsystem Controller.
The number of downstream PUs on the Token-Ring using the 3174 gateway is dependent on available 3174 storage and end-user response time requirements. The performance of the remote gateway is affected by the polling overheard of the SDLC multidrop implementation; factors affecting performance are line speed, distance from the Communications Controller or Adapter, application transaction characteristics, and the number of PUs being polled. (Improved remote gateway performance can be achieved using the Configuration Support-B or C optional features and therefore should be considered if gateway performance is a concern.)
Except for response time considerations, this feature does not affect the operation of the displays, printers, or workstations directly attached to the 3174 providing gateway services.
A 3174, with this feature, can be customized to:
- Transmit and receive up to 4105 byte Token-Ring I-frames (thus up to 4096 byte SNA RUs) at either speed
- Support the Early Token Release option at 16M Bps
- Support an adapter speed of 16 or 4M Bps and the Early Token Release option.
Maximum: One. Prerequisites/Corequisites: The amount of additional storage required to support this function is determined by the number of DSPUs on the Token-Ring that are defined to the 3174 Gateway communicating to the IBM SNA (ACF/VTAM) host. The maximum number of PUs that can be defined is 140. Storage Requirements: See Multiple Sessions and Storage Considerations in the Configuration Support-S "Memory Requirements" section.
Limitations: (1) The Gateway function is not available when Configuration Support-A is loaded. (2) Only one Type 3A Adapter if functionally supported. (3) SNA/X.25 protocol is not supported.
Performance Considerations: For performance reasons, a customer may elect to limit the number of SNA PUs that concurrently pass traffic through the gateway to a number less than the number shown above. Consult the 3174 Performance Guidelines on HONE to evaluate the 3174 performance and capacity factors to be expected in a desired configuration and user application/host environment.
Type 1 Teleprocessing Communication Adapter (#3040)
Models 11L, 12L, 13R, and 14R.
Provides a Type 1 communication adapter and a 6m (20 ft) EIA 232-D/CCITT V.24/V.28 communication cable.
This feature, together with the appropriately configured Licensed
Internal Code, enables these 3174 Models to operate in an alternate
configuration on teleprocessing facilities as a Model 11R. The host
appearance of this configuration is also as a 3174 Model 11R.
Maximum: One.
Prerequisites: Two appropriately configured Control diskettes. One for
the primary configuration, and one for the alternate configuration as a
Model 11R.
(1) Cannot be installed with #3041,
or 3043,
(2) IML of multiple configurations (i.e., the primary and the
alternate) cannot be from the 20MB Fixed Disk Drive (#1056),
(3) Concurrent operation through this feature and the primary adapter
interface provided in the base 3174 is not supported,
(4) Management and transmission of Licensed Internal Code for the
alternate Model 11R configuration via Central Site Change Management
not supported.
Type 1 Teleprocessing Communication Adapter (#3041)
Models 11L, 12L, 13R, and 14R.
Provides a Type 1 communication adapter and a 6m
(20 ft) CCITT V.35 communication cable. This feature, together with the
appropriately configured Licensed Internal Code, enables these 3174
Models to operate in an alternate configuration on teleprocessing
facilities as a Model 11R with Specify #9000. The host appearance of
this configuration is also as a 3174 Model 11R with Specify #9000.
Maximum: One.
Prerequisites: Two appropriately configured Control diskettes. One for
the primary configuration, and one for the alternate configuration as a
Model 11R.
Limitations: (1) Cannot be installed with #3040, or 3043,
(2) IML of multiple configurations (i.e., the primary and the
cannot be from the 20MB Fixed Disk Drive (#1056),
(3) Concurrent operation through this feature and the primary adapter
interface provided in the base 3174 is not supported,
(4) Management and transmission of Licensed Internal Code for the
alternate Model 11R configuration via Central Site Change Management
not supported.
Type 2 Teleprocessing Communication Adapter (#3043)
Models 11L, 12L, 13R, and 14R.
Provides a Type 2 communication adapter and a 6m
(20 ft) CCITT X.21 (V.11) communication cable. This feature, together
with the appropriately configured Licensed Internal Code, enables these
3174 Models to operate in an alternate configuration on teleprocessing
facilities as a Model 12R. The host appearance of this configuration is
also as a 3174 Model 12R.
Maximum: one.
Prerequisites: Two appropriately configured Control diskettes. One for
the primary configuration, and one for the alternate configuration as a
Model 12R.
Limitations: (1) Cannot be installed with #3040, 3041,
(2) IML of multiple configurations (i.e., the primary and the alternate) cannot be from the 20MB Fixed Disk Drive (#1056), (3) Concurrent operation through this feature and the primary adapter interface provided in the base 3174 is not supported, (4) Management and transmission of Licensed Internal Code for the alternate Model 12R configuration via Central Site Change Management are not supported.
Type 3A Dual Speed (16/4) Communication Adapter (#3044)
Models 11L, 11R, 12L, 12R, 14R.
This feature provides a Type 3A Dual Speed Communication Adapter and a 2.4m (8 ft) (P/N 25F8508) communication cable for attachment to an IBM Token-Ring Network operating at either 16 or 4 Mbits per second. This feature may be used for two different functions: (1) Alternate IML Configuration; (2) IBM 16/4M Bps Token-Ring Gateway when using Configuration Support-B or Configuration Support-C.
(1) When used for the Alternate IML function, this feature and the appropriately configured Licensed Internal Code, allows the 3174 Models 11L, 11R, 12L, 12R, or 14R to operate in an alternate configuration on an IBM Token-Ring as a Model 13R, 23R or 63R. Licensed Internal Code customization and host definition for operation with this feature are the same as a Model 13R, 23R or 63R.
(2) When used for the IBM 16/4M Bps Token-Ring Gateway function, this feature with Configuration Support-B, Releases 1 or 2, provides for data passage between a single IBM host and 16/4 Mbps Token-Ring Network. This feature with Configuration Support-B, Release 3 or later or Configuration Support-C and a model 12L (with ESCON Director) or a model 11L, 11R, or 12R with Concurrent Communication Adapter(s) provides for data passage between multiple IBM hosts and a 16/4 Mbps Token-Ring Network.
With the Multihost Token-Ring Gateway support announced in Configuration Support-B, Release 3, a Token Ring device can connect to host(s) on the 3174's primary link and/or connect to SNA/SDLC host(s) via the Concurrent Communication Adapter(s). The same functions supported by the IBM 16/4 Mbps Token-Ring Gateway optional Token-Ring feature (#3026) are supported by this feature when used as a Token-Ring Gateway. See optional Feature (#3026) for further details.
Maximum: One. Corequisite: Configuration Support-A Release 5 (Alternate IML only), Configuration Support-B or Configuration Support-C. Limitations: (1) If this adapter is used for an alternate host attachment, the management and transmission of Licensed Internal Code for the alternate host attachment configuration via Central Site Change Management is not supported. (2) Concurrent channel or teleprocessing operation and Token-Ring operation is supported with Configuration Support-B Release 2 or later or Configuration Support-C. (3) Concurrent channel or teleprocessing operation and Ethernet operation is supported with Configuration Support-C Release 4. (4) Cannot be installed on a 3174 with an optional Token-Ring gateway feature (#3026). (5) SNA/X.25 protocol is not supported when used as a Token-Ring Gateway. (6) The Ethernet Adapter (feature 3045 or base host link for Model 14R) and the Type 3A Dual Speed 16/4 Adapter cannot be operational in the same 3174 at the same time. Both adapters may be installed in the 3174 at IML time, but only one can be configured as the active host link or gateway.
Ethernet Adapter (#3045)
Models 11L, 11R, 12L, 12R, 13R.
The Ethernet Adapter provides IEEE 802.3 and Ethernet DIX Version 2 Network support. The feature ships with an Ethernet Adapter, Diagnostic wrap plugs, and Installation and Maintenance Manuals.
The Ethernet Adapter provides the interface to attach to 10Base5, 10Base2, and 10BaseT networks.
The Ethernet Adapter has a standard female Attachment Unit Interface (AUI) connector. An AUI cable and a Medium Attachment Unit (MAU) are required to attach to the 10Base5 network. Both the AUI cable and MAU are customer provided.
The Ethernet Adapter has a BNC connector for attachment to the 10Base2 network. A BNC "T" connector is also provided. The cable to attach to the 10Base2 network is customer provided.
The Ethernet Adapter has a RJ-45 connector for attachment to the 10BaseT network. The cable to attach to the 10BaseT network is customer provided.
The Ethernet Adapter and properly configured Configuration Support-C Release 4.0 Licensed Internal Code may be used for three different functions: (1) Alternate IML Configuration; (2) SNA Gateway; (3) Additional TCP/IP host access.
Note: Configuration Support-C Release 4 or higher is required for 3174s with Ethernet capability (i.e., feature code 3045 is installed or the 3174 is a model 14R, 24R or 64R).
(1) When used for the Alternate IML function, 3174 Models 11L, 11R, 12L, 12R, or 13R can operate in a alternate configuration as a Model 14R, 24R, or 64R. Dependent 3270 CUT and ASCII terminals can access multiple hosts (TCP/IP Telnet, TCP/IP Telnet TN3270, 3270 SNA) via the Ethernet LAN.
(2) When used for the SNA Gateway, SNA traffic is passed between local and remote SNA hosts and Ethernet LAN attached terminals (e.g., 3174 DSPU attached workstations and intelligent workstations). A PU to PU session is made between the SNA host and the Ethernet LAN attached terminal. Dependent 3270 CUT and ASCII terminals attached to the SNA Gateway can access both upstream SNA hosts and Ethernet LAN attached TCP/IP Telnet hosts.
(3) When used for the additional TCP/IP host access, dependent 3270 CUT and ASCII terminals can access SNA hosts via upstream local or remote host links and TCP/IP Telnet hosts via the downstream Ethernet LAN.
Maximum: One Ethernet Adapter per 3174.
Prerequisite: (1) The 3174 must have Configuration Support-C Licensed Internal Code (F/C 6010, 6015, 6060, or 6065); a second 2.4MB Diskette Drive (F/C 1048) or a 20MB Fixed Disk Drive (F/C 1056); at least 3MB of Control Storage (F/C 1012, 1014, or 1016). The 3174 Value Package (F/C 4710) provides all the prerequisites. (2) The 3174 must have one open feature slot (slots 11-17 on Models 1XX).
Limitations: (1) The Ethernet Adapter and the Type 3A Dual Speed (16/4) Adapter cannot operational in the same 3174 at the same time. Both adapters may be installed in the 3174 at IML time, but only one can be configured as the active host link or gateway. (2) Only one Ethernet Adapter can be installed in a 3174. (3) With the Ethernet Adapter installed, coax attached intelligent workstations can communicate in a peer mode with other intelligent workstations coax attached to the same 3174 only. There is no bridging support between 3174 attached intelligent workstations and the Ethernet LAN.
Type-1 Concurrent Communication Adapter (#3050, #3051)
Models 11L, 11R, 12L, 12R, 13R, 14R.
This feature provides a Type-1 Concurrent Communication Adapter and a 6m (20 foot) communication cable:
- Feature #3050 provides a Type 1 Adapter and EIA 232D (CCITT V.24/V.28) cable.
- Feature #3051 provides a Type 1 Adapter and CCITT V.35 cable.
This feature, together with the appropriately configured Configuration Support-B or Configuration Support-C Licensed Internal Code, is used for host communication via teleprocessing facilities concurrent with host communication through the primary communication adapter in the base 3174 model. The adapter and Licensed Internal Code present a separate, additional 3174 control unit appearance to the additional host(s). Attached CUT-mode terminals and specified DFT terminals can switch sessions, via a hot-key, between the IBM host(s) attached via the primary communication adapter and the IBM host(s) attached via this adapter. 3174 attached terminals can access up to four X.25 hosts, each host via a separate Virtual Circuit, through a Concurrent Communication Adapter link with Configuration Support-B, Release 3 or later or Configuration Support-C. For a 3174 operating as a Token-Ring gateway, Downstream Physical Units (DSPUs) T2.0 on the Token-Ring can access a host through the primary link or the Concurrent Communication Adapter(s) on the gateway with Configuration Support-B Release 3 or later or Configuration Support-C. A maximum of 50 DSPUs may be configured for each Concurrent Communication Adapter. The adapter contains a microprocessor, control logic, and storage that is loaded with the appropriate teleprocessing and support Licensed Internal Code during IML of the control unit. Binary synchronous, SNA/SDLC, and X.25 communication link protocols are supported through this adapter; the protocol and other required operational parameters are specified while customizing for the base control unit. Customizing for communication through this adapter is an additional step while customizing the basic control unit. All IBM host processors, communication controllers, modems, host software, communication facilities, and link speeds that are supported by 3174 Models 11R, 21R, and 61R are also supported through this feature in exactly the same manner. Maximum: Two. Prerequisites: Configuration Support-B or Configuration Support-C Licensed Internal Code. Limitations: 3270 printers are assigned to a specific primary or secondary host attachment adapter during control unit customization and cannot participate in multiple host access. See Feature Slot Usage for Models 11L, 11R, 12L, 13R, 14R.
Field Installation: Yes. CSU: Yes. Setup instructions are supplied.
Type-2 Concurrent Communication Adapter (#3053)
Models 11L, 11R, 12L, 12R, 13R, 14R.
Provides a Type-2 Concurrent Communication Adapter with a 6m (20 ft) CCITT X.21 (V.11) communication cable. This feature, together with the appropriately configured Configuration Support-B or Configuration Support-C Licensed Internal Code, is used for host communication via teleprocessing facilities concurrent with host communication through the primary communication adapter in the base 3174 model. The adapter and Licensed Internal Code present a separate, additional 3174 control unit appearance to the additional host(s). Attached CUT-mode and specified DFT terminals can switch sessions, via a hot-key, between the IBM host(s) that is attached via the primary communication adapter and the IBM host(s) that is attached via this adapter. 3174 attached devices can access up to four X.25 hosts, each host via separate Virtual Circuit, through a Concurrent Communication Adapter link with Configuration Support-B or Configuration Support-C. For a 3174 operating as a Token-Ring gateway, Downstream Physical Units (DSPUs) T2.0 on the Token-Ring can access a host through the primary link or Concurrent Communication Adapter(s) on the gateway with Configuration Support-B Release 3, or later or Configuration Support-C. A maximum of 50 DSPUs may be configured for each Concurrent Communication Adapter. The adapter contains a microprocessor, control logic, and storage that is loaded with the appropriate teleprocessing and support Licensed Internal Code during IML of the control unit. SNA/SDLC, and X.25 communication link protocols are supported through this adapter; the protocol and other required operational parameters are specified while customizing for the base control unit. Customizing for communication through this adapter is an additional step while customizing the basic control unit. All IBM host processors, communication controllers, modems, host software, communication facilities, and link speeds that are supported by the 3174 models 12R and 62R are also supported through this feature in exactly the same manner. Maximum: Two. Prerequisites: Configuration Support-B or Configuration Support-C Licensed Internal Code. Limitations: 3270 printers are assigned to a specific primary or secondary host attachment adapter during control unit customization and cannot participate in multiple host access. See Feature Slot Usage for Models 11L, 11R, 12L, 12R, 13R, or 14R.
Field Installation: Yes. CSU: Yes. Setup instructions are supplied.
ISDN Basic Rate Interface (BRI) Adapter (#3055)
Models 11L, 11R, 12L, 12R.
Provides communication downstream through an ISDN network to an ISDN-capable PU T2.0 devices. The 3174 ISDN BRI Adapter provides four Basic Rate ports (two independent 64K bps information channels plus a 16K bps information/control channel per port). Each adapter can support eight PU T2.0 devices. Deliverables: Adapter card, four external cables (one for each of the four ports), wrap plug, and in the case of Models 61R and 62R, an internal cable assembly. Prerequisites: Configuration Support-C. Protocols Supported: ISDN Data Link Control (IDLC) protocol. Limitations: Maximum of four adapters on Models 11L, 11R, 12L, and 12R.
3270 Device Attachment Adapters
3270 Port Expansion Feature (#3100)
Models 11L, 11R, 12L, 12R, 13R, 14R.
Provides the ability for large cluster 3174 controllers to support up to an additional thirty-two 3270 category-A devices, for a total of sixty-four category-A devices.
For Models 11L, 11R, 12L, 12R, 13R, and 14R, this feature provides the hardware adapter to attach up to an additional thirty-two 3270 category-A devices. The adapter has four dual purpose connectors (DPC) which support attachment of Terminal Multiplexer Adapters (FC #3103 and #3105) or external 3299 Terminal Multiplexers. Device attachment alternatives for Models 11L, 11R, 12L, 12R, 13R, and 14R are:
- Any combination of up to eight Terminal Multiplexer Adapters - FC
#3103 and/or 3299-001, 002, or 003 multiplexers
(Model 003 available in US and Canada only).
With eight TMAs installed, the 3174 has a maximum of 4 MB of Control Storage (one F/C 1014) and all feature slots are used by the base machine adapter cards, F/C 3100, and the eight TMAs.
- One 32 port multiplexer (3299-032, 3299-32T, or #3105) with any combination of up to four Terminal Multiplexer Adapters - FC #3103 and/or 3299-001, 002, or 003 multiplexers.
- Two 32 port multiplexers (3299-032, 3299-32T, or #3105)
The 3299-032 can operate in 8 port mode and can be used in place of the 3299-001, 002, or 003 multiplexers. When used in 8-port mode, it cannot be attached to port 0 of the 3174 Terminal Adapter.
Maximum: One 3270 Port Expansion Feature per 3174 Controller. Prerequisite: Configuration Support-B Release 4 or Configuration Support-C Licensed Internal Code. RPQ 8Q0931 is required to allow devices attached to the Port Expansion Feature (i.e. 32 to 64) to access hosts via the Concurrent Communications Adapter (F/C #3050, #3051, #3052, #3053) for Configuration Support-B Release 4.1. With Configuration Support-C Release 3.0 and 4.0, the support is in the base code. Limitations: For Models 11L, 11R, 12L, 12R, 13R, and 14R, requires one available 3174 feature slot (22 or 23). For all models: Devices attached to the 3174 Port Expansion Feature (i.e., 32 to 63) are not supported by Host-Loadable-PAM. CSU (11L, 11R, 12L, 12R, 13R, 14R): Yes. Set-up instructions are provided.
Terminal Multiplexer Adapter (#3103)
Models 11L, 11R, 12L, 12R, 13R, 14R.
Provides an 8-port adapter to attach category "A" displays, printers, or workstations via RG-62A/U coaxial cable or IBM Cabling System media. Maximum: Eight if the Port Expansion Feature is installed on Models 11L, 11R, 12L, 12R, 13R, and 14R. Limitations: (1) The maximum distance between the control unit and terminals attached via this feature is 1.5km (4,920 ft) when RG-62A/U coaxial cable is used, or 1.5km (4,920 ft) when IBM Cabling System Data Grade Media is used (assuming a balun is not used at the terminal end of the cable). The maximum distance is 275m (900 ft) when using twisted-pair telephone wire. (2) The adapter for Models 11L, 11R, 12L, 12R, 13R, and 14R will not operate in Models 21H, 21L, 21R, 22L, 22R (EMEA), 23R, and 24R. Adapters for Models 21H, 21L, 21R, 22L, 22R (EMEA), 23R, and 24R will operate in Models 11L, 11R, 12L, 12R, 13R, and 14R.
Telephone Twisted-pair Terminal Multiplexer Adapter (#3105)
Models 11L, 11R, 12L, 12R, 13R, 14R.
The Telephone Twisted-pair Terminal Multiplexer Adapter (TTP TMA) is a new 3174 adapter that allows attachment of up to thirty-two 3270 category-A devices to the 3174 Establishment Controller via 25-pair (50-wire) telephone twisted-pair (TTP) cable, that meets the specifications for IBM cabling system type 3 media. The TTP TMA has three connectors (one dual purpose connector - DPC and two 50 position female "telco" connectors). The DPC Connector is attached to port 0 of the 3174 terminal adapter or port expansion feature (FC 3100) via a short piece of coax. The two 50 position female "telco" connectors are then connected to the customer's TTP wiring facilities by two 25-pair TTP cables. Each cable transports the data streams for up to sixteen terminals with sixteen wire pairs. Nine of the wire pairs in the cable are unused.
The customer is responsible for providing the 25-pair cables. The 50 position female connectors on the TTP TMA card are referred to as "telco" commonly used for normal telephone wiring connections. A dual purpose connector to twisted pair (DPC-T3) adapter - p/n 83X9758 (or equivalent) is required for circuit termination at the terminal. Proper ring and tip polarity must be maintained. Prerequisites: Configuration Support-A Release 5.4, Configuration Support-B Release 4, or Configuration Support-C Licensed Internal Code (LIC). Limitations:
- Telephone wiring must meet the specifications for IBM cabling system (ICS) type 3 media. Refer to 3174 Establishment Controller Site Planning (GA23-0213) for type 3 media specifications.
- The maximum supported distance between the TTP TMA and a device is 900 feet (275 meters). There is no minimum distance.
- The TTP TMA Adapter requires one feature slot.
Fiber Optic Terminal Adapter (#3110)
Models 11L, 11R, 12L, 12R, 13R, 14R.
Provides the ability to attach an IBM 3299 Terminal Multiplexer Model 032 to large cluster 3174 models via 62.5/125 micron fiber-optic media at a distance of up to 1,500 meters (4,920 ft). Can also be used with 100/140 micron and 50/125 micron fiber-optic media.
Note: Optical fiber connection requires a pair of optical fibers.
The maximum number of IBM 3174 Fiber Optic Terminal Adapter Features (FC 3110) that are supported by the 3174 controller is as follows:
- 3174 Model 11L, 11R, 12L, 12R, 13R, and 14R without the 3270 Port Expansion Feature (FC 3100) installed equals three.
- 3174 Model 11L, 11R, 12L, 12R, 13R, and 14R with the 3270 Port Expansion Feature (FC 3100) installed equals six.
Use of multiple Fiber Optic Terminal adapters (#3110) does not extend the 3174 controller's ability to support additional ports (maximum: thirty-two without 3270 Port Expansion Feature - FC 3100, sixty-four with 3270 Port Expansion Feature). Support for multiple Fiber Optic Terminal Adapter features allows multiple groups of up to eight devices to be connected to a 3174 via fiber-optic cable. When connected this way, only the first eight ports (0-7) on the attached 3299 Terminal Multiplexer Model 032(s) are active. Prerequisite: Configuration Support-A, Release 5.3 (or later), or Configuration Support-B, Release 3 (or later), or Configuration Support-C Licensed Internal Code. Limitations: Each Fiber Optic Terminal Adapter requires one available 3174 feature slot. Planning information for determining fiber-optic drive distances is supplied in "IBM 3299 Model 032 Planning for Optical Fiber Cable", GA27-3902. CSU: Yes. Set up instructions are supplied.
When the 3299-032 is used as an 8-port multiplexer instead of a 32-port multiplexer, up to 3 (or 6 when Port Expansion Feature is installed) 3299-032 connections are possible. For more information, please refer to the 3299 sales pages.
3174 Value Package (#4710, #4730, #4740)
Models 11L, 11R, 12L, 12R, 13R, 14R.
F/C #4710 is applicable to 3174 Models 13R and 14R.
For Model 13R and 14R, this feature provides two 2.0 MB control storage cards F/C 1014) and a 20 MB Fixed Disk Drive (F/C 1056) with Configuration Support-C LIC (F/C 6010), APPN, and Peer Communication preloaded on the Fixed Disk Drive.
F/C 4730 is applicable to 3174 Models 11L, 11R, 12L, and 12R.
For Models 11L, 11R, 12L, and 12R, this feature provides two 2.0 MB storage expansion cards (F/C 1014), a Type 3A (16/4) Communication Adapter and 2.4m (8 ft) Token-Ring communication cable (F/C 3044), a 20 MB Fixed Disk Drive (F/C 1056) with Configuration Support-C LIC (F/C 6010), APPN, and Peer Communication preloaded on the Fixed Disk Drive.
F/C 4740 is applicable to 3174 Models 11L, 11R, 12L, and 12R.
For Models 11L, 11R, 12L, and 12R, this feature provides two 2.0 MB storage expansion cards (F/C 1014), a Ethernet LAN Adapter (F/C 3045), a 20 MB Fixed Disk Drive (F/C 1056) with Configuration Support-C LIC (F/C 6010), APPN, and Peer Communication preloaded on the Fixed Disk Drive.
Maximum: One. Prerequisites/corequisites: None. Limitations: For Model 13R and 14R, the 3174 Value Package (F/C 4710) requires two 3174 feature slots. For Models 11L, 11R, 12L, and 12R, the 3174 Value Package (F/C #4730, 4740) requires three 3174 feature slots.
CSU: Yes. Although the LIC is preloaded on the Fixed Disk Drive, the customer must customize the 3174.
The 3174 Value Package (F/C # 4710, 4730 or 4740) is a plant-installed only feature. To remove any part of the 3174 Value Package for the machine history, process an RPO MES to remove #4710, 4730, 4740 and add the specific features remaining on the machine.
Feature Slots
Usage for Models 11L,11R,12L,12R,13R,14R.
Certain 3174 adapters can plug only into card slots 11 through 17. While others can only plug into card slots 22, 23, and 24. Some adapters must plug into specific card slots. These requirements will result in certain 3174 configurations that cannot be accommodated. Where conflicts for card slots occur, the customer must analyze his requirements and make the appropriate trade-offs.
The chart below lists all the adapters that can plug only into the feature slots, identifies the adapters that have specific slot requirements, and gives plugging recommendations for all other adapters in this category.
The column "Adapter Type" refers to the four-digit number used to identify adapter cards by the specific function they provide. The type number provides for easy identification during CSU, problem determination, and repair.
Models 11L, 11R, 12L, 12R, 13R, 14R Slot Usage
| Channel | N/A | 9210 | 11 | Provided in Mdl 11L base; |
| Adapter | | | | N/A to other models. |
| ESCON | N/A | 9810 | 11 | Provided in Mdl 12L base; |
| Channel | | | | N/A to other models. |
| Adapter | | | | |
| Type-3A | 3026, | 9351 | Any | Provided in Mdl 13R; optional |
| Comm. |3044 See| | slot | feature in all other models. |
| Adapter |Comment | | 11-17| Only 1 Type 3A adapter supported|
| Ethernet | 3045 | 9344 | Any | Provided in Mdl 14R; optional |
| Adapter | | | slot | feature on all other models. |
| | | | 11-17| Only 1 Ethernet Adapter supported
| 3270 PEF | 3100 | 9155 | 22,23| Installed in first available |
| Adapter | | | | location 22-23 |
| TMA | 3103 | 9174 |11-17 | 1st available location in this |
| Adapter | | |22-24 | sequence 11,13,15,17,22,23,12, |
| | | | | 14,16,24. See note below. |
| TTP TMA | 3105 | 9070 |11-17 | Same as 3103; F/C 3105 is |
| Adapter | | |22-24 | available in US, Canada, and |
| | | | | Latin America only. |
| FTA | 3110 | 9750 |11-17 | Same as 3103 |
| Adapter | | |22-24 | |
| AEA | 3020 | 9331 | 14 | Installed starting with |
|-----------| | |------| location 14, then 13, then 12. |
| AEA | | | 13 | |
|-----------| | |------| |
| AEA | | | 12 | |
| CCA-1 | 3050 or| 9263 | Any | These features are plugged in |
| | 3051 or| 9263 | slot | sequence, left-to-right, begin- |
|-----------| 3052 or| 9263 | 11 | ning at first available slot, |
| CCA-2 | 3053 | 9267 | thru | skipping slots already plugged. |
| | | | 17 | |
| Optional | 1012 | 9052 | 20 | Base storage plugged in |
| Storage-1 | 1014 | 9053 | | slot 19; optional storage |
|-----------| | |------| cards must be plugged in |
| Optional | | | 17 | sequence of slots 20 and 17 |
| Storage-2 | | | | without gaps. |
|Type 1 or 2| 3040 | 9253 | 22 | |
| Comm. | 3041 | | | |
| Adapter | 3042 | | | |
| | 3043 | 9277/3 | | |
| ISDN Adapt| 3055 | 9341 |11-17 | 1st available location 11-17 |
Note: Terminal Multiplexer Adapter features (#3103) can plug into any vacant slot (11-17,22-24). If slots are not available to accommodate the required number of these features, then use of an external IBM 3299 Terminal Multiplexer is recommended.
Licensed Internal Code (LIC) Features
The 3174 is supported by multiple configuration support packages and releases of Licensed Internal Code. Selection of the appropriate LIC configuration depends on the desired 3174 functions.
Configuration Support-A, Release 5 is considered the base Licensed Internal Code release for the 3174 models 11L, 11R, 12R, and 13R.
Configuration Support-S is the supporting Licensed Internal Code shipped with the IBM 16/4 Mbps Token-Ring Network Gateway optional feature (#3026).
Configuration Support-B is an optional Licensed Internal Code feature that is available for all 3174 models, however certain 3174 models require specific Configuration Support-B releases. Models 21H, 21L, 21R and 90R require Configuration Support-B Release 2 or later or Configuration Support-C. Models 12L and 22L require Configuration Support-B, Release 3, or later, or Configuration Support-C. The 3174 Model 23R requires Configuration Support-B, Release 4, or Configuration Support-C.
Configuration Support-C is an enhanced function optional Licensed Internal Code feature that is available on 3174 Models 11L, 11R, 12R, 12L, 13R, and 14R.
Configuration Support-B (#5010)
Models 11L, 11R, 12L, 12R, 13R, 14R.
This feature provides the latest release of Configuration Support-B Licensed Internal Code.
Prerequisites: Requires either a 2.4MB diskette drive or 20MB hardfile, and a minimum of 2MB control storage. For further details, see Configuration Support-B in the Licensed Internal Code section.
Configuration Support-C (#6010, #6015)
Models 11L, 11R, 12L, 12R, 13R, 14R.
This feature provides the latest release of Configuration Support-C Licensed Internal Code. Configuration Support-C is required to support downstream ISDN connected PU T2.0 devices. Configuration Support-C is a prerequisite for the APPN feature as well as the Peer Communication feature. Configuration Support-C is a prerequisite for Ethernet Support (feature 3045 and 3174 Models 14R, 24R, and 64R). Configuration Support-C is also a prerequisite for Frame Relay Communications Support (feature 7020/7070).
Optional feature #6010 should be ordered for Models 11L, 11R, 12L, 12R, 13R, and 14R that do not have Configuration Support-B installed.
Optional feature #6015 provides an upgrade option for 3174s that already have Configuration Support-B installed.
As a convenience to our customers, with Release 6 and future releases of Configuration Support-C, you no longer can order the following features as they are now part of Release 6. They have been premerged onto the Control Extension Diskette.
Advanced Peer-to-Peer Network (APPN)
Peer Communication
ASCII Emulation Adapter Diskette Feature #9015/3020
Prerequisites: (1) Requires at least 3MB of control storage. (2) Requires either two 2.4MB diskette drives or one 2.4MB diskette drive and one 20MB Fixed Disk Drive.
Prior to December 1, 1990, 3174 Models 11L, 11R, 12L, 12R, and 13R that specified Configuration Support-A (#9010) shipped with 1.2MB Diskette Drive(s).
If Configuration Support-C LIC is
subsequently shipped for the above machines as a Miscellaneous
Equipment Specification (MES), sufficient 2.4MB diskette drive(s) will
be shipped, along with the LIC, to replace the 1.2MB Diskette Drive(s).
These drive(s) are shipped at no additional charge beyond that of
Configuration Support-C.
APPN Feature
Models 11L, 11R, 12L, 12R, 13R, 14R.
Provides Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking (APPN) Network Node services to support the low-entry networking (LEN) end node, APPN end Node (EN), and APPN support for dependent LUs locally attached to the 3174. The 3174 NN fully participates in an APPN network by maintaining directory and topology data bases that are used to respond to requests from APPN nodes, calculate the best route based on class of service, and transport the session data reliably gassed on transmission priority.
As a convenience to our customers, with Release 5 and future releases of Configuration Support-C, you will no longer receive a separate diskette and have to do a DSL merge of a feature diskette. The APPN Licensed Internal Code has been premerged onto the Control Extension Diskette.
Prerequisites/Corequisites: Requires Configuration Support-C (#6010, #6015).
Peer Communication
Models 11L, 11R, 12L, 12R, 13R, 14R.
The 3174 PEER Communication feature provides a LAN segment for Intelligent Workstation (IWS) connected to an IBM 3174 Establishment Controller with a 3270 coax connection card. In addition to providing a LAN environment for IWSs, the 3174 also acts as a Source Routing Bridge between these IWSs and a real Token-Ring LAN connected to the 3174. Participating IWSs can communicate with each other or to any other IWS or LAN server that is connected to the Token-Ring. Peer Communication operates over existing 3270 wiring, saving the expense and disruption or recabling to Token-Ring wiring or adding Token-Ring adapters to IWSs which have 3270 connection cards. Support for Ethernet connections are not available.
Peer Communication provides Token-Ring access for DOS 3.3, 4.0, 5.0; as well as IBM Extended Services for OS/2 or IBM OS/2 LAN Server and Requester.
Novell's NetWare can be used on DOS Workstations using the LAN Support Program Network Driver. For best performance, use NetWare Workstation update for DOS/Windows with burst mode. This program operates at the 802.2 interface level, not the IPX or NetBIOS level.
For 3174 LIC Configuration Support B Release 3 or 4, RPQ 8Q0718 is required.
For 3174 LIC Configuration Support C Release 1 or later,
Optional feature #8010 (Peer Communication) should be ordered.
As a convenience to our customers, with Release 5 and future releases of Configuration Support-C, you will no longer receive a separate diskette and have to do a DSL merge of a feature diskette. The Peer Communications Licensed Internal Code has been premerged onto the Control Extension Diskette.
Prerequisites/Corequisites: Requires Configuration Support-C LIC (#6010, #6015). A Token-Ring Adapter (#3026, #3044, #3031, or #3030) is required when intelligent workstations attached to the 3174 must communicate with workstations attached to the Token-Ring LAN. 3174 Models 13R, 23R, and 63R are shipped with a Type 3A Token-Ring Adapter as part of the base model.
Frame Relay Communications Feature (#7020)
Models 11R,11L,12L,12R,13R,14R.
The 3174 Frame Relay Communications feature supports RFC 1490 for multiplexing multiple protocols over a single Permanent Virtual Circuit (PVC). The 3174 can communicate with any product, IBM or OEM, that supports RFC 1490.
The protocols supported are: SNA (3270), LAN Gateway, TCP/IP, and APPN. The 3174 can support up to 250 Data Link Connection Identifiers (DLCI) with a single access to a private or public frame relay network. The support adheres to the existing standards for Permanent Virtual Connections (PVCs). Multiple DLCIs are allowed for each protocol type supported, as well as multiple protocols via one DLCI. The Local Management Interface (LMI), which provides status inquires between the 3174 and the frame relay network, is support for LMI Revision 1, Annex D, and CCITT formats. The 3174 can also communicate directly with another 3174 (DTE to DTE) without using a frame relay network.
For SNA 3270, LAN Gateway, and APPN, the 3174 Frame Relay uses IEEE 802.2 Logical Link Control. With this interface, the 3174 interconnects with other products such as 3745, RouteXpander/2, AS/400, and other 3174s. The 3174, or a downstream PU using 3174 LAN gateway support, uses Frame Relay Boundary Node function in NCP V7R1. The 3174 APPN Network Node can interface to other APPN nodes, such as RouteXpander/2, 3174, AS/400, and VTAM/NCP.
TCP/IP on the 3174 can use a frame relay network to communicate with a TCP/IP host or IP router, such as the 6611 or a 3745 using the Frame Relay Frame Handler support in NCP.
Each of these frame relay functions can coexist on the same 3174 (with sufficient storage) and all IP, SNA, and APPN traffic can flow on the same DLCI (if the same destination) or separate DLCIs.
The Frame Relay feature requires Configuration Support-C Release 5. Configuration Support-C LIC is ordered via feature #6010, #6015, #6060, #6065, #4710, #4730, and #4740). If Configuration Support-C is already installed, Configuration Support-C Release 5 is available from IBM. 3174 Models 13R and 14R require a Teleprocessing Communications Adapter (Feature #3040, #3041, #3042, or #3043). Additional control storage may be required. Refer to the section on Determining Configuration Support-C Control Storage Requirements.
Frame Relay is not supported via communication through the Concurrent Communications Adapter (CCA) or ISDN BRI Adapter.
LIC Functions
The following Licensed Internal Code Functions chart compares the major functions supported by the various Configuration Support Licensed Internal Code releases. It should be used to determine the LIC level required to support the specific function. A more detailed description of each function is included in the description of the configuration support releases that announced the function.
Configuration Support-A Functions |A|S|A|S|B|B|B|B|B|B|
Configuration Support-S Functions |R|R|R|R|B|R|R|R|R|R|
Configuration Support-B Functions |4|4|5|5|S|1|2|3|4|4|
| | | | | | | | | |*|
| | | | | | | | | |1|
3174 MODEL SUPPORT: | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
Model 11L,11R,12R,13R...........................| | |Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
Model 12L.......................................| | | | | | | |Y|Y|Y|
| | | | | | | | | | |
FUNCTIONS: | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
3274 CS-D LEVEL 65 COMPATIBILITY................|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
ENTRY ASSIST SUPPORT............................|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
SERIAL OEM INTERFACE (SOEMI) for | | | | | | | | | | |
3174 01L, 11L, 21L (NON-SNA ONLY) .............|Y| |Y| |Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
LOCAL FORMAT STORAGE............................| | | | | | |Y|Y|Y|Y|
TYPE AHEAD......................................| | | | | | |Y|Y|Y|Y|
NULL/SPACE PROCESSING...........................| | | | | | |Y|Y|Y|Y|
INTEGRATION OF RPQs 7L0665 AND 8K1387...........| | | | | | |Y|Y|Y|Y|
MULTIPLE LOGICAL TERMINALS | | | | | | | | | | |
LEVEL 1 to 4 .................................|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
LEVEL 5 ......................................| | |Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
LEVEL 6 ......................................| | | | | | |Y|Y|Y|Y|
LEVEL 7 and 8 ................................| | | | | | | | |Y|Y|
3270 PORT EXPANSION FEATURE SUPPORT ............| | | | | | | | |Y|Y|
3299-032 TERMINAL MULTIPLEXER SUPPORT...........| | |Y| | | | |Y|Y|Y|
3299-32T TERMINAL MULTIPLEXER SUPPORT...........| | |Y| | | | |Y|Y|Y|
S/370,S/9000 DATA STREAMING CHANNEL ............| | | | | | |Y|Y|Y|Y|
20MB FIXED DISK DRIVE SUPPORT...................|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
SPLIT SCREEN....................................| | | | | | | | | | |
COPY FROM SESSION TO SESSION....................| | | | | | | | | | |
LOCAL PRINT BUFFERING...........................| | | | | | | | | | |
HAP SHARING FOR LOCAL COPY......................| | | | | | | | | | |
CALCULATOR FUNCTION.............................| | | | | | | | | | |
5250 Emulation..................................| | | | | | | | | | |
132 COLUMN VIA AEA..............................| | | | | | | | | | |
CSCF IML PASSWORD SUPPRESSION...................| | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
NETVIEW ALERT...................................|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
BASIC NETWORK ASSET MGMT (VPD)..................|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
EXTENDED TRACE FACILITY.........................| | | | | | |Y|Y|Y|Y|
CENTRAL SITE CONTROL FACILITY (CSCF)............| | | | | | |Y|Y|Y|Y|
REMOTE IML VIA CSCF.............................| | | | | | | |Y|Y|Y|
(Y = included in this LIC level)
LIC Functions:
| | | | | | | | | |*|
| | | | | | | | | |1|
CONNECTIVITY: | | | | | | | | | | |
ASCII ENVIRONMENT | | | | | | | | | | |
BASE AEA FUNCTIONS: | | | | | | | | | | |
3270 Emulation/ASCII Emulation/Pass-thru......|Y| |Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
GDDM-PCLK/FTTERM Compatibility................| | |Y| |Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
ENHANCED AEA FUNCTIONS: | | | | | | | | | | |
Additional ASCII device types.................| | | | | | |Y|Y|Y|Y|
Multiple Session (MLT) access to primary host.| | | | | | | | | | |
link and ASCII Pass Through Only.............| | | | | | |Y|Y|Y|Y|
User Defined Xlate/Terminal Tables............| | | | | | |Y|Y|Y|Y|
GDDM/ASCII Graphics for Specific ASCII Device.| | | | | | |Y|Y|Y|Y|
Entry Assist Support for ASCII................| | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
X.25 ENVIRONMENT | | | | | | | | | | |
X.25 at 64 Kbps................................| | |Y| |Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
Enhanced X.25 Support..........................| | | | | | | |Y|Y|Y|
| | | | | | | | | | |
X.21/X.25 SWITCHED AUTOCONNECT/DISCONNECT.......| | | | | | | |Y|Y|Y|
| | | | | | | | | | |
TOKEN RING: | | | | | | | | | | |
4M bps Token-Ring Support.....................|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
16M bps Token-Ring Support.....................| | |Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
Token Ring T1 Timer/Retry Count................| | | | | | | | | | |
GATEWAY FUNCTION: | | | | | | | | | | |
TRN Gateway (basic)............................| |Y| |Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
TRN Gateway w/AEA Co-Residency (New Models)....| | | |Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
TRN Gateway Support/250 DSPUs (New Models).....| | | | | |Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
TRN Gateway-Multiple Upstream Hosts ...........| | | | | | | |Y|Y|Y|
TRN Remote Gateway Group Poll .................| | | | | |Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
TRN Remote Gateway Duplex Multipoint...........| | | | | | | |Y|Y|Y|
| | | | | | | | | | |
ISDN | | | | | | | | | | |
ISDN Gateway for 32 DSPU T2.0 .................| | | | | | | | | | |
ISDN Gateway-Multiple Upstream Host via ES.....| | | | | | | | | | |
ISDN Remote Gateway Group Poll ................| | | | | | | | | | |
ISDN Remote Gateway Duplex Multipoint..........| | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
MULTIPLE HOST ENVIRONMENT | | | | | | | | | | |
SINGLE-LINK MULTIHOST | | | | | | | | | | |
via X.25 ....................................| | | | | | | |Y|Y|Y|
via TRN .....................................| | | | | |Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
via ESCON (w/ DIRECTOR) .....................| | | | | | | |Y|Y|Y|
MULTILINK MULTIHOST via CCA ...................| | | | | |Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
| | | | | | | | | | |
APPN (Network Node)............................| | | | | | | | | | |
PEER COMMUNICATION SUPPORT (Integrated)........| | | | | | | | | | |
(Y = included in this LIC level)
LIC Functions
Configuration Support-C functions |C|C|C|C|C|C|C|
| |*|*|*|*|*|*|
| |1|0|0|0|0|0|
3174 MODEL SUPPORT: | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
Model 11L,11R,12R,13R,61R,62R,63R...............|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
Note: CS-C4.0 does not support 13R and 63R | | | | | | | |
Model 91R,92R...................................| | | | | | | |
Model 21L,21R ..................................|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
Model 90R.......................................| | | | | | | |
Model 12L,22L (ESCON)...........................|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
Model 22R (EMEA only)...........................| |Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
Model 23R.......................................|Y|Y|Y|Y| |Y|Y|
Model 14R,24R,64R...............................| | | | |Y|Y|Y|
| | | | | | | |
FUNCTIONS: | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
3274 CS-D LEVEL 65 COMPATIBILITY................|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
ENTRY ASSIST SUPPORT............................|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
SERIAL OEM INTERFACE (SOEMI) for | | | | | | | |
3174 01L, 11L, 21L (NON-SNA ONLY)..............|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
LOCAL FORMAT STORAGE............................|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
TYPE AHEAD......................................|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
NULL/SPACE PROCESSING...........................|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
INTEGRATION OF RPQs 7L0665 AND 8K1387...........|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
LEVEL 1 to 4 .................................|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
LEVEL 5 ......................................|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
LEVEL 6 ......................................|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
LEVEL 7 and 8 ................................|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
TERMINAL SWITCHING VIA 7232 MULTIPLEXER.........| | | | | | | |
3270 PORT EXPANSION SUPPORT FOR CCA.............| | | |Y|Y|Y|Y|
S/370,S/9000 DATA STREAMING CHANNEL ............|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
20MB FIXED DISK DRIVE SUPPORT...................|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
SPLIT SCREEN....................................| | |Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
COPY FROM SESSION TO SESSION....................| | |Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
LOCAL PRINT BUFFERING...........................| | |Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
HAP SHARING FOR LOCAL COPY......................| | |Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
HAP OTHER THAN 1A2..............................| | | |Y|Y|Y|Y|
CALCULATOR FUNCTION.............................| | |Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
5250 Emulation..................................| | |Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
132 COLUMN VIA AEA..............................| | |Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
CSCF IML PASSWORD SUPPRESSION...................| | |Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
EASTERN EUROPEAN LANG. - 3270...................| | | |Y|Y|Y|Y|
RECORD/PLAY ....................................| | | | | | |Y|
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
NETVIEW ALERT...................................|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
BASIC NETWORK ASSET MGMT (VPD)..................|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
EXTENDED TRACE FACILITY.........................|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
REMOTE IML VIA CSCF.............................|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
(Y = included in this LIC level)
Configuration Support-C functions continued |C|C|C|C|C|C|C|
| |*|*|*|*|*|*|
| |1|0|0|0|0|0|
CONNECTIVITY: | | | | | | | |
ASCII ENVIRONMENT | | | | | | | |
BASE AEA FUNCTIONS: | | | | | | | |
3270 Emulation/ASCII Emulation/Pass-thru......|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
GDDM-PCLK/FTTERM Compatibility................|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
Additional ASCII device types.................|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
Multiple Session (MLT) access to primary host.| | | | | | | |
link and ASCII Pass Through Only.............|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
User Defined Xlate/Terminal Tables............|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
GDDM/ASCII Graphics for Specific ASCII Device.|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
Entry Assist Support for ASCII................| | |Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
| | | | | | | |
X.25 ENVIRONMENT | | | | | | | |
X.25 at 64 Kbps................................|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
Enhanced X.25 Support..........................|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
APPN T2.1 .....................................| | | | | |Y|Y|
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
SNA PU2.0......................................| | | | | |Y|Y|
Gateway Support................................| | | | | |Y|Y|
APPN T2.1 .....................................| | | | | |Y|Y|
TCP/IP Telnet..................................| | | | | |Y|Y|
Remote Source Route bridging...................| | | | | | |Y|
| | | | | | | |
TOKEN RING: | | | | | | | |
4M bps Token-Ring Support.....................|Y|Y|Y|Y| |Y|Y|
16M bps Token-Ring Support.....................|Y|Y|Y|Y| |Y|Y|
Token Ring T1 Timer/Retry Count................| | |Y|Y| |Y|Y|
GATEWAY FUNCTION: | | | | | | | |
TRN Gateway (basic)............................|Y|Y|Y|Y| |Y|Y|
TRN Gateway w/AEA Co-Residency (New Models)....|Y|Y|Y|Y| |Y|Y|
TRN Gateway Support/250 DSPUs (New Models).....|Y|Y|Y|Y| |Y|Y|
TRN Gateway-Multiple Upstream Hosts............|Y|Y|Y|Y| |Y|Y|
TRN Remote Gateway Group Poll..................|Y|Y|Y|Y| |Y|Y|
TRN Remote Gateway Duplex Multipoint...........|Y|Y|Y|Y| |Y|Y|
| | | | | | | |
ETHERNET: | | | | | | | |
DSPU Support...................................| | | | |Y|Y|Y|
Gateway Support................................| | | | |Y|Y|Y|
APPN T2.1 .....................................| | | | |Y|Y|Y|
| | | | | | | |
ISDN | | | | | | | |
ISDN Gateway for 32 DSPU T2.0 .................|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
ISDN Gateway-Multiple Upstream Host via ES.....|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
ISDN Remote Gateway Group Poll.................|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
ISDN Remote Gateway Duplex Multipoint..........|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
| | | | | | | |
via X.25 ....................................|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
via TRN .....................................|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
via ETHERNET.................................| | | | |Y|Y|Y|
via ESCON (w/ DIRECTOR) .....................|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
MULTILINK MULTIHOST via CCA ...................|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
| | | | | | | |
APPN (Network Node)............................|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|
VTAM APPN COMPATIBILITY (V4R1)...............| | | |Y|Y|Y|Y|
MULTITAIL....................................| | | |Y|Y|Y|Y|
SHARED AS/400 LINK (PU2.0 T2.1).............| | | |Y|Y|Y|Y|
Dependent LU Requester.......................| | | | | |Y|Y|
APPN Network Management......................| | | | | |Y|Y|
| | | | | | | |
TCP/IP SUPPORT | | | | | | | |
Telnet.........................................| | | |Y|Y|Y|Y|
Router.........................................| | | | | | |Y|
(Y = included in this LIC level)
Configuration Support-A Release 5
Configuration Support-A must be ordered (#9010) as the base Licensed Internal Code for all models of the 3174 that do not order or require Configuration Support-B or Configuration Support-C.
The following base 3174 functions are provided in Configuration Support-A Release 5, Configuration Support-B and Configuration Support-C.
The 3174 customization has the following features:
- A central site customization facility (see "Central Site Customizing", below, under "Offline Utility Procedures".)
- Electronic distribution of customization parameters and/or data via the Central Site Change Management function.
- Use of words and phrases on the customization panels, as opposed to only numbers and symbols.
- Error messages presented on screen
- Optional selection of printer authorization matrix definition panel, with self-explanatory prompts
- Reduced number of questions for equivalent function
- Reduced diskette swapping
- Expanded use of defaults
- Reduced machine execution time.
Offline Procedures
Offline procedures are provided to aid in the configuring and managing of 3174 Licensed Internal Code and to provide offline diagnostic functions. They are invoked from a "master menu" panel that is displayed on a control unit terminal attached to port 0. The 3174 offline procedures include:
- Customize the Control Diskette: Provides the ability to configure control unit Licensed Internal Code, define printer authorization matrix, merge RPQs, and modify keyboards.
- Merge Downstream Load: Provides the ability to merge the Licensed Internal Code required by two or more downstream-load terminals on to one diskette. Use of this procedure requires a second diskette drive.
- Copy Files: Through its seven variations, provides a means of duplicating diskettes, copying specific data areas, and copying with configuration modifications from one control diskette to another. The Full Copy and Modify and Copy options require a second diskette drive. This feature is not required for the other copy files options, but their usage is enhanced with it, since the need for diskette swapping is reduced.
- Diagnostics: Provides a full range of offline diagnostics. Diagnostics are selected from a menu panel when this utility is invoked.
- Licensed Internal Code Upgrade: Provides a process to update a newly released control diskette with the configuration data from the down level control diskette, thus greatly reducing the time required to execute this task.
- Identify Customizing Keyboard: Expands the types and configurations of keyboards from which the 3174 customization process can be executed.
- Central Site Customization: Enhances the management, distribution, and control of Licensed Internal Code for 3174 control units in a network. It provides the ability to create offline, a central site library of network control unit data; create, modify, browse, or delete library members; and generate customized control diskettes for mailing to network 3174s. A second diskette drive is required to use this procedure. Although not required, the 2.0MB Storage Expansion feature (#1014) is recommended to facilitate generating diskettes for network control units by reducing the time and manual intervention required to read individual/duplicate control diskettes. The procedure is a prerequisite for Central Site Change Management.
APL2 Characters Support
The APL character set is expandable to 138 characters, this is called APL2. Some APL compilers use these additional characters. The supported characters are: Diamond, Quad Null, Iota Underbar, Epsilon Underbar, Left Tack, Right Tack, Equal Underbar, Squished Quad, Quad Slope, and Dieresis Dot. All ten characters are supported to the host, however, the Diamond, Left Tack, and Right Tack are not supported on IBM APL2 keyboards. The displays supported with APL2 keyboards are: 3191 Models D, E, L, the CUT version of 3192, and 3472 InfoWindow.
Intelligent Printer Data Stream (IPDS)
Intelligent Printer Data Stream (IPDS) is supported for the IBM 4224, 3812, and 3816 Printers. These printers use a 3270 Extended Data Stream structured field approach to manage and control printer processes. IPDS is designed to allow the presentation of text, raster images, vector graphics, bar codes, and previously stored overlays at any point on a page. IPDS commands within the data stream also enable the host processor to control media handling, error recovery, and the downloading and management of symbol sets (fonts) and printer stored objects, such as overlays and page segments. The printer can later use these stored objects to construct a printed page. IPDS can significantly reduce the load on the host processor.
Multiple Logical Terminals (MLT)
Multiple Logical Terminal support enables IBM 3270 fixed-function (CUT-mode) displays attached to any model IBM 3174, regardless of host connection protocol, to interact with up to five host sessions. The host sessions can be directly connected to a single IBM host and one or more ASCII host(s). Each session can be connected to only one host at a time. Except as noted below, each session is processed as though it were defined on a separate, but identical display.
Each session utilizing the connection to an IBM host requires a 3174 session address known to the IBM host, i.e. a host session address. The host connection and associated session address is defined during 3174 customization. The available number of IBM host sessions is constrained by the host connection mode (SNA or non-SNA).
The ASCII host connection requires the Asynchronous Emulation Adapter (AEA) feature (#3020) to be installed. Access to the ASCII host is accomplished on a session basis through a connection menu or default destination procedure as specified in the 3174/AEA customization procedure. Each ASCII host connection utilizes one AEA port. A session that is used for a connection to an ASCII host is not required to have an IBM host address assigned to it.
The display screen and keyboard are owned by a single session at a time. Other sessions associated with the display are maintained in the 3174. Operator access to these sessions, whether they are in IBM hosts or ASCII hosts, is accomplished via a Change Screen key sequence that varies by keyboard layout. This key sequence causes the display screen and keyboard ownership to be transferred to the next session in a round-robin fashion. Host access to a particular session is processed independent of the other session states. In particular, the display screen and keyboard are not affected unless the session being accessed is the current owner.
Each session associated with a display is defined by the characteristics such as screen size and extended attribute buffer (EAB) of the display. If the display has Programmed Symbols feature(s), its usage is limited to the primary (first) session. The Explicit Partition and windowing feature is not supported if more than one session is defined for this display.
IBM fixed-function displays supported for MLT sessions include the 3179, 3180, 3278, 3279, 3191, 3192, 3471, 3472, 3481, and 3482. Other displays that fully emulate one of the supported terminals can also take advantage of the MLT capability. Printers, including SOEMI devices, are limited to a single session and host connection. DFT device support is not affected by MLT. Displays and printers attached via the AEA do not have MLT capabilities.
Six levels of MLT support are selectable during 3174 customization. Level zero allows a customer to choose no MLT support. Levels one, two, three, four, and five reserve specific amounts of storage which allow various combinations of displays and session counts to be defined.
When combined with other features and functions like the Asynchronous Emulation Adapter (#3020) and Central Site Change Management, additional storage may be required. See "Configuration Support-A Storage Requirements".
SNA Logical Unit Support
The total number of SNA Logical Units (LUs) supported on a 3174 is 208 for Model 11R. This support enables more Distributed Function Terminals (DFT) using their multiple interactive screen (MIS) facility, ASCII terminals using the 3270 emulation facilities and attached printer support of the Asynchronous Emulation Adapter feature (#3020), and CUT-mode devices using the Multiple Logical Terminal function provided in the 3174 control unit, to interact with more IBM SNA host sessions. The maximum would be achieved as follows:
For Model 11R:
Ports 0-31 160 LUs (Up to 5 LUs per port)
ASCII Terminals 24 LUs (2 LUs per port when 1 LU is for the
ASCII Printers 24 LUs display session and 1 LU is for the
--- attached printer session)
Response Time Monitor
Response Time Monitor is a base function in the control units. It provides for enhanced network management for CUT devices by permitting the accurate measurement and recording of transaction times between an inbound host attention and a user-defined transaction end.
Response Time Monitor Transaction-end Definition
A Response Time Monitor Transaction-End definition is available to accurately measure the total elapsed time for transactions with host applications that unlock the keyboard before the actual data requested by the terminal operator is provided by the application. The transaction-end definition can be selected during 3174 customization or in SNA environments can be selected by the host. In an operational environment the total elapsed time between activation of an attention interrupt (AID) key to receipt of the transaction end identifier is measured. A DFT device may not support all current 3174 transaction end definitions. RTM support is disabled for DFT devices if the DFT device does not support the 3174 transaction-end defined in 3174 customization.
Central Site Change Management
Allows electronic distribution of customization parameters and/or data to network 3174s. The Central Site Customizing Utility function is required on a 3174 Model 11R that is designated as the central site control unit. The customization parameters and/or data for control units in the network are electronically distributed via NetView* Distribution Manager Version 1 Release 2, or later, in the IBM central site host using the LU 6.2 support provided in the ACF/VTAM Version 3.2. Electronic distribution of customization parameters is to any Model of the 3174 in a nondisruptive mode. Electronic distribution of other data may require network site intervention depending on that network 3174s Model and/or hardware features installed. The central site control unit requires either a second diskette drive or the 20MB Fixed Disk Drive optional feature. The 20MB Fixed Disk Drive feature is not a prerequisite but is desirable for some 3174s participating in Central Site Change Management. Additional storage may be required when combined with other functions (see "Configuration Support-A Multiple Sessions and Storage Chart"]. In addition to providing the electronic distribution support for central site control units, CSCM also provides the complementary support to receive customization parameters and/or data at the network control units.
Network Asset Management
Network Asset Management responds to SNA host requests for Vital Product Data (VPD) information relating to the SNA 3174 and supported attached devices (see chart below for level of VPD support). Full VPD support includes Machine Type, Model Number, Serial Number (Plant of Manufacture (POM) concatenated with the sequence number) and Product Class (IBM or non-IBM). For all locally attached devices, including those not supporting VPD, the 3174 will also respond to the SNA host request with the 3174 port address, an indication if the device is currently powered on, and an indication whether there has been any power-on/off activity for the device since the last time the 3174 responded to a host request for VPD information. All information relating to the attached devices will be maintained in the 3174 even when the attached device is powered off.
The Network Asset Management function requires NetView Release 3, or later installed in the IBM MVS/XA, MVS/ESA, VM/SP, or VM/XA host that owns the 3174 and support provided in ACF/VTAM Version 3, Release 1.1, or later.
For processing the Network Asset Management data gathered by NetView, a product such as Service Level Reporter (SLR), Information Management, or a user provided program is required.
Device and VPD Support Level
|3179 | 1 | Y | N | N | N | |
| | G | Y | Y | N | N | |
|3180 | 1 | Y | N | N | N | |
|3191(1)| A,B | Y | N | N | N | |
| | D,E,L | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
|3192(1)| C,D,F,L,W | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
| | G | Y | Y | N | N | |
|3193 | 10,20 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
|3194 | C,D,H (EX. H50)| Y | Y | Y | Y | |
| | H50 | Y | Y | N | N | |
|3290 | | Y | N | N | N | |
|3471 | | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
|3472 | FC,FD,FA,FG,CG5 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
|3481 | | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
|3482 | | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
|8530(3)| E21, E31 | N | Y | Y | Y |PS/2 Model 30-286|
|8550(2)| 021,031,061 | N | Y | Y | Y | PS/2 Model 50 |
|8555SX | 031, 061 | N | Y | Y | Y | PS/2 Model 55 |
|8560(2)| 041,071 | N | Y | Y | Y | PS/2 Model 60 |
|8565SX | 061, 121 | N | Y | Y | Y | PS/2 Model 65 |
|8570(2)| A21,E61,121 | N | Y | Y | Y | PS/2 Model 70 |
|8580(2)| 041,071,111,311| N | Y | Y | Y | PS/2 Model 80 |
|5162(3)| 286 | N | Y | Y | Y | PC XT |
|5170(3)| 099,239,319,339| N | Y | Y | Y | PC AT |
|5170(3)| 068 W/FIXED DISK| N | Y | Y | Y | PC AT |
(1) The sales model and VPD model have the following relationship:
Sales Model VPD Model
3191 A/B 3191 000
3191 D/E/L 3191 015
3192 C/L 3192 030
3192 D 3192 020
3192 F 3192 035
3192 W 3192 025
(2) Requires OS/2 Extended Edition and FC 2000.
(3) Requires OS/2 Extended Edition and FC 2507 or FC 5050.
Configuration Support-A Storage Requirements
Some combinations of the features and functions described in the "Optional Features" and the Configuration Support-A, Release 5 section may require additional storage. Before attempting to decide on the total amount of storage required, the level of MLT support should be determined.
MLT Weighting Factors for Configuration Support-A
Each IBM CUT display supported for MLT sessions requires a certain amount of storage based on the number of sessions desired, its screen size and screen characteristics. This storage requirement is called a "weighting factor". The sum of the weighting factors for each terminal on a given 3174 determines the required level of MLT (level 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) to support the required MLT sessions. The chart below should be used to determine the level of MLT support required.
| Display Characteristics | Number of Sessions|
|Row x | Total | Per Terminal |
|Column | Characters | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
| 24x80 | (1920), no EAB | 0 | 3 | 6 | 9 | 12| Weighting|
| 24x80 | (1920), with EAB | 0 | 5 | 10| 15| 20| |
| 32x80 | (2560), no EAB | 0 | 5 | 10| 15| 20| Factors |
| 32x80 | (2560), with EAB | 0 | 9 | 18| 27| 36| |
| 43x80 | (3440), no EAB | 0 | 5 | 10| 15| 20| Per |
| 43x80 | (3440), with EAB | 0 | 9 | 18| 27| 36| |
| 27x132| (3564), no EAB | 0 | 5 | 10| 15| 20| Terminal |
| 27x132| (3564), with EAB | 0 | 9 | 18| 27| 36| |
Note: EAB (Extended Attribute Buffer) refers to the ability of some displays to highlight or display in 7 color mode, individual display character positions.
Note: Some CUT displays support a number of screen sizes and allow the user to select a screen size as part of display set-up mode. If these displays support the Extended Function feature, then the largest screen size supported by the device must be used to determine its weighting factor. If the display does not support this feature, then the screen size chosen during set-up mode should be used.
- For MLT level 0, the sum of weighting factors is 0.
- For MLT level 1, the sum of weighting factors must not exceed 64.
- For MLT level 2, the sum of weighting factors must not exceed 128.
- For MLT level 3, the sum of weighting factors must not exceed 416.
- For MLT level 4, the sum of weighting factors must not exceed 864.
- For MLT level 5, the sum of weighting factors must not exceed 1408.
Determining Configuration Support-A Storage Requirements
Any one of the feature/function combinations listed in the table below is operable within its listed storage requirement. (Features/ functions not shown in the table, do not increase storage requirements above that listed in the table.)
The following table can be used to determine the amount of storage required for the combinations of features and functions desired. This is done by identifying the feature/functions desired on the appropriate hardware and change management configuration. The intersection of the selected column and row determines the storage requirement for that feature/function combination.
Note: The maximum storage available when using Configuration Support-A Release 5 is 4.0MB. If you customize for items requiring more than the total amount of storage installed, a deconfiguration of some of these items will occur during IML.
|Hardware and Change Management Configuration|
| Feature/ | BASE | CSCM RSC | CSCM CSC | CSCM CSC |
| Function | | or | (FD1) | (FD2) |
| | | CSCM(DSK) | | |
| BASE | 1MB | 1MB | 1.5MB | 1.5MB |
| AEA | 1MB | 1.5MB | 1.5MB | 1.5MB |
| MLT1 | 1MB | 1MB | 1.5MB | 2MB |
| MLT1, AEA | 1MB | 1.5MB | 1.5MB | 2MB |
| MLT2 | 1MB | 1.5MB | 1.5MB | 2MB |
| MLT2, AEA | 1.5MB | 1.5MB | 1.5MB | 2MB |
| MLT3 | 1.5MB | 1.5MB | 2MB | 2MB |
| MLT3, AEA | 1.5MB | 2MB | 2MB | 2MB |
| MLT4 | 2MB | 2MB | 2.5MB | 2.5MB |
| MLT4, AEA | 2MB | 2.5MB | 2.5MB | 3MB |
| MLT5 | 2.5MB | 2.5MB | 3MB | 3MB |
| MLT5, AEA | 2.5MB | 3MB | 3MB | 3.5MB |
Legend For Storage Figure:
- CSCM CSC = Central Site Change Management at a "Central Site Control Unit"
- CSCM RSC = Central Site Change Management at a "Remote Site Control Unit"
- DSK = Second Diskette Drive
- FD1 = One 20MB Fixed Disk Drive
- FD2 = Two 20MB Fixed Disk (11R)
- MLTn = Multiple Logical Terminal Level 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5
Configuration Support-S Release 5
Note - If you are planning to attach a large number of DSPUs to a 3174 LAN Gateway controller (Token-Ring or Ethernet), thruput for locally attached terminals may not be acceptable (e.g. poor response times, decreased data transfer rates, or status code 379-02 is displayed). Please consult the 3174 Performance Guidelines on HONE to evaluate the 3174 performance and capacity factors that can be expected in your desired configuration and application/host environment.
Configuration Support-S is the supporting Licensed Internal Code shipped with the IBM 16/4M Bps Token-Ring Network Gateway optional feature (#3026). See Optional Feature #3026 description for further details.
Configuration Support-S also supports all applicable Configuration Support-A Release 5 functions for locally attached devices except support for the 3299-032. This includes:
- Customization (other Token-Ring devices addresses are also customized)
- Response Time Monitor
- Response Time Monitor Transaction-end Definition
- Offline Procedures
- Intelligent Printer Data Stream (IPDS)
- Multiple Logical Terminals (MLT)
- SNA Logical Unit Support
- National Language Support
- APL2 Characters Support
- Central Site Change Management (not supported as a central site controller)
- Network Asset Management
- Asynchronous Emulation Adapter
Configuration Support-S Storage Requirements
Some combination of the features and functions described in the "Optional Features" and the Configuration Support-S, Release 5 section may require additional storage. Before attempting to decide on the total amount of storage required, the level of MLT support should be determined.
MLT Weighting Factors for Configuration Support-S
Each IBM CUT display supported for MLT sessions requires a certain amount of storage based on the number of sessions desired, its screen size and screen characteristics. This storage requirement is called a "weighting factor". The sum of the weighting factors for each terminal each on a given 3174 determines the required level of MLT (level 0, 1, 2, 3, 4,or 5) to support the required MLT sessions. The chart below should be used to determine the level of MLT support required.
| Display Characteristics | Number of Sessions|
|Row x | Total | Per Terminal |
|Column | Characters | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
| 24x80 | (1920), no EAB | 0 | 3 | 6 | 9 | 12| Weighting|
| 24x80 | (1920), with EAB | 0 | 5 | 10| 15| 20| |
| 32x80 | (2560), no EAB | 0 | 5 | 10| 15| 20| Factors |
| 32x80 | (2560), with EAB | 0 | 9 | 18| 27| 36| |
| 43x80 | (3440), no EAB | 0 | 5 | 10| 15| 20| Per |
| 43x80 | (3440), with EAB | 0 | 9 | 18| 27| 36| |
| 27x132| (3564), no EAB | 0 | 5 | 10| 15| 20| Terminal |
| 27x132| (3564), with EAB | 0 | 9 | 18| 27| 36| |
Note: EAB (Extended Attribute Buffer) refers to the ability of some displays to highlight or display in 7 color mode, individual display character positions.
Note: Some CUT displays support a number of screen sizes and allow the user to select a screen size as part of display set-up mode. If these displays support the Extended Function feature, then the largest screen size supported by the device must be used to determine its weighting factor. If the display does not support this feature, then the screen size chosen during set-up mode should be used.
- For MLT level 0, the sum of weighting factors is 0.
- For MLT level 1, the sum of weighting factors must not exceed 64.
- For MLT level 2, the sum of weighting factors must not exceed 128.
- For MLT level 3, the sum of weighting factors must not exceed 416.
- For MLT level 4, the sum of weighting factors must not exceed 864.
- For MLT level 5, the sum of weighting factors must not exceed 1408.
Determining Configuration Support-S Storage Requirements
Any one of the feature/function combinations listed in the tables below is operable within its listed storage requirement. (Features/ functions not shown in the table, do not increase storage requirements above that listed in the table.)
The following tables can be used to determine the amount of storage required for the combinations of features and functions desired. This is done by identifying the feature/functions desired on the appropriate hardware and change management configuration. The intersection of the selected column and row determines the storage requirement for that feature/function combination. This storage requirement should be recorded. From the Token-Ring Gateway - DSPU table, select the desired number of DSPUs. Add the two values of storage requirements. The final result is the storage requirement for your configuration.
Note: The maximum storage available when using Configuration Support-S Release 5 is 4.0MB. If you customize for items requiring more than the total amount of storage installed, a deconfiguration of some of these items will occur during IML.
|Hardware and Change Management Configuration|
| Feature/ | BASE | CSCM RSC | CSCM CSC | CSCM CSC |
| Function | | or | (FD1) | (FD2) |
| | | CSCM(DSK) | | |
| BASE | 1MB | 1MB | 1.5MB | 1.5MB |
| AEA | 1MB | 1.5MB | 1.5MB | 1.5MB |
| MLT1 | 1MB | 1MB | 1.5MB | 2MB |
| MLT1, AEA | 1MB | 1.5MB | 1.5MB | 2MB |
| MLT2 | 1MB | 1.5MB | 1.5MB | 2MB |
| MLT2, AEA | 1.5MB | 1.5MB | 1.5MB | 2MB |
| MLT3 | 1.5MB | 1.5MB | 2MB | 2MB |
| MLT3, AEA | 1.5MB | 2MB | 2MB | 2MB |
| MLT4 | 2MB | 2MB | 2.5MB | 2.5MB |
| MLT4, AEA | 2MB | 2.5MB | 2.5MB | 3MB |
| MLT5 | 2.5MB | 2.5MB | 3MB | 3MB |
| MLT5, AEA | 2.5MB | 3MB | 3MB | 3.5MB |
| DSPUs |
| Machine Type | 28 | 72 | 116 | 140 |
| Local Gateway T/R | .5MB | 1MB | 1.5MB | 2MB |
| Remote Gateway T/R | .5MB | .5MB | 1MB | 1MB |
Legend For Storage Figure:
- CSCM CSC = Central Site Change Management at a "Central Site Control Unit"
- CSCM RSC = Central Site Change Management at a "Remote Site Control Unit"
- DSK = Second Diskette Drive
- FD1 = One 20MB Fixed Disk Drive
- FD2 = Two 20MB Fixed Disk (11R)
- MLTn = Multiple Logical Terminal Level 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5
- DSPU = Down Stream Physical Units
- LG = Local Gateway
- RG = Remote Gateway
- Note: A 3174 operating as a gateway is not supported as a central site controller (CSC).
Configuration Support-B
Configuration Support-B consist of four functional releases. In addition to the functional enhancements, certain releases provide for additional 3174 Models support. Release 2 provides support for 3174 models.
3174 customers making a decision to install the Token-Ring gateway capability will benefit from a functional/performance standpoint when they install Configuration Support-B or C and the Type 3A Communication Adapter rather than the 3270 Token-Ring gateway feature (F/C 3026).
Functional Improvements In Configuration Support-B Release 1
Multihost connectivity via the Concurrent Communication Adapter
The Multihost connectivity provided by Configuration Support-B Release 1 and the Concurrent Communication Adapter feature provides cost effective, flexible and concurrent access to multiple 3270 host applications resident in more than one host from a terminal attached to the 3174. Each Concurrent Communication Adapter provides access to a single IBM host for synchronous teleprocessing communication over a TP link at speeds up to 64K bps using SNA/SDLC or X.25 protocols and up to 19.2K bps using BSC protocols.
Depending on the model, up to two Concurrent Communication Adapter features may be installed in the 3174. When two of these features are installed, up to three 3270 hosts may be accessed concurrently (e.g. Primary, Concurrent Communication Adapter #1 and Concurrent Communication Adapter #2). When an Asynchronous Emulation Adapter (AEA) is present, asynchronous ASCII applications are also accessible from the same 3174. ASCII terminals attached to the 3174 through the AEA can access the IBM host via the primary link only.
Single Link Multihost Support Token-Ring
Single Link Multihost Support over the Token-Ring network is a function that enables the 3174 Models 13R (Token-Ring attached controllers) and 3174 Models operating in the alternate configuration mode with FC #3044, to concurrently access up to a total of eight (8) IBM hosts via the primary Token-Ring link through gateways attached to the Token-Ring network. The primary host-attachment can be either a Type 3 Token-Ring (4M Bps) Adapter or a Type 3A (16/4M Bps) Dual Speed Communication Adapter.
Single Link Multihost Support supports up to five concurrent sessions for each attached terminal. The five sessions can be distributed among the eight 3270 application hosts in any manner, and the terminal operator can "hot-key" switch among them without having to logoff/logon.
Note: This function is provided entirely by Configuration Support-B and does not require the Concurrent Communication Adapter feature.
Remote Token-Ring Group Poll
The 3174 Remote Token-Ring gateway has been enhanced to support an option to accept and process a Group Poll command from NCP for all of the PU (Physical Unit) addresses on a single 3174 controller configured as a gateway. The Polling Performance Enhancement enables customers to configure NCP to send a Group Poll to the remote gateway. The 3174 will respond with data from any one of the Token-Ring devices that has data pending. This function will reduce the overall polling from NCP and eliminate unproductive polls; thereby increasing the efficiency of the communications link and improving the response time for the end-users.
The Group Poll capability in the 3174 requires that a Small Program Enhancement (SPE) be installed in both the Network Control Program (NCP) and the System Support Program (SSP) at the host site.
A maximum number of sixteen (16) remote 3174 Token-Ring gateway controllers may be multidropped on a single half duplex data mode communications link utilizing the Group Poll function.
Multiple Logical Terminal Enhancements
Enhanced Multiple Logical Terminal (MLT) Support includes:
- Delayed Host Notification for Secondary Logical Terminals (LTs). The host will not be notified of the presence of secondary MLT/host sessions until the session is first selected (e.g.,: via Power-on or Change Screen key).
- Implementation of a Logical Terminal Assignment (LTA) table. This table, defined during customization, identifies the MLT/host sessions accessible by each 3174 device port. Storage is allocated only for secondary sessions defined in the Logical Terminal Assignment (LTA) table. Storage is not allocated for all sessions defined in the Port Assignment Specification Table (PAST).
Additional Functional Improvements
- The functions of the Token-Ring gateway have been integrated with other 3174 function in Configuration Support-B. The Type 3A Token-Ring adapter is ordered separately as F/C 3044 (or could have been previously installed via F/C 3030 or F/C 3026); the installation and customization is accomplished as before. With 3174 Model 11R, up to 250 DSPUs can be defined. However, the number of active devices that can be supported is dependent on the 3174 storage installed and the end-user response time objectives.
- Support for the 2.4 MB diskette in 2.4 MB mode to accommodate the additional function being announced.
Functional Enhancements in Configuration Support-B Release 2
Central Site Control Facility
The Central Site Control Facility extends the capability for customers who intend to manage the 3174s in their network from a central location. The previously announced Central Site Customization Utility and Central Site Change Management facilities provide centralized control and maintenance of the customization parameters, patches, Licensed Internal Code EC release levels, RPQs, and downstream load microcode.
With the release of Central Site Control Facility, centralized control of the 3174 in an SNA environment is expanded to include problem determination and network management. Central Site Control Facility allows a NetView operator to execute 3174 online diagnostic tests on remote 3174 controllers. With central site access to these functions, the customer can:
- Collect and reset error information and event logs.
- Gather response time information.
- Initiate corrective procedures based on problem analysis.
- Display the names of the 3174 Licensed Internal Code data objects (canonical names) at a network 3174 controller.
The following 3174 online diagnostic tests are executable by the NetView operator via Central Site Control Facility:
- Test 1 - Display event logs and response time log
- Test 2 - Display configuration panels
- Test 3 - Display status summary
- Test 4 - Reset logs and cable errors
- Test 5 - Display and enter Vital Product Data (Option 5,6 is not supported by Central Site Control Facility.)
- Test 6 - Display control blocks (Option 6,2 is not supported by Central Site Control Facility. Option 6,2,n,m is supported by Central Site Control Facility.).
- TEST 9 - LAN tests on both the 3174 Gateway and LAN attached controllers
- Test 10 - Port wrap tests
- Test 11 - Trace control (initiate and retrieve)
- Test 12 - Asynchronous Emulation Adapter tests (Option 12,1 is not supported by Central Site Control Facility.)
- Test 13 - ESCON adapter Tests
- Test 14 - 3174 Operator Functions
- Test 15 - 3270 Host Status Summary
- Test 16 - ISDN Adapter Test (Config C only)
- Test 17 - APPN Status (Config C only)
- Test 18 - Frame Relay status (Config C only)
Note: Central Site Control Facility requires that the NetView Central Site Control Facility feature be installed on the NetView system. Central Site Control Facility is supported by NetView Release 3 when running on the MVS/XA and VM operating systems.
Enhanced Network Asset Management
The Enhanced Network Asset Management function provides the following enhancements:
- User-definable Vital Product Data for products not providing Vital Product Data.
- User-definable Data for customer defined data related to a 3174 port/device
- Extended Vital Product Data for the 3471, 3472, 3481, and 3482 display stations
User-definable Vital Product Data support is being added for products that do not support the Vital Product Data function (i.e., early 3270 displays and printers, ASCII devices, PCs and PS/2s* running DOS or OS/2* Standard Edition). The enhancement will allow the user to input information such as machine type, model number, serial number, plant of manufacture, and product class (IBM or non-IBM) for devices that do not supply Vital Product Data. This information will be stored in the 3174. The user will also be able to enter this data via NetView and Central Site Control Facility.
The User-definable Data function will permit the customer to define up to 50 bytes of free format data for each port on the 3174 (3270 and AEA), and 50 bytes of data for the 3174 itself. The contents of the free formatted field are completely user defined. An example usage would be to store information relating to the physical location of the 3174 and each of the attached displays.
Configuration Support-B Release 2 provides extended Vital Product Data to the 3471 Model B, 3472, 3481, and 3482 display stations that enables the customer to enter an additional eight fields of user-definable data. Each of the eight fields contains a 15 byte label and a 25 byte data area. To ensure consistent format, the 3174 provides the display with a label template for extended Vital Product Data. The contents of the label area are defined during 3174 customization and cannot be overwritten by the end-user. The label template can be distributed via the Central Site Change Management facility to all 3174s in the network.
The extended Vital Product Data function in Enhanced Network Asset Management requires that a Small Programming Enhancement (SPE) be installed in NetView Release 3 at the host site. The SPE was available on June 29, 1990.
Enhanced Trace Facility
The 3174 Enhanced Trace Facility is an internal system facility used to trace the execution of 3174 Licensed Internal Code and record 3174 memory and register contents. The Enhanced Trace Facility is an integral part of the 3174 reliability and serviceability functions and is intended to improve the problem determination capabilities of the 3174.
The following changes are included in the Enhanced Trace Facility:
- Perform existing and new trace functions using a panel environment (as opposed to a command environment)
- Store and update trace setup commands
- View the trace data online
The Enhanced Trace Facility is supported by the Central Site Control Facility.
Data Streaming
The Data-streaming function controls the data transfer rate between the 3174 and the local channel through control tag sequences generated by the channel and the control unit. The data rate is determined by the frequency and rate of handshaking sequences required between them. This function is used only for read and write commands and is not applicable for sense or control commands. Data streaming will allow multiple control unit read/write operations to occur before the corresponding channel response sequences, thus permitting data to be sent in large segments.
Data streaming is enabled by selecting either low or high-speed data rate at 1.25 or 2.5 MBytes/second data rate during the customization of the 3174. Current 3174 low and high-speed data rates are .65 and 1.25 MBytes/second. The host control program must also be customized to support Data streaming and command retry on the channel to which the 3174 is attached. The 3174 must be customized to support command retry when Data-streaming mode is selected.
Multiple Logical Terminal (MLT) Level 6
An additional level of MLT support is provided by Multiple Logical Terminal (MLT) level 6. The 3174 can be configured to allow for a maximum number of logical terminals (LTs) to be defined for both 3270 CUT devices and ASCII devices emulating 3270 CUT mode operation. Multiple Logical Terminal (MLT) level 6 allocates a storage increment of 1.5MB to support five LTs on each CUT and ASCII port. The maximum number of sessions supported by Multiple Logical Terminal (MLT) level 6 in the 3174 Establishment Controller is 253. Note that MLT level 6 is not required to support Multiple Logical Terminals on ASCII devices, but is required when storage requirements for MLT storage weighting factors for CUT and ASCII devices exceed 1152.
Asynchronous Emulation Adapter (AEA) Enhancements
The Asynchronous Emulation Adapter enhancements consist entirely of functional changes in the Licensed Internal Code. The implementation of the AEA enhancements will increase the storage requirements and may necessitate additional storage. Refer to the Configuration Support-B Storage Requirements section for additional storage requirement information.
The following enhancements are added to the AEA support:
- Additional ASCII Emulation Support for 3270 CUT terminals
to ASCII host(s).
- Data General** Dasher D210
- DEC** VT220 (7 and 8 bit)
- Extended Attribute Buffer (EAB) support for 3270 terminal access to ASCII hosts (uses the 3270 terminal EAB to provide enhanced mapping of ASCII character attributes).
- Improved 3270 Emulation for ASCII terminals connected to IBM 3270
host applications.
- Multiple Logical Terminal (MLT) access for ASCII Terminals to the primary IBM host on the 3174 primary interface
- Additional terminals supported for 3270 Emulation (attached
support is also provided for these terminals):
- ROLM** Cypress, Cedar, Juniper
- DEC** VT220 (7 or 8 bit)
- Tektronix** 4205
- WYSE** 50/60
- User Defined Translate Table (UDX) for ASCII Terminals
- User Defined Terminal Table/Keyboard Mapping (UDT) for ASCII Terminals
- Miscellaneous 3287 Printer RPQ support for ASCII Printers
- Additional Per Port Password capability
- A device type (i.e., ASCII plotter) for use only as System Printer
ASCII Emulation
In ASCII emulation, 3270 CUT terminals communicate with IBM ASCII hosts using a 3101 data stream with 7- or 8-bit character length. Refer to the following listing for the languages supported for 3270 terminals in IBM ASCII emulation.
Language IBM 3101 Character Set IBM 316X Character Set
Austrian/ German German NCP or
German ISO 8859-1
Canadian Not Supported Canadian Bilingual NCP or
Bilingual or ISO 8859-1
Danish Not Supported ISO 8859-1
Finnish Not Supported ISO 8859-1
French French French NCP or
ISO 8859-1
Italian Italian Italian NCP or
ISO 8859-1
New Belgian Not Supported ISO 8859-1
New Swiss-French Not Supported ISO 8859-1
New Swiss-German Not Supported ISO 8859-1
Norwegian Not Supported ISO 8859-1
Portuguese Not Supported ISO 8859-1
Spanish Not Supported Spanish NCP or
ISO 8859-1
Spanish-Speaking Spanish Spanish NCP or
ISO 8859-1
Swedish Not Supported ISO 8859-1
U.K. English U.K. U.K. English NCP
or ISO 8859-1
NCP stands for National Code Page which supports Character Set 1 and Character Set 2 (CS1 & CS2).
In DEC ASCII emulation, 3270 CUT terminals communicate with the DEC ASCII hosts using one of the following:
- VT100 data stream with 7- or 8- character length
- VT200 data stream 7-bit control with 7- or 8-bit character length
- VT200 data stream 8-bit control with 8-bit character length
Refer to the following list for the languages supported for 3270 Terminals in DEC ASCII emulation.
IBM 3270
Keyboards DEC VT100 Character Sets DEC VT200 Character Sets
Austrian/ German NRC German NRC or
German Multinational
Canadian Canadian Bilingual DEC French Canadian NRC or
Bilingual NRC Multinational
Danish Norwegian/Danish NRC Norwegian/Danish NRC or
Finnish Finnish NRC Finnish NRC or
French French NRC French NRC or
Italian Italian NRC Italian NRC or
Netherlands Dutch NRC Dutch NRC or
New Belgian French NRC French NRC or
New Swiss-French Swiss NRC Swiss NRC or
New Swiss-German Swiss NRC Swiss NRC or
Norwegian Norwegian/Danish NRC Norwegian/Danish NRC or
Spanish Spanish NRC Spanish NRC or
Spanish-Speaking Spanish NRC Spanish NRC or
Swedish Swedish NRC Swedish NRC or
U.K. English British British NRC or
U.S. English 7-bit ASCII Multinational
3270 Emulation
The AEA provides national language support for the IBM 3101, 3151, 3161, 3162, 3163, and 3164, and the DEC VT100, VT220, VT240/1, Tektronix 4205, and FTTERM. The following list has the languages supported for IBM ASCII Terminals in 3270 Emulation.
IBM 3101 IBM 3151/316X FTTERM
Language Character Set Character Set Character Set
Austrian/ German NCP German NCP or German NCP
German ISO 8859-1
Belgian Not Supported ISO 8859-1 Belgian NCP
Canadian Not Supported Canadian NCP Canadian NCP
Bilingual or ISO 8859-1
Danish Not Supported ISO 8859-1 Danish NCP
Finnish Not Supported ISO 8859-1 Finnish NCP
French AZERTY French NCP French NCP or French NCP
ISO 8859-1
Italian Italian NCP Italian NCP Italian NCP
or ISO 8859-1
Norwegian Not Supported ISO 8859-1 Norwegian NCP
Portuguese Not Supported ISO 8859-1 Portuguese NCP
Spanish Not Supported Spanish NCP or Spanish NCP
ISO 8859-1
Spanish-Speaking Spanish Spanish NCP or Spanish NCP
ISO 8859-1
Swedish Not Supported ISO 8859-1 Swedish NCP
New Swiss-French Not Supported ISO 8859-1 Swiss-French
New Swiss-German Not Supported ISO 8859-1 Swiss-German NCP
U.K. English U.K. U.K. English U.K. English NCP
U.S. English U.S. ASCII U.S. ASCII U.S. English
The following list has the languages supported for the DEC VTXXX and Tektronix Terminals in 3270 Emulation.
DEC VT100 DEC VT220 Tektronix 4205
Language Character Set Character Set Character Set
Belgian 7/8-bit 8-bits 7-bit
French NRC French NRC or French NRC
Canadian Not Supported 8-bits Not Supported
Bilingual French Canadian
NRC or Multinational
Danish 7/8-bit 8-bits 7-bit
Norwegian/ Norwegian/ Danish NRC
Danish NRC Danish NRC or
Netherlands 7/8-bit 8-bits Not Supported
Dutch NRC Dutch NRC or
Finnish 7/8-bit 8-bits Not Supported
Finnish NRC Finnish NRC or
French 7/8-bit 8-bits 7-bit
AZERTY French NRC French NRC or French NRC
German 7/8-bit 8-bits 7-bit
German NRC German NRC or German NRC
Italian 7/8-bit 8-bits Not Supported
Italian NRC Italian NRC or
Norwegian 7/8-bit 8-bits 7-bit
Norwegian/ Norwegian/ Norwegian NRC
Danish NRC Danish NRC or
Spanish 7/8-bit 8-bits Not Supported
Spanish NRC Spanish NRC or
Spanish 7/8-bit 8-bits Not Supported
Speaking Spanish NRC Spanish NRC or
Swedish 7/8-bit 8-bits 7-bit
Swedish NRC Swedish NRC or Swedish NRC
New 7/8-bit 8-bits Not Supported
Swiss-French Swiss NRC Swiss NRC or
New 7/8-bit 8-bits Not Supported
Swiss-German Swiss NRC Swiss NRC or
U.K. English 7/8-bit 8-bits 7-bit
British British NRC or British NRC
U.S. English 7/8-bit 8-bits 7-bit ASCII
7-bit ASCII Multinational
Integration of RPQs into Configuration Support-B Release 2
Configuration Support-B, Release 2 provides for the integration of RPQs 7L0647, 7L0665, 8K1387, and 8Q0688.
- Local Format Storage (previously supported as RPQ #8X0024 in
Configuration Support-A)
The Local Format Storage function provides for host controlled loading of screen format information (MAPS) into the 3174 control storage and for subsequent run-time presentation of the stored MAPS. This function requires a customer written application program to generate and transmit the MAPS to the 3174. The CICS Basic Mapping Support fully supports the presentation of previously loaded MAPS stored in the 3174.
The 3174 Local Format Storage function is designed to be compatible with the IBM 8100 Outboard Formatting support that is available on the following levels of CICS:
While some tailoring/modification of host software may be required to take advantage of this function, use of this function can result in significant reduction of traffic on host to control unit transmission facilities, thus improving terminal response time and potentially lowering bandwidth costs for the host connection.
- 3174/AEA RPQ 8Q0688 (AEA 8 bit support) Integration
The integration of the RPQ permits NLS support for the DEC VT220** for both 3270 Emulation and for ASCII Emulation. Note that the same code table restrictions exist as with the original RPQ (the level of CECP support depends on the specific host code pages, controller code pages, and the specific display or printer).
- Configuration Support-B Release 2 provides for the integration of RPQ 7L0665 into the 3174 Establishment Controller. This support provides extended graphics mode support when using Country Extended Code Page (CECP) displays connected to an IBM 3270 application program. This function supplies additional keyboard characters selected through a combination of Alternate and Shift keys. The resulting new keyboard mapping constitutes the Keyboard ID 100, which is a subset of ISO 8884. It provides all Latin based language accents as diacritic accented characters to allow creation of any accented character required by supported languages. The languages supported by integration of certain RPQs into base function are the same as those supported by RPQ 7L0665.
- The Device Timeout Extension (RPQ 8K1387) is also integrated into Configuration Support-B, and can be activated during customization. This function adds an extra delay to the interface between the 3174 and an attached device. It provides 100 microseconds instead of 50 microseconds for a device to respond to any Read operation initiated by the 3174 controller. This support enables the 3174 to attach the IBM 5209 Link Protocol Converter or similar devices which require increased media delay between the 3174 controller and the device.
Other Configuration Support-B, Release 2 Enhancements
- Type-Ahead allows an operator to enter keystrokes when the keyboard normally would have been locked. This can be for data keys or 3270 Aid keys. If the operator knows what is required on the next screen they may key input for that screen immediately after depressing ENTER or a PF Key. Type-Ahead also allows the operator to rapidly pass through unwanted screens from the host. Type-Ahead is used for 3270 CUT-mode terminals and ASCII terminals in 3270 emulation mode operating in Main Frame Interactive (MFI) mode and may be activated during customization.
- With enhanced Null/Space processing the user can position the cursor via the cursor move keys so that any data keyed in remains where it is on the screen as if the space bar had been used to position the cursor. The operator may insert data into a line which has trailing spaces. The trailing blanks are moved off the end of the line (or field) and discarded. Enhanced Null/Space processing is used for 3270 CUT-mode terminals and ASCII terminals in 3270 emulation mode operating in MFI mode and may be activated by the terminal operator.
Functional Enhancements in Configuration Support-B Release 3
Multiple Hosts for Token-Ring Gateway
This function Gateway allows a Token-Ring attached device to take advantage of the multiple host connectivity options available in the Gateway 3174 Establishment Controller. With this feature, a Token-Ring device can connect to SNA host(s) (channel or SDLC) on the 3174's primary link and/or connect to SNA/SDLC host(s) via Concurrent Communication Adapter(s). This function will optimize gateway costs by accessing multiple host(s) through one 3174. The additional host(s) support can be used to provide additional applications to an existing network or providing a back-up host link. A maximum of two Concurrent Communication Adapters are supported by the gateway.
Single-Link Multihost Support for X.25 Networks
Enables X.25 attached 3174s (11R) to concurrently access up to eight IBM hosts via the primary link. The host must all be accessible via a single X.25 Network.
When used with a Concurrent Communication Adapter (CCA), Single Link Multihost - X.25 also makes it possible to concurrently access up to four IBM hosts via each secondary link that is attached to an X.25 Network. When two CCAs are present, each may access four hosts in addition to the primary host connections. This allows access to up to sixteen X.25 hosts via three physical links.
Single-Link Multihost X.25 support is not available on the 3174 Token-Ring Gateway and is not applicable to AEA device users.
X.21/X.25 Switched Autocall/Autodisconnect
The Autocall/Autodisconnect functions eliminate user intervention to initiate and break a X.21 Switched or X.25 Switched Virtual Circuit connection. Since the X.21 Switched or X.25 Switched Virtual Circuit attachments are made only when a display is active, connection costs are minimized and the customer now has the most cost-efficient use of the switched network resources.
These functions reduce the need for an operator display on Port 0. For security reasons, Port 0 can still manage up to five hosts, and allow the Autocall/Autodisconnect functions to control the other hosts.
The Autocall/Autodisconnect function incorporates the functions of RPQ 7L0661 (X.25 Dial), RPQ 7L0843 (X.25 Dial for DFT), and RPQ 7L0664 (X.21 Dial for DFT).
Enhanced X.25 Support
To improve the performance of some user applications, the 3174 now supports larger PIU sizes for X.25 connections. A PIU size of 521 may be selected as an alternative to the current support of 265. Larger PIU sizes provide more efficient communications.
To remain compatible and current with new network implementations and with other IBM X.25 products, these X.25 enhancements upgrade the X.25 support to conform to the most recent standards. Conformance to SC30-3409-1, which is IBM's X.25 architecture, includes considerations for 1988 CCITT Recommendations X.25 as well as ISO X.25 standards 7776 and 8208.
Duplex Multipoint for 3174 Token-Ring Gateway
The 3174 gateway can be used in a multipoint network with the NCP line configured as a Full Duplex line. In the past, multipoint networks containing 3174 Gateways had to have the NCP line configured as a Half Duplex line. This function allows the multipoint network to offer potentially increased throughput to all users on the line.
Remote IML Options
A new Central Site Control Facility (CSCF) option allows a NetView* operator to IML the 3174 controller remotely from a NetView terminal. This new option provides an online test that allows the user to perform the IML, select the drive from which the IML should occur and choose production, trial or back-level code. This function expands the control the network operator may exercise over the network 3174s.
Additional National Language Support
National Language Support changes include:
The positions of the period and comma key on numeric keyboards have been reversed for Cyrillic IBM Enhanced and IBM Converged keyboards to ease data entry.
The 3174 now supports Keyboard ID 171 for Spanish-speaking countries for all keyboards except IBM Data Entry and IBM Data Entry Keypunch providing additional accent characters. End-users have productivity improvements with a keyboard that matches the written language.
Functional Enhancements in Configuration Support-B Release 4
3270 Port Expansion Feature Support
Provides support of the 3270 Port Expansion Feature which allows up to sixty-four 3270 Category A devices to be attached to a single 3174 Model 11R. The Port Expansion feature consists of hardware that enhances the large cluster controllers to support an additional thirty-two 3270 Category A devices. Increasing the number of 3270 type devices per 3174 allows network expansion without increasing the size of the wiring closet and greatly reduces the price per port of the 3174. Field MESs offer future growth without investing in another 3174 controller.
Multiple Logical Terminal (MLT) Level 7
An additional level of MLT support is provided by Multiple Logical Terminal (MLT) level 7. The 3174 can be configured to allow for a maximum number of logical terminals (LTs) to be defined for both 3270 CUT devices and ASCII devices emulating 3270 CUT mode operation. Multiple Logical Terminal (MLT) level 7 allocates a storage increment of 2.048MB to support additional LTs for 64 ports. Multiple Logical Terminal level 7 is required when the sum of the MLT storage weighting factors for CUT and ASCII devices exceeds 1536 (MLT level 6).
Multiple Logical Terminal (MLT) Level 8
An additional level of MLT support is provided by Multiple Logical Terminal (MLT) level 8. The 3174 can be configured to allow for a maximum number of logical terminals (LTs) to be defined for both 3270 CUT devices and ASCII devices emulating 3270 CUT mode operation. Multiple Logical Terminal (MLT) level 8 allocates a storage increment of 2.688MB to support five LTs on each CUT and ASCII port. Multiple Logical Terminal level 8 is required when the sum of the MLT storage weighting factors for CUT and ASCII devices exceeds 2048 (MLT level 7).
Character Set and Code Page for Turkey
In this release, the Character Set and Code Page for Turkey will be changed to be Character Set 1250 and Code Page 1026 to support new customer requirements.
Configuration Support-B Storage Requirements
Some combinations of the features and functions described in the "Optional Features" and the Configuration Support-B sections may require additional storage. Before attempting decide on the total amount of storage required, the level of MLT support should be determined.
MLT Weighting Factors and MLT Levels For Configuration Support-B
Each IBM CUT and AEA attached display that is to be supported for MLT sessions requires a certain amount of storage based on the number of sessions desired, the display screen size and screen characteristics. This storage requirement is defined as a "Weighting Factor". The sum of the weighting factor for each terminal on a given 3174 and the physical host link determine the required level of MLT (level 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) to support the required MLT sessions.
MLT sessions on the primary host link are supported via 3174 control storage. MLT sessions via secondary physical host links (i.e. CCA), are supported by internal CCA feature storage. CCA feature storage is not expandable. Each CCA feature supports a maximum of MLT level 2.
The tables below should be used to determine the MLT requirements for the primary host link when multihost support is NOT selected and for the primary host link when multihost support IS selected.
- Use Table A if NO multihost support (Concurrent Communication Adapter and/or Single Link Multihost Support) is being customized.
- Use Table B if multihost support (Concurrent Communication Adapter and/or Single Link Multihost Support) IS being customized. Be sure to sum the weighting factors for the primary and any secondary physical host links (i.e. CCA), when present, separately. The primary host link MLT level is used when determining 3174 control storage requirements. Secondary host link MLT level requirements must be reviewed to ensure they are not greater than MLT Level 2.
Table A - NO Multihost Support (No Single Link Multihost or CCA)
(Primary host link only)
| Display Characteristics | Number of Sessions|
|Row x | Total | Per Terminal |
|Column | Characters | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
| 24X80 | (1920), no EAB | 0 | 0 | 2 | 4 | 6 | Weighting|
| 24X80 | (1920), with EAB | 0 | 4 | 8 | 12| 16| |
| 24X80 | (1920), ASCII | 0 | 0 | 2 | 4 | 6 | |
| 30X80 | (2400), ASCII | 0 | 4 | 8 | 12| 16| Factors |
| 32X80 | (2560), ASCII | 0 | 4 | 8 | 12| 16| |
| 32X80 | (2560), no EAB | 0 | 4 | 8 | 12| 16| |
| 32X80 | (2560), with EAB | 0 | 12| 20| 28| 36| per |
| 43X80 | (3440), no EAB | 0 | 4 | 8 | 12| 16| |
| 43X80 | (3440), with EAB | 0 | 12| 20| 28| 36| |
| 27X132| (3564), no EAB | 0 | 4 | 8 | 12| 16| Terminal |
| 27X132| (3564), with EAB | 0 | 12| 20| 28| 36| |
Note: EAB (Extended Attribute Buffer) refers to the ability of some displays to highlight or display in 7 color mode, individual display character positions.
Note: If you are planning storage for ASCII Tektronix 4205s or UDT tables for which transparency is being defined, you must add additional storage. Base the additional storage amounts on screen size. If the display is 24 X 80, add 2 KB more storage; if the display is 30 X 80, add 4 KB more storage. If you are planning for only one session on an ASCII display, no additional storage is required
Note: Some CUT displays support a number of screen sizes and allow the user to select a screen size as part of display set-up mode. If these displays support the Extended Function feature, then the largest screen size supported by the device must be used to determine its weighting factor. If the display does not support this feature, then the screen size chosen during set-up mode should be used to determine the display's weighting factor.
For Configuration Support-B, some changes were made for the Extended Function feature support. For devices which support this feature, the largest screen size should only be used to determine the weighting factor for the session that can communicate with a SNA host. Also, a customization option was added that disables the ability of the 3270 host to BIND the display for a screen size larger than the size selected at display set-up time. In other words, when this option is used, the screen size chosen at display setup mode should be used to determine the display's weighting factor. For a list of the displays that support the Extended Function feature, refer to Chapter 6 of the 3174 Planning Guide (GA27-3862)
Table B - Multihost IS Supported (Single Link Multihost and/or CCA)
(Primary host link and any secondary host links (i.e. CCA))
| Display Characteristics | Number of Sessions|
|Row x | Total | Per Terminal |
|Column | Characters | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
| 24X80 | (1920), no EAB | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | Weighting|
| 24X80 | (1920), with EAB | 0 | 0 | 4 | 8 | 12| |
| 32X80 | (2560), no EAB | 0 | 0 | 4 | 8 | 12| |
| 24X80 | (1920), ASCII | 0 | 0 | 2 | 4 | 6 | Factors |
| 30X80 | (2400), ASCII | 0 | 4 | 8 | 12| 16| |
| 32X80 | (2560), ASCII | 0 | 4 | 8 | 12| 16| |
| 32X80 | (2560), with EAB | 0 | 8 | 16| 24| 32| per |
| 43X80 | (3440), no EAB | 0 | 0 | 4 | 8 | 12| |
| 43X80 | (3440), with EAB | 0 | 8 | 16| 24| 32| |
| 27X132| (3564), no EAB | 0 | 0 | 4 | 8 | 12| Terminal |
| 27X132| (3564), with EAB | 0 | 8 | 16| 24| 32| |
Note: EAB (Extended Attribute Buffer) refers to the ability of some displays to allow extended highlighting (reverse video, blinking and underscore), extended color (seven colors), Programmed Symbols, etc.
Note: If you are planning storage for ASCII Tektronix 4205s or UDT tables for which transparency is being defined, you must add additional storage. Base the additional storage amounts on screen size. If the display is 24 X 80, add 2 KB more storage; if the display is 30 X 80, add 4 KB more storage. If you are planning for only one session on an ASCII display, no additional storage is required
Note: Some CUT displays support a number of screen sizes and allow the user to select a screen size as part of display set-up mode. If these displays support the Extended Function feature, then the largest screen size supported by the device must be used to determine its weighting factor. If the display does not support this feature, then the screen size chosen during set-up mode should be used.
For Configuration Support-B, Release 4 some changes were made for the Extended Function feature support. For devices which support this feature, the largest screen size should only be used to determine the weighting factor for the session that can communicate with a SNA host. Also, a customization option was added that disables the ability of the 3270 host to BIND the display for a screen size larger than the size selected at display set-up time. In other words, when this option is used, the screen size chosen at display setup mode should be used to determine the display's weighting factor. For a list of the displays that support the Extended Function feature, refer to Chapter 6 of the 3174 Planning Guide (GA27-3862)
Note: If CCAs are installed, do not count MLT sessions assigned to the secondary physical host links (i.e., CCA) when determining the weighting factors for 3174 control storage. Be sure, however, to confirm that each secondary host link (i.e., CCA) requirement does not exceed MLT Level 2.
Based upon the sum of the weighting factors selected using Table A or B, either use that sum or the appropriate weighting number (Configuration Support-B, Release 4 or Configuration Support-C) to determine the appropriate MLT Level required:
- For MLT level 0, the sum of weighting factors is 0.
- For MLT level 1, the sum of weighting factors must not exceed 64.
- For MLT level 2, the sum of weighting factors must not exceed 128.
- For MLT level 3, the sum of weighting factors must not exceed 512.
- For MLT level 4, the sum of weighting factors must not exceed 896.
- For MLT level 5, the sum of weighting factors must not exceed 1152.
- For MLT level 6, the sum of weighting factors must not exceed 1536.
- For MLT level 7, the sum of weighting factors must not exceed 2048.
- For MLT level 8, the sum of weighting factors must not exceed 2688.
Determining Configuration Support-B Control Storage Requirements
Any one of the feature/function combinations listed in Tables 1 and 2 is operable within its listed storage requirement. Features and functions not shown in the tables, do not increase storage requirements above that listed.
The following tables can be used to determine the amount of storage required for the combination of features and functions desired. 3174 Model 11R:
- Using TABLE 1, add the storage weighting factors for all desired functions to the base control storage weight (1661).
- If Gateway or Gateway/CCA support is required, used Table 2 to determine the additional storage requirement for the Gateway or Gateway/CCA combination.
- Using the above total, refer to TABLE 3 determine the total 3174 control storage required.
| | FACTOR | |
| Base | 1661 | |
| 3270 Port Expansion | 377 | Without multihost |
| Feature Support | | support |
| 3270 Port Expansion | 505 | With multihost support |
| Feature Support | | |
| AEA | 309 | Asynchronous Emulation |
| | | adapter. Add this factor |
| | | for the first AEA adapter |
| AEA Large Screen | 48 | Add this additional factor |
| Support | | when attaching any ASCII |
| | | terminals with large screens|
| AEA MLT | 216 | Add this additional factor |
| | | and some MLT level when |
| | | multiple logical terminals |
| | | are desired on ASCII devices|
| | | in 3270 CUT emulation mode. |
| | | NOTE: AEA MLT cannot be |
| | | configured on CCAs. |
| Multihost Support | 159 | Add 159 if either CCAs |
| (Concurrent Communi- | | or Single Link Multihost |
| cation Adapter/Single| | Support is used. |
| Link Multihost) | | |
| For Single Link Multihost Support, select one of the seven |
| following choices for the desired number of additional hosts.|
| Single Link Multi- | 54 | With 1 additional host |
| Host Support | | |
| Single Link Multi- | 108 | With 2 additional hosts |
| Host support | | |
| Single Link Multi- | 162 | With 3 additional hosts |
| Host Support | | |
| Single Link Multi- | 216 | With 4 additional hosts |
| Host Support | | |
| Single Link Multi- | 270 | With 5 additional hosts |
| Host Support | | |
| Single Link Multi- | 324 | With 6 additional hosts |
| Host Support | | |
| Single Link Multi- | 378 | With 7 additional hosts |
| Host Support | | |
| Some level of MLT must be selected (MLT 1 is the minimum |
| allowed) if Multihost Support is being implemented using |
| Single Link or CCA. |
| For MLT, select one of the following MLT levels determined |
| using Table A or B above, or the appropriate sum of the |
| weighting factors. |
| MLT Level 1 | 64 | See MLT Level determined |
|----------------------+---------| above |
| MLT Level 2 | 128 | |
|----------------------+---------| |
| MLT Level 3 | 512 | |
|----------------------+---------| |
| MLT Level 4 | 896 | |
|----------------------+---------| |
| MLT Level 5 | 1152 | |
|----------------------+---------| |
| MLT Level 6 | 1536 | |
|----------------------+---------| |
| MLT Level 7 | 2048 | |
|----------------------+---------| |
| MLT Level 8 | 2688 | |
| MLT Level X | X | Where X = Sum of the |
| | | weighting Factors. (Config-|
| | | uration Support-B Release 4 |
| For Central Site Change Management (CSCM), select one of |
| the three following options. |
| CSCM | 186 | A controller that receives |
| | | configuration from a central|
| | | site controller, or a |
| | | central site controller that|
| | | uses a diskette drive only. |
| CSCM FD1 | 267 | A central site controller |
| | | using one 20MB Fixed Disk |
| | | optional feature (#1056). |
| CSCM FD2 | 347 | A central site controller |
| | | using two 20MB Fixed Disk |
| | | optional feature (#1056). |
| | | Only for Model 11R |
| For Local Format Store, select one of the following six |
| choices of storage for local formats. Note: the format |
| storage selected is the TOTAL format storage selected |
| for all hosts. |
| Local Format Storage | 77 | Allows up to 64KB of format |
| Level 1 | | storage. |
| Local Format Storage | 141 | Allows up to 128KB of |
| Level 2 | | format storage. |
| Local Format Storage | 269 | Allows up to 256KB of |
| Level 3 | | format storage. |
| Local Format Storage | 525 | Allows up to 512KB of |
| Level 4 | | format storage. |
| Local Format Storage | 1037 | Allows up to 1024KB of |
| Level 5 | | format storage. See Note. |
| Local Format Storage | 1548 | Allows up to 1536KB of |
| Level 6 | | format storage. |
| For channel or remotely attached T/R Gateway, see Table 2 |
Note: If the 3174 contains a total of 3 MB of storage, then 984KB of
format storage are allowed.
Note: The Concurrent Communication Adapter (CCA) has sufficient internal storage to allow selection of MLT Level 1 or MLT Level 2 for those sessions that communicate through the CCA, up to four X.25 Single-Link Multihost host connections, and Local Format Storage. Do not include CCA MLT, Single-Link Multihost, or Local Format Storage requirements in the 3174 control storage requirements calculated above.
| DSPUs | |
|-------------------------------------------------| Storage |
| Primary | CCAs | Primary and CCA DSPUs | Required |
| DSPUs ONLY | DSPUs ONLY | Primary | CCAs | |
| 1 - 28 | 1 - 100 | 1 - 20 | 1 - 32 | 512 |
| 29 - 72 | | 1 - 60 | 1 - 72 | 1024 |
| 73 - 116 | | 1 - 95 | 1 - 100 | 1536 |
| 117 - 140 | | 1 - 130 | 1 - 100 | 2048 |
| 141 - 200 | | 1 - 180 | 1 - 100 | 2560 |
| 201 - 250 | | 1 - 230 | 1 - 100 | 3072 |
| 1 - 71 | 1 - 100 | 1 - 40 | 1 - 50 | 512 |
| 73 - 140 | | 1 - 116 | 1 - 100 | 1024 |
| 141 - 250 | | 1 - 200 | 1 - 100 | 1536 |
| 1 - 20 | 1 - 100 | 1 - 12 | 1 - 32 | 512 |
| 21 - 50 | | 1 - 38 | 1 - 72 | 1024 |
| 51 - 80 | | 1 - 59 | 1 - 100 | 1536 |
| 81 - 100 | | 1 - 90 | 1 - 100 | 2048 |
Note - If you are planning to attach a large number of DSPUs to
a 3174 LAN Gateway controller (Token-Ring or Ethernet), thruput for
locally attached terminals may not be acceptable (e.g. poor response
times, decreased data transfer rates, or status code 379-02 is
displayed). Please consult the 3174 Performance Guidelines on HONE
to evaluate the 3174 performance and capacity factors that can be
expected in your desired configuration and application/host
To use Table 2, proceed as follows:
- Select whether the primary interface is channel or remote attached. If channel attached, determine if the maximum RU size is 4KB. Use the appropriate section of the table based on the maximum RU size.
- Determine the number of Downstream Physical Units that will be connected through the primary host link, if any.
- Determine the number of Downstream Physical Units that will be connected through the CCA links, if any. Note: There is a maximum of 50 DSPUs per CCA link.
- Using these two numbers, locate the specific storage increment that will support this configuration. This is the additional storage needed. Note: The maximum number of DSPUs connected through the 3174 Gateway with the Type 3 adapter is 140. The maximum DSPUs for the Type 3A adapter is 250 for 4KB RUs. 8KB RUs support a maximum of 100 DSPUs.
As examples:
- Assume: Local gateway, 4KB RUs, with 64 primary PUs, and 30 CCA PUs, then the additional amount of storage required for this gateway function is 1536KB.
- Assume: Local gateway, 8KB RUs, with 64 primary PUs, and 30 CCA PUs, then the additional amount of storage required for this gateway function is 2048KB.
| Total Weighting | Total Storage Required |
| Factor | |
| 2048 or less | 2.0MB total storage required |
| | (standard with 3174 Model |
| | 11R.) |
| greater than 2048 | 3.0MB total storage required. |
| and less than 3032 | |
| greater than 3032 | 4.0MB total storage required |
| and less than 4056 | |
| greater than 4056 | 5.0MB total storage required. |
| and less than 5080 | |
| greater than 5080 | 6.0MB total storage required. |
| and less than 6104 | |
If you customize for items requiring more than 6.0MB of storage, a deconfiguration of some features/functions will occur during IML.
Note: If you customize for items requiring more than 2.0MB of storage, a deconfiguration of some features/functions will occur during IML.
Note: A minimum of 4.0MB of control storage is recommended when using the off line Central Site Customization Utility (CSCU), Generate Control Diskette procedure, to generate control diskettes. This will reduce the time and manual intervention required for control diskette generation.
Configuration Support-C
Configuration Support-C supports all the functions in Configuration Support-B in addition to the enhancements listed below. In addition to the functional enhancements, certain releases provide for additional 3174 Models support.
Functional Improvements in Configuration Support-C Release 1
ISDN Basic Rate Interface Adapter Support
The 3174 ISDN Basic Rate Interface support enables remote workstations to communicate at 64 Kbps over high-quality end-to-end digital networks. It supports up to eight remote workstations without disrupting current upstream host communications. Included in the ISDN support are:
- ISDN Remote Gateway Group Poll
- ISDN Remote Gateway Duplex Multipoint
- ISDN Gateway Multiple Upstream Host via ESCON
Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking
Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking (APPN) feature is an enhancement to IBM's Systems Network Architecture (SNA) and Type 2.1 (T2.1) node architecture which allows inter-connection of systems of widely differing sizes into networks of an arbitrary topology, thereby making it easier to use, more reliable, and more flexible than existing networks.
APPN uses the T2.1 architecture as its base, and is built on the T2.1 low-entry networking function. The 3174 APPN support implements the network node function.
Peer Communication
The Peer Communication Feature provides an integrated version of the Peer Communication RPQ (#8Q0718). It provides the following functions for DOS and OS/2 workstations directly attached to the 3174:
- Peer-to-Peer communications between DOS and OS/2 workstations allowing them to form a local area network segment.
- Bridge function to access the IBM Token-Ring network for functions such as print/file servers.
- Local management function for problem determination of the LAN segment.
Functional Improvements in Configuration Support-C Release 1.1
Dynamic Definition of Dependent Logical Units
3174 Configuration Support-C Release 1.1 supports Dynamic Definition of Dependent Logical Units. The IBM 3174, in conjunction with VTAM, now provides for dynamic growth and change of customer networks by allowing dependent devices to automatically define and activate VTAM LUs when the associated device is powered on.
Supported by both MVS and VM releases of VTAM, the 3174 may be attached to either a channel, an ICA (Integrated Communications Adapter), a LAN (Local Area Network), or an NCP (Network Control Program). At device power-on time, Vital Product Data, as provided by IBM InfoWindow displays, along with 3174 customization information, is supplied to VTAM to accommodate the LU definition. The immediate benefits which can be recognized by a customer are:
- Reduction in the size of static network definition.
- Reduced system support requirements.
- Substantially increased flexibility in the movement of existing devices and the addition of new devices in the network.
This capability is standard in IBM 3174 Configuration Support-C, Release C1.1 and later, and Configuration Support-B Release 4.1 and later. For additional information on required VTAM and NCP releases, see VTAM V3R4 specifications.
Functional Improvements in Configuration Support-C Release 2.0
Split Screen
Split Screen allows the operator of a dependent workstation to display up to five logical terminal sessions on the screen at one time. The operator can determine how much of the screen is devoted to each session, which logical terminal sessions are displayed together with a work group, and the sequence that the logical sessions are displayed within the work group. Also, the operator can determine the "scroll factor" for each session. The JUMP key allows the operator to JUMP from one session to another within the "work group" on the screen; the ZOOM key enables the operator to view an entire logical terminal session at any time; and the CHANGE SCREEN key will display the next "work group". Up to five work groups can be defined per port. Each work group can define up to five LT sessions. Split Screen supports screen formats: 2 = 24 lines X 80-columns, 3 = 32 lines X 80 columns and 4 = 43 lines X 80-columns. The operator can determine how much of the screen is devoted to each session. When displaying two sessions on an equally divided screen in screen format 4, the operator can view almost two complete 24 X 80 sessions.
Host initiated local copy will print the entire presentation space, while operator initiated local copy will only print the portion of the active LT currently displayed. Work groups with 132 character wide sessions and ASCII passthru sessions are displayed in full screen mode only.
Copy from Session to Session
Copy Session to Session allows the operator of a dependent workstation to define a block of data and copy it to multiple locations in the same session, or when using MLT (Multiple Logical Terminal) capability, to multiple locations in multiple sessions. With the function, you can copy to or from any 3270 host session. In addition, you can copy from any ASCII emulation session. 4KB of control storage per port is required in addition to the current calculation for MLT. The maximum size for a copy is 1920 bytes.
HAP Sharing for Local Copy
Local Shared Host Addressable Printer (HAP) support allows a workstation-attached HAP printer to be used as a local copy printer by any workstation attached to the same 3174. Use of a shared HAP printer eliminates the requirement that a local copy printer be attached to each 3174 workstation. 3270 CUT-mode displays and ASCII displays in 3270 emulation mode support the HAP sharing.
Local Print Buffering
Local Print buffering allows an operator to copy screen data to a local copy printer and continue typing while the printer prints. This screen copy capability allows several screen copy jobs to be queued to 3174 control storage. Print buffering is particularly beneficial when multiple users share a single printer for local copy operations. In this environment, users may perform a local copy operation to a shared printer and not have to wait until the printer has completed the previous print job before the keyboard is available for further input.
Calculator Function
The 3174 Calculator function gives CUT displays 10-key calculator capability. Results are displayed in the operator information area (OIA) of the screen and may be used for numeric field input without rekeying. IBM enhanced keyboards or 122 key keyboards are required to support this function.
Token-Ring T1 Timer / Retry Count
Token-Ring T1 Timer / Retry Count makes it possible to optimize the 3174 T1 Timer value and Retry count for a specific customer's network. The T1 Timer is a response timer that identifies the amount of time the 3174 Token-Ring adapter should wait for an acknowledgement prior to retransmitting the Token-Ring frame. The T1 Timer retry number specifies the maximum number of retransmissions that are attempted after the expiration of the T1 Timer. Additional information about the T1 Token Ring Timer can be found in Token Ring Network Architecture (SC30-3374).
5250 Emulation for 3270 CUT-mode Devices
5250 Keyboard Emulation support makes it possible for the 3174 to provide IBM 5250 Emulation support for Field Exit, Field Minus and Field Plus. It also provides "5250 Reset Function" emulation. The AS/400 to which the 3174 is attached requires AS/400 V1R3 or later. AS/400 PTF MF02929 is required for V1R3. AS/400 PTF MF02930 is required for V2R1. Later AS/400 Versions and Releases do not require any PTFs.
132 Column Support via AEA
132 Column Support via AEA support allows both ASCII terminal emulation (ASCII terminal emulation for a 3270 device) and 3270 terminal emulation (3270 terminal emulation for an ASCII device) to display up to 132 columns of data on a single line. For example, a user can display extended print lines prior to, or in lieu of, printing.
IBM 3151, 3162, and DEC VT220 devices in 132 column mode support 3270 emulation for 24 rows by 132 columns. It also provides 27 row by 132 column support (Mod 5) support for the 3162, and for the 3151 with a '3151 Cartridge for Expansion'.
Entry Assist Support for ASCII
Entry Assist Support for ASCII devices extends 3174 Entry Assist capabilities offered for 3270 devices to ASCII devices. Entry assist provides tab, word wrap, margin, and audible End of Line (EOL) signal to terminal operators using applications that involve entry and editing of text material. Details on all functions support by the Entry Assist for ASCII are found in the publication GA23-0119.
CSCF IML Password Suppression
IML Password Suppression allows 3174 IML (Initial Microcode Load) from a NetView/CSCF (Central Site Control Facility) console without requiring the entry of a user password. This capability can save keystrokes for the console operator and eliminate the requirement for the console operator to maintain a listing of multiple 3174 passwords and reduces the need for multiple C-list to IML controllers in the network.
Functional Improvements in Configuration Support-C Release 3.0
- APPN Enhancements
- 3174 Network Node (NN) compatibility in environments where the host is a LEN (Low Entry Networking) node, APPN EN (End Node), APPN NN, Migration Data Host (MDH), or an Interchange Node (IN).
- Support for multiple links into a LEN subarea from an APPN network comprised of 3174s or other APPN nodes.
- Support for the transfer of 3270 and APPN data streams across a single SDLC link between a 3174 and an AS/400.
- TCP/IP Telnet Support
TCP/IP Telnet Support provides Telnet client function for the IBM 3174 Establishment Controller. This support allows interactive access to remote TCP/IP hosts/servers from dependent 3174 attached terminals. Control Unit Terminal (CUT), ASCII, and Distributed Function Terminal-Extended (DFT-E) terminals can communicate directly with TCP/IP hosts/servers.
The 3174 communicates with a TCP/IP host via the 3174's interface to a Token-Ring or Ethernet LAN. Thus, a dependent terminal attached to a 3174 can establish an interactive TELNET session with a TCP/IP server anywhere in the existing LAN network. The host/server may be attached directly to the Token-Ring/Ethernet LAN, or it may exist anywhere in the network reachable via that LAN and any bridges or routers.
The following TCP/IP protocols are supported:
- IP - Internet Protocol
- ICMP - Internet Control Message Protocol
- ARP - Address Resolution Protocol (Resolver client only)
- TCP - Transmission Control Protocol
- UDP - User Datagram Protocol
- TELNET - Teletypewriter Network (client only)
- PING - Packet Internet Groper (ICMP)
- DNS - Domain Name Server (stub resolver)
- SNMP - Simple Network Management Protocol (MIB-1 Agent Only)
The SNMP agent responds to requests for MIB variable information from an SNMP client elsewhere in the network. The SNMP support requires additional storage, as shown in the Configuration Support-C storage requirements section of this document.
Using 3174 TCP/IP Telnet support, any dependent display that currently attaches to the 3174 controller (CUT, ASCII, DFT-E), can operate in Telnet mode. ASCII displays are supported via the AEA feature (FC 3020). Coaxial attached displays operating in CUT mode are supported as VT100, VT220, IBM 3101 or DG210 devices. These devices are supported as 24 X 80 full-screen devices. When accessing TCP/IP on an IBM host (TCP/IP for VM or MVS) only line-by-line mode is supported. ASCII device screen support is negotiated during the TELNET session set-up. Simple line-by-line mode is the default screen mode.
TCP/IP Telnet Terminal Support
The 3174 attached dependent terminals that can be used to access TCP/IP applications are:
- Coaxial-attached (CUT) dependent displays (up to 5 sessions via MLT)
- Intelligent displays operating in CUT mode (up to 5 sessions via MLT)
- DFT-E displays operating in ASCII host session mode (1 session)
- ASCII displays (up to 5 sessions via AEA MLT)
TCP/IP Telnet Prerequisites
- The 3174 requires a Token-Ring or Ethernet LAN adapter. This adapter is standard on the 13R model.
- 3174 Model 11R requires an IBM Token-Ring adapter (FC 3026, 3030, or 3044), or an Ethernet LAN adapter (FC 3045).
- An AEA adapter (FC 3020) is only required when ASCII terminals are to be connected to the 3174. An AEA adapter is not required for 3270 displays utilizing the 3174 TCP/IP Telnet function.
3174 Storage Considerations
TCP/IP Telnet support impacts 3174 control storage requirements. Refer to "Determining Configuration Support-C Control Storage Requirements".
- TCP/IP Telnet is only supported on 3174s running SNA
- RPQ 8Q1041 is required for TN3270 support
- 132-characters-per-line support is not supported under ASCII emulation for CUT terminals in a TELNET session.
This function was previously provided by RPQ 8Q0935.
Other Configuration Support-C Release 3 enhancements include:
- Concurrent Communication Adapter support for the 3174 Port Expansion Feature
Configuration Support-C Release 3 makes it possible for devices attached to the 3174 via the Port Expansion Feature (FC 3100) to access a secondary host via the Concurrent Communication Adapter. In the past, devices attached to ports 32 to 63 could not access applications running on a secondary host link through the Concurrent Communication Adapter, while devices attached to ports 0 to 31 could access applications running on either the primary, secondary, or both host links. With Configuration Support-C Release 3, devices attached to ports 32 to 63 have the same host link access capabilities as devices attached to ports 0 to 31. A maximum of 160 sessions can be customized for each Concurrent Communication Adapter.
This function was previously provided for Configuration Support-B only via RPQ 8Q0931.
- 3174 Concurrent Communication Adapter (FC #3050, 3051, 3052, or 3053).
- 3174 3270 Port Expansion Feature (FC #3100)
- Not compatible with RPQ 8Q0743 - X.25 Token-Ring Gateway
HAP Printer Assignment
Configuration Support-C Release 3 also makes it possible to assign a HAP printer (Host Addressable Printer) to a host other than 1A in a Single Link Multihost (SLMH) environment. The HAP printer may be assigned to any host (1A through 1H) that is accessible via the 3174's primary host link.
The HAP printer must be locally defined to the host. When a 3472 attached printer is used, the 3472 terminal cannot be defined to use a subsystem printer, as the 3174 has no way of knowing a printer is attached to the 3472. One of the other options that defines IBM host access to the 3472 attached printer must be selected. When attached in this manner, the printer ID in the 3472 Operator Information Area (OIA) will be 99 for the 3472 with the attached printer.
HAP Printer Assignment differences from previous HAP support
- With previous HAP support, a HAP printer could only communicate with the first host on the 3174's primary host link (1A), as defined during 3174 customization. In addition, the HAP printer had to use the second terminal session (1A2), as defined in the 3174's Port Assignment Table (PAST). With Configuration Support-C Release 3, any Single Link Multihost (1A to 1H) can be configured to communicate with a HAP printer. The 3174 will use the last value defined in the logical terminal assignment table as the host to communicate with the attached printer.
- The 3174 must be configured for Multiple Logical Terminal (MLT) support (Q110) and greater than one LT (Q116). The port with the printer assigned must have at least two LTs assigned.
- HAP printers cannot be assigned to Concurrent Communication Adapter (CCA) host links (e.g., 2A, 3A)
- Host access to ASCII workstation-attached printers is restricted to the second terminal session (1A2) on the primary host link (1A).
Configuration Support-C Release 3 also adds 3270 terminal support for the following Eastern European languages, keyboard IDs, code pages and character sets:
|122 KBD|G KBD@| | CHAR SET ID |
|-------|------| CODE |--------------|
TURKISH (NEW) | 440 | 440 | 1026 | n/a | 1152 |
| | | | | |
YUGOSLAV CYRILLIC | n/a | 118 | 1025 | n/a | 1150 |
MACEDONIAN | | | | | |
| | | | | |
BULGARIAN CYRILLIC | n/a | 442 | 1025 | n/a | 1150 |
RUSSIAN CYRILLIC | n/a | 441 | 1025 | n/a | 1150 |
| | | | | |
YUGOSLAV | 234 | 234 | 870 | n/a | 959 |
CROATIAN | | | | | |
SERBIAN LATIN | | | | | |
SLOVENIAN | | | | | |
| | | | | |
CZECH | n/a | 243 | 870 | n/a | 959 |
HUNGARIAN | n/a | 208 | 870 | n/a | 959 |
POLISH | n/a | 214 | 870 | n/a | 959 |
ROMANIAN | n/a | 096 | 870 | n/a | 959 |
SLOVAK | n/a | 245 | 870 | n/a | 959 |
@ G KBD is the Enhanced Keyboard.
- A 3270 terminal that is capable of supporting one of the above listed keyboard IDs, code pages and character sets.
Functional Enhancements in Configuration Support-C Release 4.0
Configuration Support-C Release 4.0 is intended ONLY for 3174 controllers with Ethernet capability. TCP/IP enhancements such as TN3270, TCP/IP host printer support and SNMP MIB-II will be made available for both Configuration Support-C Release 3.0 and Release 4.0 by RPQ 8Q1041. 3174s without Ethernet capability will not be eligible to receive Configuration Support-C Release 4.0.
Functional Improvements in Configuration Support-C Release 5.0
APPN extension includes:
- Provides APPN routing for Dependent LUs for 3270 terminal and printer applications. This Dependent LU Requester function is used in conjunction with the Dependent LU Server function.
- Management Services of the 3174 APPN NN has been extended to communicate with a Network Management Focal Point using an LU6.2 session and Multiple Domain Support for transport.
- The APPN NN support has been extended to provide T2.1 link connectivity across an X.25 network. As a DTE, the 3174 provides APPN networking services and routing to VTAM/NCP hosts, APPN Network Nodes, APPN End Nodes, or LEN End Nodes in an X.25 network.
- The APPN NN support has been extended to provide T2.1 link CONNECTIVITY ACROSS A FRAME RELAY NETWORK WITH UP TO 225 PVCs. This is in conjunction with Frame Relay Communications feature.
- Removes the requirement for Token-Ring adapter for APPN feature.
- Interoperate with other APPN functions such as Border Nodes of AS400 and VTAM and Central Directory in VTAM.
Frame Relay Communications include:
- Supporting Frame Relay communications for the
3174 over the primary communications link using RFC 1490 for
multiplexing multiple protocols over a single PVC.
Protocols supported are:
- SNA 3270 (PU2) plus LAN Gateway
- TCP/IP Client Telnet support
- Supporting LLC 802.2 standard for SNA and APPN communications and communications with NCP Frame Relay TE and other products.
- Support for higher speed WAN communications, up to 256Kbps, for the primary communications link for X.21 and V.35 for Frame Relay Communication.
3174 Configuration Support-C Release 5 also provides the following enhancements:
- Support for Higher Speed Communications for X.21 and V35 for SDLC communication.
- Enhancements of the 5250 Emulation support.
- MLT support for 3174 coax attached printers to support up to 5 host sessions.
- Extend AEA attached device support to support access to hosts that are attached via the Concurrent Communication Adapter or via the 3174 Single Link Multihost support.
- Concurrent multiple CECP language support.
- Printer sharing among multiple PS/55 Multistations without host intervention.
Starting with Configuration Support-C Release 5, The APPN feature, Peer Communication feature, and the AEA feature code is premerged onto the extension diskette. The customer no longer needs to order the APPN or Peer Communication feature to receive the code nor do a DSL merge.
Functional Improvements in Configuration Support-C Release 6.0
- APPN enhancements include:
- Support for up to eight T2.1 ESCON channel connections
- Safe store of the APPN topology data base if a hardfile is available
- Frame Relay Communications feature includes:
- Multiport bridging that connects two or more bridge ports with a combination of Token-Ring, frame relay, or Peer Communication support
- Remote source-route bridging that uses frame relay to enable the 3174 bridge to attach Token-Ring and Peer segments to remote Token-Ring and Peer Segments
- TCP/IP enhancements include the following:
- IP routing of datagrams through the 3174
- TN3270 support to provide access to 3270 applications using TCP/IP as the transport
- Printer support to allow TCP/IP hosts to send print output to 3174 attached printers
- SNMP extension to support MIB-II variables for RFCs 1213, 1231, and 1398
- Record/Play
- Record/Play records up to 24 separate keystroke sequences and plays back recorded keystroke sequences on any attached CUT or ASCII terminal
- Extended Language Support
- ASCII Emulation Adapter now supports an additional nine Eastern European languages for AEA terminals
Configuration Support-C Connectivity Options
The following diagram summarizes the connectivity options available using Configuration Support-C Licensed Internal Code and the Peer Communication feature.
--------------- -------------- --------------
| | | 3174 CS-"C" | | |
| IWS | |--------------| | IWS |
| |{--------}| PEER LIC |{--------}| |
|---------------| |--------------| |--------------|
| IWS |Connection| 3174 Config. |Connection| IWS |
| + | | | | + |
| 3174-WPCSP | COAX | 3 1 7 4 | COAX | 3174-WPCSP |
| (PRPQ P85114)| | | | (PRPQ P85114)|
|---------------|----------| CS - "C" |----------|--------------|
| | | + | | Other TRN/IWS|
| | | | | (APPC,...) |
| | | PEER LIC | | ------------ |
| | | | | 3174 CS-B w/ |
| | | | | RPQ 8Q0718 |
| | | | TRN | + DOS APPC/PC|
| | | | |+ PRPQ P85114 |
| | | | | ------------ |
| | | | | 3174 CS-C w/ |
| | | | | PEER LIC |
| | | | | + DOS APPC/PC|
| | | | |+ PRPQ P85114 |
The following diagram shows some connectivity options available using Configuration Support-C Licensed Internal Code and APPN, Peer Communications and Frame Relay Communications features. The listed Version/Release of a product may be a later Version/Release.
3174 NN connects to products via media for node types listed.
|Product | Media | Node Type |
| | | LEN EN NN |
| 3174 (C5 +FR COMM.) | TR, Enet, X.25, FR | | | X |
| AS400 | TR, Enet,X.25, SDLC, FR| X | X | X |
| DPPX/370 (R3) | TR | X | X | X |
| SAA NS/2 | TR, X.25 | X | X | X |
| OS/2 EE (1.2,1.3,J1.2) | TR, X.25, Enet | X | X | X |
| AIX SNA Ser./6000 V2R1 | TR | X | X | X |
| DOS APPC/PC | TR | X | | |
| DOS APPN/PC WPCSP | Coax | X | | |
| (PRPQ P85114) | | | | |
| RXR/2 | FR, TR | X | X | X |
| 6611 MPNP V1R2 | TR, Enet | | | X |
| | | | | |
| VTAM V3R2 | SDLC, TR, X.25 | X | | |
| + NCP | | | | |
| 3720 V5R3 | | | | |
| 3725 V4R3.1 | | | | |
| 3745 V5R3 | | | | |
| | | | | |
| VTAM | Parallel/ESCON channel | X | | |
| VM V3R3 or | | | | |
| MVS/ESA V3R4 | | | | |
| | | | | |
| VTAM V4R1 | Parallel/ESCON channel | X | X | X |
| + NCP V6R2 | SDLC, TR, X.25, | X | X | X |
| + NCP V7R1 | FR | X | X | X |
Configuration Support-C Storage Requirements
Some combinations of the features and functions described in the "Optional Features", the Configuration Support-B, and the Configuration Support-C sections may require additional storage. Before attempting to decide on the total amount of storage required, the level of MLT support should be determined.
MLT Weighting Factors for Configuration Support-C
Each IBM CUT display that is to be supported for MLT sessions requires a certain amount of storage based on the number of sessions desired, the display screen size and screen characteristics. This storage requirement is defined as a "Weighting Factor". The sum of the weighting factor for each terminal on a given 3174 and the physical host link determine the required level of MLT (level 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) to support the required MLT sessions.
MLT sessions on the primary host link are supported via 3174 control storage. MLT sessions via secondary physical host links (i.e. CCA), are supported by internal CCA feature storage. CCA feature storage is not expandable. Each CCA feature supports a maximum of MLT level 2. If LAN Gateway is customized on the CCA, the total presentation space (PS) on the CCA is 256KB.
The tables below should be used to determine the MLT requirements for the primary host link when multihost support is NOT selected and for the primary host link when multihost support IS selected.
- Use Table A if NO multihost support (Concurrent Communication Adapter and/or Single Link Multihost Support) is being customized.
- Use Table B if multihost support (Concurrent Communication Adapter and/or Single Link Multihost Support) IS being customized. Be sure to sum the weighting factors for the primary and any secondary physical host links (i.e. CCA), when present, separately. The primary host link MLT level is used when determining 3174 control storage requirements. Secondary host link MLT level requirements must be reviewed to ensure they are not greater than MLT Level 2.
TABLE A - NO Multihost Support (No Single Link Multihost or CCA)
(Primary host link only)
| Display Characteristics | Number of Sessions|
|Row x | Total | Per Terminal |
|Column | Characters | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
| 24X80 | (1920), no EAB | 0 | 0 | 2 | 4 | 6 | Weighting|
| 24X80 | (1920), with EAB | 0 | 4 | 8 | 12| 16| |
| 32X80 | (2560), no EAB | 0 | 4 | 8 | 12| 16| |
| 32X80 | (2560), with EAB | 0 | 12| 20| 28| 36| Factors |
| 43X80 | (3440), no EAB | 0 | 4 | 8 | 12| 16| |
| 43X80 | (3440), with EAB | 0 | 12| 20| 28| 36| |
| 27X132| (3564), no EAB | 0 | 4 | 8 | 12| 16| |
| 27X132| (3564), with EAB | 0 | 12| 20| 28| 36| per |
| 24X80 | (1920), ASCII | 0 | 0 | 2 | 4 | 6 | |
| 30X80 | (2400), ASCII | 0 | 4 | 8 | 12| 16| |
| 32X80 | (2560), ASCII | 0 | 4 | 8 | 12| 16| |
| 43X80 | (2560), ASCII | 0 | 4 | 8 | 12| 16| Terminal |
| 24X132| (2560), ASCII | 0 | 4 | 8 | 12| 16| |
| 27X132| (2560), ASCII | 0 | 4 | 8 | 12| 16| |
TABLE B - Multihost IS Supported (Single Link Multihost and/or CCA)
(Primary host link and any secondary host links (i.e. CCA))
| Display Characteristics | Number of Sessions|
|Row x | Total | Per Terminal |
|Column | Characters | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
| 24X80 | (1920), no EAB | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | Weighting|
| 24X80 | (1920), with EAB | 0 | 0 | 4 | 8 | 12| |
| 32X80 | (2560), no EAB | 0 | 0 | 4 | 8 | 12| |
| 32X80 | (2560), with EAB | 0 | 8 | 16| 24| 32| Factors |
| 43X80 | (3440), no EAB | 0 | 0 | 4 | 8 | 12| |
| 43X80 | (3440), with EAB | 0 | 8 | 16| 24| 32| per |
| 27X132| (3564), no EAB | 0 | 0 | 4 | 8 | 12| |
| 27X132| (3564), with EAB | 0 | 8 | 16| 24| 32| |
| 24X80 | (1920), ASCII | 0 | 0 | 2 | 4 | 6 | Terminal |
| 30X80 | (2400), ASCII | 0 | 4 | 8 | 12| 16| |
| 32X80 | (2560), ASCII | 0 | 4 | 8 | 12| 16| |
| 43X80 | (2560), ASCII | 0 | 4 | 8 | 12| 16| |
| 24X132| (2560), ASCII | 0 | 4 | 8 | 12| 16| |
| 27X132| (2560), ASCII | 0 | 4 | 8 | 12| 16| |
Note: EAB (Extended Attribute Buffer) refers to the ability of some displays to allow extended highlighting (reverse video, blinking and underscore), extended color (seven colors), Programmed Symbols, etc.
Note: If you are planning storage for ASCII Tektronix 4205s or UDT tables for which transparency is being defined, you must add additional storage. Base the additional storage amounts on screen size. If the display is 24 X 80, add 2 KB more storage; if the display is 30 X 80, add 4 KB more storage. If you are planning for only one session on an ASCII display, no additional storage is required
Note: Some CUT displays support a number of screen sizes and allow the user to select a screen size as part of display set-up mode. If these displays support the Extended Function feature, then the largest screen size supported by the device must be used to determine its weighting factor. If the display does not support this feature, then the screen size chosen during set-up mode should be used.
For Configuration Support-B, Release 4 or Configuration Support-C, 3270 devices with Extended Function Feature (Feature 6) can support different screen sizes. Refer to question 110 in Chapter 6 of the 3174 Planning Guide (GA27-3862 for CS-B and GA27-3918 for CS-C).
Note: If CCAs are installed, do not count MLT sessions assigned to the secondary physical host links (i.e., CCA) when determining the weighting factors for 3174 control storage. Be sure, however, to confirm that each secondary host link (i.e., CCA) requirement does not exceed MLT Level 2. If LAN Gateway is customized on the CCA, the total presentation space (PS) on the CCA is 256KB.
Buffered Local Copy Print Weighting Factor for Configuration Support-C
To calculate the weighting factor for the Buffered Local Copy Print function, determine the average number of copies you want to allow in the printer queue. Then multiply by the buffer size in the following table:
CUT or ASCII Device Screen Size Buffer Size (K)For example, if you want the potential to have three copies in the printer queue and use a CUT/43X80 with EAB, you would need 24K (3 x 8K).
------------------------------- ---------------
CUT/24X80 2
CUT/24X80 with EAB 4
ASCII/24X80 2
ASCII/30X80 4
ASCII/32X80 4
ASCII/43X80 4
ASCII/24X132 4
ASCII/27X132 4
CUT/32X80 4
CUT/43X80 4
CUT/27X132 4
CUT/32X80 with EAB 8
CUT/43X80 with EAB 8
CUT/27X132 with EAB 8
Copy Session to Session weighting factor for Configuration Support-C
To calculate the weighting factor for Copy Session to Session, multiply the number of configured ports by 4K. For example, a controller with 16 configured ports requires 64K of storage (16 x 4K).
Split Screen
If you expect to use split screen functions while accessing TELNET sessions, add 2K for each non-EAB TELNET LT and 4K for each EAB TELNET LT to your base MLT calculation.
MLT Levels for Configuration Support-C
Based upon the sum of the weighting factors selected in table A or B, the Buffered Local Copy Print weighting factor, and the Copy Session to Session weighting factor, determine the appropriate MLT Level required:
- For MLT level 0, the sum of weighting factors is 0.
- For MLT level 1, the sum of weighting factors must not exceed 64.
- For MLT level 2, the sum of weighting factors must not exceed 128.
- For MLT level 3, the sum of weighting factors must not exceed 512.
- For MLT level 4, the sum of weighting factors must not exceed 896.
- For MLT level 5, the sum of weighting factors must not exceed 1152.
- For MLT level 6, the sum of weighting factors must not exceed 1536.
- For MLT level 7, the sum of weighting factors must not exceed 2048.
- For MLT level 8, the sum of weighting factors must not exceed 2688.
Determining Configuration Support-C Control Storage Requirements
Any one of the feature/function combinations listed in Tables 1, 2, 3 and 4 is operable within its listed storage requirement. (Feature/functions not shown in the tables, do not increase 3174 control storage requirements.)
The following tables can be used to determine the amount of storage required for the combination of features and functions desired. For 3174 Model 11R:
- Using TABLE 1, add the storage weighting factors for all desired functions to the base control storage weight (2050).
- If Gateway support is required, used Table 2 to determine the additional storage requirement based on the host links (primary or CCA) that will be used.
- If APPN support is required, see TABLE 3 and TABLE 4 to determine the additional storage for the level of APPN support required.
- Using the above total, refer to TABLE 5 determine the total 3174 control storage required.
TABLE 1 Configuration Support-C
| | FACTOR | |
| Base | 2050 | |
| PS/55-3174 Printer | 55 | |
| Sharing function | | |
| Calculator function | 25 | |
| | | |
| 3270 Port Expansion | 377 | Without multihost |
| Feature Support | | support |
| 3270 Port Expansion | 505 | With multihost support |
| Feature Support | | |
| AEA | 309 | Asynchronous Emulation |
| | | adapter. Add this factor |
| | | for the first AEA adapter |
| AEA Large Screen | 48 | Add this additional factor |
| Support | | when attaching ASCII |
| | | terminals with large screens|
| AEA MLT | 216 | Add this additional factor |
| | | and some MLT level when |
| | | multiple logical terminals |
| | | are desired on ASCII devices|
| | | in 3270 CUT emulation mode. |
| Multi-Host Support | 159 | Add 159 if either CCAs |
| (Concurrent | | or Single Link Multihost |
| Communication Adapter| | Support is used. |
| or Single Link Multi-| | |
| Host) | | |
| For Single Link Multihost Support, select one of the seven |
| following choices for the desired number of additional hosts.|
| Single Link Multi- | 54 | With 1 additional host |
| Host Support | | |
| Single Link Multi- | 108 | With 2 additional hosts |
| Host support | | |
| Single Link Multi- | 162 | With 3 additional hosts |
| Host Support | | |
| Single Link Multi- | 216 | With 4 additional hosts |
| Host Support | | |
| Single Link Multi- | 270 | With 5 additional hosts |
| Host Support | | |
| Single Link Multi- | 324 | With 6 additional hosts |
| Host Support | | |
| Single Link Multi- | 378 | With 7 additional hosts |
| Host Support | | |
| Some level of MLT must be selected (MLT 1 is the minimum |
| allowed) if Multihost Support is being implemented using |
| Single Link or CCA. For MLT, select one of the following |
| eight MLT levels determined using Table A or B above or the |
| appropriate sum of the weighting factors. |
| MLT Level 1 | 64 | See MLT Level determined |
|----------------------+---------| above |
| MLT Level 2 | 128 | |
|----------------------+---------| |
| MLT Level 3 | 512 | |
|----------------------+---------| |
| MLT Level 4 | 896 | |
|----------------------+---------| |
| MLT Level 5 | 1152 | |
|----------------------+---------| |
| MLT Level 6 | 1536 | |
|----------------------+---------| |
| MLT Level 7 | 2048 | |
|----------------------+---------| |
| MLT Level 8 | 2688 | |
| MLT Level X | X | Where X = sum of the |
| | | weighting factors. (Config-|
| | | uration Support-B, Release |
| | | 4 or Configuration Support-C|
| For Central Site Change Management (CSCM), select one of |
| the six following options. |
| CSCM without APPN | 248 | A controller that receives |
| | | configuration from a central|
|----------------------+---------| site controller, or a |
| CSCM with APPN | 155 | central site controller that|
| | | uses a diskette drive only. |
| CSCM FD1 without APPN| 331 | A central site controller |
|----------------------+---------| with one 20MB Fixed Disk |
| CSCM FD1 with APPN | 238 | optional feature (#1056). |
| CSCM FD2 without APPN| 414 | A central site controller |
| | | using two 20MB Fixed Disk |
|----------------------+---------| optional feature (#1056). |
| CSCM FD2 with APPN | 321 | Only for Model 11R |
| For Local Format Store, select one of the following six |
| choices of storage for local formats. Note: the format |
| storage selected is the TOTAL format storage selected |
| for all hosts. |
| Local Format Storage | 77 | Allows up to 64KB of format |
| Level 1 | | storage. |
| Local Format Storage | 141 | Allows up to 128KB of |
| Level 2 | | format storage. |
| Local Format Storage | 269 | Allows up to 256KB of |
| Level 3 | | format storage. |
| Local Format Storage | 525 | Allows up to 512KB of |
| Level 4 | | format storage. |
| Local Format Storage | 1037 | Allows up to 1024KB of |
| Level 5 | | format storage. See NOTE. |
| Local Format Storage | 1548 | Allows up to 1536KB of |
| Level 6 | | format storage. |
| For 3174 Peer Communication support, select one of the |
| following four options. |
| 3174 Peer | 82 | Peer Communication support |
|----------------------+---------| without the Port Expansion |
| 3174 Peer and Bridge | 181 | Adapter |
| Support | | |
| 3174 Peer | 129 | Peer Communication support |
|----------------------+---------| with the Port Expansion |
| 3174 Peer and Bridge | 278 | Adapter. |
| Support | | |
| For Bridging options select from the following: (This is in |
| addition to any storage required for Peer Communications.) |
| LAN Network Manager | 69 | |
| Optional LAN adapter | 150 | Add if not LAN model and |
| | | operating without APPN over |
| | | LAN, TCP/IP over LAN, or |
| | | LAN Gateway. |
| Multiport bridging | | Use this value in addition |
| with Peer Segment | 150 | to Peer and bridge storage. |
| Multiport bridging | | Use this value for remote |
| without Peer Segment | 200 | bridging for token-ring. |
| For TCP/IP Telnet support, select from the following options.|
| TCP/IP Telnet | 231 | With AEA customized. |
| TCP/IP Telnet | 362 | Without AEA customized. |
| TCP/IP over LAN | 150 | Add if you are operating |
| | | TCP/IP over LAN without LAN |
| | | host or LAN gateway |
| TCP/IP over | 25 | Add if you are operating |
| Frame Relay | | TCP/IP over Frame Relay |
| Per session | 7 | Multiply by number of |
| | | session |
| SNMP | 50 | |
| TCP/IP data buffers | X | Base TCP/IP storage has |
| | | allocated 40 TCP/IP data |
| | | buffers (approximately 100 |
| | | bytes each). The X is for |
| | | additional TCP/IP data |
| | | buffer storage. |
*--------------------------------------------------------------*Determining Configuration Support-C Control Storage Requirements
*--------------------------------------------------------------* | ISDN Gateway Support| 58 | Add this factor only when | | | | configured as an ISDN and | | | | Token-Ring Network Gateway. | *--------------------------------------------------------------* *--------------------------------------------------------------* | For Frame Relay Communications add the following options. | *--------------------------------------------------------------* | Frame Relay receive | X | X is the additional Frame | | buffer storage | | Relay buffers configured | *--------------------------------------------------------------* | DLCIs specified | .2(N) | .2 times the number of DLCIs| | | | | *--------------------------------------------------------------* | Frame Relay for Host | 130 | Add this factor for remote | | attachment | | models | *--------------------------------------------------------------* | Frame Relay without | 195 | Add this for Token-Ring or | | Frame Relay host | | Ethernet models with a | | attachment. | | communication adapter. | *--------------------------------------------------------------*
*--------------------------------------------------------------* | For channel or remotely attached Gateway support, see | | Table 2 for additional storage requirements. | *--------------------------------------------------------------* | For APPN support, see Table 3 and 4 for additional storage | | required to support the configuration. | *--------------------------------------------------------------*
Note: The Concurrent Communication Adapter (CCA) has sufficient internal storage to allow selection of MLT Level 1 or MLT Level 2 for those sessions that communicate through the CCA, up to four X.25 Single-Link Multihost host connections, and Local Format Storage. Do not include CCA MLT, Single-Link Multihost, or Local Format Storage requirements in the 3174 control storage requirements calculated above.
| DSPUs | |
|-------------------------------------------------| Storage |
| Primary | CCAs (B)| Primary AND CCA DSPUs | Required |
| DSPUs ONLY | DSPUs ONLY | Primary | CCAs | |
| 1 - 28(C)| 1 - 100 | 1 - 20 | 1 - 32 | 512 |
| 29 - 72 | | 1 - 60 | 1 - 72 | 1016 |
| 73 - 116 | | 1 - 95 | 1 - 100 | 1528 |
| 117 - 140 | | 1 - 130 | 1 - 100 | 2040 |
| 141 - 200 | | 1 - 180 | 1 - 100 | 2552 |
| 201 - 250 | | 1 - 230 | 1 - 100 | 3064 |
| 1 - 72 | 1 - 100 | 1 - 40 | 1 - 50 | 512 |
| 73 - 140 | | 1 - 116 | 1 - 100 | 1016 |
| 141 - 250 | | 1 - 200 | 1 - 100 | 1528 |
| 1 - 28 | 1 - 100 | 1 - 20 | 1 - 32 | 512 |
| 29 - 72 | | 1 - 60 | 1 - 72 | 1016 |
| 73 - 116 | | 1 - 95 | 1 - 100 | 1528 |
| 117 - 140 | | 1 - 130 | 1 - 100 | 2040 |
| 141 - 200 | | 1 - 180 | 1 - 100 | 2552 |
| 201 - 250 | | 1 - 230 | 1 - 100 | 3064 |
| 1 - 20 | 1 - 100 | 1 - 12 | 1 - 32 | 512 |
| 21 - 50 | | 1 - 38 | 1 - 72 | 1016 |
| 51 - 80 | | 1 - 59 | 1 - 100 | 1528 |
| 81 - 100 | | 1 - 90 | 1 - 100 | 2040 |
(A) For an ISDN only Gateway, the 28 DSPU limit in 512KB storage on the
Primary Only is increased to a 32 DSPU limit.
(B) Token-Ring Network Gateway only.
Note - If you are planning to attach a large number of DSPUs to
a 3174 LAN Gateway controller (Token-Ring or Ethernet), thruput for
locally attached terminals may not be acceptable (e.g. poor response
times, decreased data transfer rates, or status code 379-02 is
displayed). Please consult the 3174 Performance Guidelines on HONE
to evaluate the 3174 performance and capacity factors that can be
expected in your desired configuration and application/host
To use Table 2, proceed as follows:
- Select whether the primary interface is channel or remote attached. If channel attached, determine if the maximum RU size is 4KB. Select the appropriate section of the table based on the maximum RU size supported.
- Determine the number of Downstream Physical Units that will be connected through the primary host link, if any.
- Determine the number of Downstream Physical Units that will be connected through the CCA links, if any. NOTE: There is a maximum of 50 DSPUs per CCA link.
- Using these two numbers, locate the specific storage increment that will support this configuration. This is the additional storage needed. NOTE: The maximum number of DSPUs connected through the 3174 Gateway with the Type 3 adapter is 140. The maximum DSPUs for the Type 3A adapter is 250 for 4KB RUs. 8KB RUs support a maximum of 100 DSPUs.
As examples:
- Assume: Local gateway, 4KB RUs, with 64 primary PUs, and 30 CCA PUs, then the additional amount of storage required for this gateway function is 1536KB.
- Assume: Local gateway, 8KB RUs, with 64 primary PUs, and 30 CCA PUs, then the additional amount of storage required for this gateway function is 2048KB.
TABLE 3 - APPN Support
| Nodes or Link connections |
| Sessions | 1-20 | 21-75 | 76-150 | 151-225 |
| 1-225 | 968 | 1188 | 1666 | 1966 | Additional|
|----------+--------+--------+--------+---------| |
| 226-500 | 1408 | 1628 | 2106 | 2406 | Storage |
|----------+--------+--------+--------+---------| |
| 501-750 | 1808 | 2028 | 2506 | 2806 | Required |
|----------+--------+--------+--------+---------| |
| 751-1000 | 2208 | 2428 | 2906 | 3206 | |
To use TABLE 3, select the number of intermediate LU 6.2 sessions and the number of nodes or link connections supporting the T2.1 sessions. The intersection of these values determine the additional storage required. To this value add storage for an additional frame relay or LAN adapter if required by Table 4.
TABLE 4 - Additional APPN adapter support
| For additional APPN support, select from the following options. |
| Frame Relay without Frame Relay host 90 |
| Optional LAN adapter without LAN gateway or TCP/IP over LAN 80 |
| Total Weighting | Total Storage Required |
| Factor | |
| greater than 2048 | 3.0MB total storage required. |
| and less than 3072 | |
| greater than 3072 | 4.0MB total storage required |
| and less than 4096 | |
| greater than 4096 | 5.0MB total storage required. |
| and less than 5120 | |
| greater than 5120 | 6.0MB total storage required. |
| and less than 6144 | |
Note: The maximum storage available when using Configuration Support-C is 6.0MB. If you customize for items requiring more than 6.0MB of storage, a deconfiguration to a minimum will occur during IML.
Note: A minimum of 4.0MB of control storage is recommended when using the off line Central Site Customization Utility (CSCU), Generate Control Diskette procedure, to generate control diskettes. This will reduce the time and manual intervention required for control diskette generation.
Feature Exchanges
The 3174 does not support feature exchanges.
Communication Cables
A communication cable connects the 3174 to a modem or other data circuit-terminating equipment (DCE). Accessory communication cables for the EIA 232D/CCITT V.24/V.28 and CCITT V.35 electrical interfaces are available for 3174 Model 11R.
Cables in 6m (20 ft) and 12m (40 ft) lengths are available. Order both the cable (by part number), and the "3174 Communication Adapter Feature Customer Setup Instructions" (by publication order number).
- Cable, EIA232/V.24, 6m (20 ft) - P/N 53F4779
- Cable, V.35, 6m (20 ft) - P/N 25F8490
- Cable, X.21, 6m (20 ft) - P/N 6168155
- Cable, EIA232/V.24/V.28, 12m (40 ft) - P/N 53F4780
- Cable, V.35, 12m (40 ft) - P/N 39F7963
- Cable, X.21, 12m (40 ft) - P/N 6168156
- CSU Instructions - GA27-3830
- CSU Instructions
- English - GA27-3830
- Spanish - GA10-8989
- Japanese - N: GA23- 3830
- German - GA12-3065.
AEA Extension Cable (P/N 39F7864)
IBM 3270 DPC-T3
P/N 83X9758
IBM Dual Purpose Connector to Twisted-Pair (DPC-T3) Adapter is an impedance matching adapter that allows attachment of an IBM 3270 terminal or printer to telephone twisted-pair wiring which meets or exceeds the specification for IBM Cabling System Type 3 media.
The DPC-T3 Adapter is 15 ft. (4.6m) in length, with a Dual
Purpose Connector (DPC), that attaches to the IBM device at one end,
a six pin modular RJ-11 telephone connector
at the other end.
Customer Replacement Parts
This section does not apply to the 3174.
Machine Elements
This section does not apply to the 3174.
None required with the machine order.
Supplies can be purchased for IBM Authorized Distributors or
IBM Telemarketing Operations (TMO). Call IBM at 1-800-438-2468.
Publications can be obtained through IBM representatives or IBM branch
IBM 3174 Diskette Identification Labels (GX23-0389)
Provides five labels to uniquely identify diskettes used with the 3174.
Diskette Mailer (P/N 2656102)
Provides one diskette mailing container.
X.21/X.25 Keyboard Labels
Provides 12 sets of seven keyboard stick-on labels (on one sheet) for X.21 switched network or X.25 network operation via a 3174 Model 11R. Order both the labels (by part number), and installation instructions (by publication order number).
- Sheet of Labels - P/N 1743595
- Installation Instructions - G126-0160
Packaging Materials
Packaging materials are available for use during 3174 relocation. They can be ordered via MES from the 3174 Plant of Manufacture. For applicable prices, refer to the HONE Sales Manual Option for Accessory Prices/Machine Element Prices.
Bill of Material 3174 Model
69X8159 11L, 11R, 12L, 12R, 13R, 14R
Coaxial Cable
For proper identification, installation, and application of cable and associated accessories, refer to "Installation and Assembly of Coaxial Cable and Accessories" for Attachment to IBM Products, GA27-2805.
IBM Cabling System
For proper identification, installation, and application of cable and associated accessories, refer to "IBM Cabling System Planning and Installation Guide", GA27-3361.
Twisted Pair Telephone Wire
For proper identification, installation, and application of cable, refer to the 3174 Establishment Controller Site Planning Guide (GA23-0213).
(P/N 6109660)
Provides a slipcase (SC) containing ten blank 5-1/4 inch diskettes with 1.2 MB of usable capacity for 3174 1.2 Diskette Drives.
Diskettes (P/N 72X6086)
Provides a slipcase (SC) containing ten blank 5-1/4 inch diskettes with 2.4 MB of usable capacity for 3174 2.4 Diskette Drives.
(R), (TM), * Trademark or registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.
** Company, product, or service name may be a trademark or service mark of others.
Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
File Last Updated on Sat, 24 Apr 1999